Emporix Digital Commerce Platform API Documentation


Number of APIs: 17

Manage structured product information.

Key Features: * Support for different product types - physical, digital or services * Extensible / customizable product configuration * Attach media such as pictures, videos, manuals, etc. * Tax class configuration * Localization of production information (i18n), including language localisation such as enEN, enUS, deDE, deCH or de_AT

Key Benefits: * Create a rich, golden record of all product information to help customers to make a better-informed purchase decision * Correctly associated products with tax information depending on the market it is sold in => create tax reports faster and more accurately * Use rich media to present and demo products better online * Quickly create comparison charts * Use correct product attribute names rather than re-use existing names that may not mean the same or are just generic placeholders * Create localized content, e.g. warning / legal information, different configuration (e.g. supported power plugs), etc. * Fully internationalize product information without duplicating a product record

1. product templates - Access Token

POST {{api-url}}/{{oauth}}/token

2. product templates - Creating a new product template

POST {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates

Preview Creates a new product template. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.

3. product templates - Getting a list of product templates

GET {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates?q=attributes.type:DATETIME

Preview Returns a list of product templates. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.

4. product templates - Getting a single product template

GET {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates/{{product-template-id}}?version=1

Preview Gets a single product template. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.

5. product templates - Updating a product template

PUT {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates/{{product-template-id}}

Preview Updates an existing product template. Every product template update causes creating a new version of product template. Products created in previous versions are not automaticaly updated. In order to see the changes (for example new attributes) on product level, updating the product template version on product level is required. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.

6. product templates - Deleting a product template

DELETE {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/product-templates/{{product-template-id}}

Preview Deletes a product template. The product template defines a set of attributes which are common for all product instances based on the product template.

7. product templates - Creating product with template

POST {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/

Creates a new product.

Required scopes

  • product.product_create
  • product.product_publish

    Note: Only required if you want to publish the product when creating it.

8. product templates - Retrieving a product's details

GET {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/{{productId}}?fields=name,mixins.productTemplateAttributes

Retrieves a specified product and its details.

Required scopes

  • product.product_read_unpublished

    Note: Only required if the product has not been published.

9. products - Access Token

POST {{api-url}}/{{oauth}}/token

10. products - Creating a bundle product

POST {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/

Creates a new product.

Required scopes

  • product.product_create
  • product.product_publish

    Note: Only required if you want to publish the product when creating it.

11. products - Creating a variant product

POST {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products

12. products - Retrieving a product

GET {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/{{productId}}?rawValue=true&expand=parentVariant&fields=name,code

13. products - Retrieving all products

GET {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products?pageSize=100&pageNumber=1

14. products - Updating a product's details

PUT {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/{{productId}}

15. products - Updating a product's details

PATCH {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/{{productId}}

16. products - Searching for products by YRNs

POST {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/search

Searches for specified products by their YRNs.

Required scopes

  • product.product_read_unpublished

    Note: Only required if the response should contain unpublished products.

17. products - Deleting a product

DELETE {{api-url}}/product/{{tenant}}/products/{{productId}}