Ecartapi.com Public API Documentation

Unified API that connects every Ecommerce platform, shopping cart and Marketplace | EcartAPI

Number of APIs: 1126

Stop wasting time in developing integrations with every ecommerce system, make a single development with Ecart API and integrate your software with more than 40 ecommerces API's.

Ecart API is a great tool for developers looking to integrate their apps with ecommerce platforms fast.

We take care of keeping every API fully secure and updated. We offer a 99.9% of uptime and 24/7 support via email: hello@ecartapi.com

1. First Steps - Set up the Integrations Page

LINK https://oauth.ecartapi.com/RrAolcPw8lUYff7h8JEEnJ7sy3usAYlZ

The key to start using EcartAPI is our integration page. This is where the store owners will give us access to their information.

In this page we understand is crucial to be able to transform it into your own so we give you the options and tools to fully white label this view.

Setup your app information.

On your Dashboard under my apps you can create or edit your apps.

Setup your App name and Logo
The name of your app will appear at the top of the page if you choose to upload your logo or an image it will also apper there.

###### Setup your Domain For a full white label experience you can change the domain of the integration page from ecartapi to once of your choice. Follow the steps to set it up:
  1. Go to your App set up page and scroll to Advanced Settings.

  2. Input the new domain and Save it.

  3. Receive a Cname unique to your app.

  4. Set up the cname on your DNS.

**Important Note! Once you activate your domain you must have your own apps for all the following ecommerce's:**
  • Shopify.

  • Mercadolibre.

  • Kometia.

  • Ebay.

  • Wix.

  • Tradegecko.

  • Zoho.

  • 3dCart.

  • Bigcommerce.

  • Vendhq.

  • Salesforce.

  • Tiendanube.

  • Jumpseller.

  • Squarespace.

  • Amazon.

  • Etsy.

  • Ecwid.

Personalize the page to your clients.

Find listed all the parameters you can send when loading your integration page to give a better experience.

Test them right now here:

2. First Steps - Get All Apps

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/apps

Get all the APPs you have in your account.

3. First Steps - Get a single app

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/apps/{{appId}}

Get the details of an APP.

4. First Steps - Get Supported Platforms

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/ecommerces

Get a list of supported E-commerce platforms.

5. First Steps - Delete Access Token

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/apps/:appId/accesses

This call will delete the store access that you send in the header authorization.
It's required to send the App Id of the app where the store was created.

Possible response satus codes

Status Message Description
200 Success Token has been succesfully deleted
404 The access token does not belong to this app. The access token attempted to be deleted does not belong to the App id provided in the parameters
404 The App does not exist. The app provided in the parameters does not exist
401 Invalid token Token provided to delete does not exist
401 Token has been deleted Token provided to delete has already been deleted
401 Token is inactive Token provided has been deactivated

6. Secure Authentication - Get Access Information Copy

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/accesses/me/{{shop_id}}

Retrive a new integrated store's information.

Use the shop_id returned in the redirect_url and your client_id as an authorization header to collect the information.

This is a time sensitive request after a user has completed the integration flow and has been redirected to your app. You have 1 minute to fetch the store information. If you fail to fetch the information in the time limit the user will have to do the integration process again.

Verify requests being done to your application

On your redirect URL you will receive a key parameter.

The key parameter contains the integrated_at as an ISO 8601 String parameter encrypted as a Hash with a sha256 algorithm encoded to base64.

Javascript example using the crypto library.

const crypto = require('crypto');
let secretKey = client_id;
let integrated_at = store.integrated_at;
let hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secretKey).update(String(new Date(integrated_at).toISOString()), 'utf8').digest('base64')

7. Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Filters are available depending of the ecommerce

8. Orders - Count all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/count

9. Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

10. Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Creates new orders.

Important information:

11. Orders - Order Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Update an order's information.

Important information:

12. Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected order.

Important information:

13. Orders - Cancel Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/cancel

14. Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Request used to obtain all the products in a store catalog.

