Ecartapi.com Public API Documentation

Get orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

This HTTP GET request retrieves a list of orders from the Tiny e-commerce platform.

By default, 100 records are listed per page.

The response returns a JSON object with a success key indicating the success status, and an array of orders containing details about each order.

Each order object includes information such as ID, number, fulfillment status, currency, discounts, totals, dimensions, taxes, status, payment method, customer details, billing and shipping addresses, dates, and other relevant order-related data.

You can find more information about the API resource used in the Tiny Orders API documentation.



Key Datatype Required Description 
string Allowed values [pending, paid, authorized, other, shipped, refunded, cancelled]
string Default DESC, Allowd values [ASC,DESC]


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

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curl -X GET 'https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders?status[ecartapi]=String&sort=String&createdAt[from]=YYYY-MM-DD&createdAt[to]=YYYY-MM-DD' -H 'Authorization: access_token'