Find a general representation of all the filters and information EcartAPI can abet.

For more detailed information please refer to our Supported Requests By Cart folder and find the eCommerce of your choice.

15. Products - Count all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/count

16. Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

17. Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search.
page Pagination number.
sinceId Filter items since the Id given.
offset Lower limit of the results block. Modifies the range of the results provided, range goes from offset to limit.

18. Products - Get single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

19. Products - Count all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/count

Counts all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

20. Products - Get all product's images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Searches for all the images of a single product.

Important information:


Filter Description
sinceId Filter items since the Id given

21. Products - Get a single product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Searches for the selected image of a product.

Important information:

22. Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

23. Products - Variants

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Creates a variation of an available product.

Important information:

24. Products - Images

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Adds a new image to an existing product.

Important information:

25. Products - Product Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

26. Products - Variant Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates the information of an already existing product variant

Important information:

27. Products - Products

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

28. Products - Variants

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

29. Products - Images

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected image of a product.

Important information:

30. Product Listings - All product listings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings

31. Product Listings - Info product listing

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings/{{id}}

32. Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Searches for all the available categories.


Filter Description
ids Filter categories by the ids given
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
sinceId Filter categories since the Id given
name Filter categories by name
productId Filter categories by product id
siteId Filter items by site id
offset Lower limit of the results block. Modifies the range of the results provided, range goes from offset to limit

33. Categories - Count all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/count

34. Categories - Get a single category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

35. Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates a new category.

36. Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Actualize the selected category information.

Important information:

37. Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

38. Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers


Filter Description
ids Filter cutomers by Id's provided
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
sinceId Filter customers since the Id given
createdAt[from] Filter customers by date created from. When used createdAt[to]Required
createdAt[to] Filter customers by date created to. When used createdAt[from]Required
updatedAt[from] Filter customers by date updated from. When used updatedAt[to]Required
updatedAt[to] Filter customers by date updated to. When used updatedAt[from]Required
name Filter categories by name
search Search by string
email Search customers by email
offset Lower limit of the results block. Modifies the range of the results provided range goes from offset to limit

39. Customers - Count all costumers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/count

40. Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

41. Customers - Customers

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer.

Important information:

42. Customers - Customers Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Update the selected costumer's information.

Important information:

43. Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected customer.

Important information:

44. Carts - Get all carts

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts

45. Carts - Get single cart

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts/{{id}}

46. Carts - Cart Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts/{{id}}

47. Fulfillment - Gets all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:

48. Fulfillment - Gets a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

49. Fulfillment - Order's fulfillment Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Update the fulfillment information.

Important information:

50. Fulfillment - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

This request creates a fulfillment on an Order


The items array is optional it can be send on selected ecommerces to create partial fulfillments, if you want to make a complete fulfillment just skip sending this information and the fulfillment information will be applied to all the items in the order.

This API request has a feature that some ecommerces support, which allows to send the items of the order you choose to be fulfilled allowing for partial fulfillments. (THIS IS ONLY ON SELECTED ECOMMERCES REVIEW THE SUPPORTED REQUESTS BY CART FOLDER TO SEE IF THE ECOMMERCE YOU ARE USING ALLOWS THIS FEATURE)


We recommend that if you are going to be making this request to all of the ecommerces we offer to follow this payload as it has all the required information of the overall ecommerce's.

If you are only going to be working with a selected few ecommerce we recommend to go to our Supported Requests By Cart folder and using the payload from the ecommerce you choose to work with.

Important information:

  • The order's ID must exist

51. Fulfillment - Cancel fulfilment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Cancels an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

52. Webhooks - Webhooks available

OPTIONS https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

53. Webhooks - Get all store Webhoooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

54. Webhooks - Get a single Webhoook

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

55. Webhooks - Webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

56. Webhooks - Webhook

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

57. Webhooks - Webhook

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

58. Cupons-Cupon - Get All Cupons

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons

59. Cupons-Cupon - Get single Cupon

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{id}

60. Cupons-Cupon - Create Cupon

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons

61. Cupons-Cupon - Update Cupon

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/1133821526185

62. Cupons-Cupon - Delete Cupon

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{id}

63. Cupons-Discount Codes - Get All Codes for one Cupon

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponsId}/discountCodes

64. Cupons-Discount Codes - Get single Code for one Cupon

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponId}/discountCodes/{id}

65. Cupons-Discount Codes - Create Discount Code

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponsId}/discountCodes

66. Cupons-Discount Codes - Update Discount Code

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponId}/discountCodes/{id}

67. Cupons-Discount Codes - Delete Discount Code

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponId}/discountCodes/{id}

68. Live shipping rates-Woocommerce extension - Callback status

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/woocommerce/connect/status

69. Live shipping rates - Carrier response value


Everytime there is a user in the checkout of the ecommerce store you will get the following payload.

    "origin": {
        "name": "TestingPruebas",
        "company": "EcartAPI",
        "email": "admin@ecartapi.com",
        "phone": "81111111111",
        "street": "Florencio Varela",
        "number": "2471",
        "district": null,
        "city": "San Justo",
        "state": "Buenos Aires",
        "country": "AR",
        "postalCode": "1754"
    "destination": {
        "name": " ",
        "company": "EcartAPI",
        "email": "admin@ecartapi.com",
        "phone": "81111111111",
        "street": "street",
        "number": "1",
        "district": "General San Martin",
        "city": "General San Martin",
        "state": "Buenos Aires",
        "country": "AR",
        "postalCode": "5012"
    "items": [
            "name": "Productito",
            "sku": "PKNTO1",
            "quantity": "1",
            "price": "50",
            "weight": "1",
            "width": 10,
            "height": 10,
            "depth": 10,
            "productId": "123530131",
            "variantId": null
    "package": {
        "content": null,
        "amount": "1",
        "type": "box",
        "dimensions": {
            "length": 10,
            "width": 10,
            "height": 10
        "weight": "1",
        "lengthUnit": null,
        "weightUnit": null,
        "insurance": "0",
        "declaredValue": "0"
    "currency": "MXN",
    "locale": null

70. Live shipping rates - Expected carrier response values


When Ecartapi requests shipping rates from your callback URL the response must be a an array that contains the following information.

There are two kinds carrier services can offer, shipping and pickup.

When sending shipping options the payload should contain the following information

        "carrier": "oca",
        "service": "oca_PP",
        "serviceDescription": "Oca Puerta a Puerta",
        "pickUp": false
        "deliveryEstimate": "2-4 días",
        "deliveryDate": {
            "date": "2022-08-14",
            "time": "13:01",
            "dateDifference": 4,
            "timeUnit": "days"
        "totalPrice": 182.72,
        "currency": "MXN"

When sending pick up options the payload should contain the following information.


        "carrier": "oca",
        "service": "oca_PS",
        "serviceDescription": "Oca Puerta a Sucursal",
        "pickUp": true,
        "deliveryEstimate": "1-3 días",
        "deliveryDate": {
            "date": "2022-08-13",
            "time": "13:01",
            "dateDifference": 3,
            "timeUnit": "days"
        "totalPrice": 124.9,
        "currency": "MXN",
        "branches": [
                "branch_id": 75,
                "branch_code": "NIC",
                "reference": "SAN NICOLAS",
                "address": {
                    "address": "ESPAÑA",
                    "number": "280",
                    "phone": "8111111111",
                    "zipcode": "2900",
                    "locality": "SAN NICOLAS",
                    "province": "BUENOS AIRES",
                    "country": "AR"
                "hours": [
                        "day": 1,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 2,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 3,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 4,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 5,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                "branch_id": 129,
                "branch_code": "SPD",
                "reference": "SAN PEDRO",
                "address": {
                    "address": "OLIVEIRA CEZAR",
                    "number": "25",
                    "phone": "8111111111",
                    "zipcode": "2930",
                    "locality": "SAN PEDRO",
                    "province": "BUENOS AIRES",
                    "country": "AR"
                "hours": [
                        "day": 1,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 2,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 3,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 4,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 5,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                "branch_id": 1253,
                "branch_code": "VCO",
                "reference": "CI VILLA CONSTITUCIÓN",
                "address": {
                    "address": "IRIGOYEN",
                    "number": "201",
                    "phone": "8111111111",
                    "zipcode": "2919",
                    "locality": "VA.CONSTITUCION",
                    "province": "SANTA FE",
                    "country": "AR"
                "hours": [
                        "day": 1,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 2,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 3,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 4,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"
                        "day": 5,
                        "start": "0900",
                        "end": "1700"

71. Live shipping rates - Get carrier services

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

72. Live shipping rates - Get single carrier services

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/services/carriers/{{id}}

73. Live shipping rates - Create single carrier service

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

Request that creates a shipping carrier service.

Carrier service create properties.

Attributes Meaning
name(String) Name that will represent your service on the seller store.
url(String) URL where you will receive the live quotation requests.
settings(Object) Settings that modify the response the ecommerce will receive. See table A for more information.


Attributes inside the settings object

Attributes Meaning
hideDeliveryDate (String/Boolean) Default is false. Choose if the delivery expected dates will appear on the check out page.

74. Live shipping rates - Update a carrier service

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{id}}

Request that updates a shipping carrier service.

Carrier service update properties.

Attributes Meaning
name(String) Name that will represent your service on the seller store.
url(String) URL where you will receive the live quotation requests.
settings(Object) Settings that modify the response the ecommerce will receive. See table A for more information.


Attributes inside the settings object

Attributes Meaning
hideDeliveryDate (String/Boolean) Default is false. Choose if the delivery expected dates will appear on the check out page.

75. Live shipping rates - Delete a carrier service

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{id}}

76. WMS management(BETA) - Get all Fulfillment Services

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment

77. WMS management(BETA) - Get Fulfillment Service

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/{{id}}

78. WMS management(BETA) - Fulfillment Service

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment

79. WMS management(BETA) - Fulfillment Service

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/{{id}}

80. WMS management(BETA) - Fulfillment Service

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/{{id}}

81. WMS management(BETA) - Accept Requests

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/accepted/1krHpAcxy0vfsxKN1632263146360

82. WMS management(BETA) - Reject Requests

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/rejected/1krHpAcxy0vfsxKN1632263146360

83. WMS management(BETA) - Get All Order Fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/services/fulfillment?status[status]=fulfillment_requested/cancellation_requested

84. WMS management(BETA) - Fetch Stock

GET the_url_of_the_fulfillmentService/fetch_stock?sku=10551

You will receive a request from shopify every 10-5 min or whenever a store asigns an item to your location.

You have to return a response payload following the examples.

85. Store - Get your store information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/accesses/me

Access store information fast with the access token we provided.

86. Store - Delete Store

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/access/delete

Has a user uninstalled your app?
Remove the integration with a single request; we will delete all the services related to the store webhooks, carriers, etc.

87. Store - Tutorial to setup GDPR Webhooks

LINK https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/shopify/callback/{{gdprReference}}/{{webhook_type}}


Before we start setting up the Shopify GDPR webhooks first you need to already have all of the following:

  1. A Shopify access token.

  2. An App in Shopify's Partner program.

  3. An Endpoint on your app to receive webhook information.

Setting Up Webhooks on EcartAPI:

  1. Create the 3 types of GDPR webhooks through EcartAPI using a POST request. Make sure to save the gdprReference for each webhook.

  2. Set up your GDPR URL for Shopify as follows:

- URL format: `https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/shopify/callback/{{gdprReference}}/{{webhook_type}}`

- Replace the information within the double curly braces `{{ }}` with the appropriate values:

    - `{{gdprReference}}` with the `gdprReference` you saved in step 1.

    - `{{webhook_type}}` with the specific type of GDPR webhook ("customer_request", "customer_data_exported", "", etc.).

Now, let's proceed to configure these webhooks in your Shopify Partner Dashboard:

Configuring Webhooks in Shopify Partner Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your Shopify Partner Dashboard.

  2. Go to Apps in the Partner Dashboard.

  3. Locate and click on the specific app that you want to update.

  4. Inside the app, find and click on App setup.

  5. In the GDPR mandatory webhooks section, update the endpoints for the three GDPR webhook types with the URLs you generated in step 2.

  6. After updating the endpoints, click Save to save your changes.

These steps ensure that your EcartAPI app is set up to receive GDPR webhooks from Shopify. Once configured, Shopify will send webhook events to the specified URLs, and your EcartAPI app can process the incoming data as needed.

Remember that you only need to set up these webhooks once, as duplicate setups can lead to duplicated requests. Make sure to handle the incoming webhook data in your EcartAPI app as per your requirements for GDPR compliance.

88. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Products - Get all products

GET https://eshop-deve.herokuapp.com/api/v2/products

Use this resource to get the list of the seller's offers. You can use different query parameters to filter the list

More information on Allegro's resource.

89. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Products - Get a product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Obtain a single product information.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

90. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Products - Product(BETA)

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

91. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Products - Update Product(BETA)

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Use this resource to propose changes in product.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

92. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Orders - Get all orders

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Use this resource to get an order list.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

93. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Orders - Get single order

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Use this resource to get an order details.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

94. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Fulfillment - Get order fulfillments

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Get a list of parcel tracking numbers currently assigned to the order.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

95. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Fulfillment - Create Order Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/fulfillments

Add a parcel tracking number (shipment) to given order line items.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

96. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Store - Get a store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store

Use this resource when you need basic information about authenticated user.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

97. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Shipping - Get all shipping methods

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings

Retrieves all store shipping methods currently available on the platform, as well as those that have already been discontinued.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

98. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Shipping - Get all shipping carriers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

Shipping carriers are essential to provide accurate tracking experience for customers. Use this resource to get a list of all available shipping carriers.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

99. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Use this resource to get details of many contacts.

Find more information on Allegro's Resource.

100. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Customers - Get a customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Use this resource to get contact details.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

101. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Customers - Customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Use this resource to create a new contact.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

102. Supported Requests by Cart-Allegro-Customers - Customer

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Use this resource to modify contact details.

Find more information about Allegro's resource.

103. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

This request allows the consultation of all amazons products by store.

There are no available filters in this request.

More information about the resource.

104. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.,

Returns details about a listings item for a selling partner.


Important information:

  • The product's ID must exist Ex. B07ST32MMF

More information about the resoure.

105. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Products - Create product v1

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/products?sku=123456789

106. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Products - Update Product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/7500465062801

Available only for update inventory

107. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Request to consult All Amazon orders.

Information about shipping address and customer might be incomplete.

By default this request will fetch only the merchant fulfillable orders (to comply with the use case of creating shipments) if you require all of the order information you must make the Get a single order request

Returns orders created or updated during the time frame indicated by the specified parameters. You can also apply a range of filtering criteria to narrow the list of orders returned. If age next token is present, that will be used to retrieve the orders instead of other criteria.

Amazon has different channels to define the type of orders MFN orders are the only ones available to do fulfillments via third party carriers the rest of the orders Amazon handles them internally

Find more information about the ecommerce resource.

108. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

  • The order's ID must exist

Find more information about the ecommerce resource.

109. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Webhooks - Get native webhooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks?ecommerce=true

Use v1 o v2 API with the ecommerce param equals to true to get native webhooks.

110. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Webhooks - Get a single Webhoook

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

Retrieves information of a single webhook from your store

111. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Webhooks - Webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

Request to create new webhooks

112. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Webhooks - Webhook

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

113. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Webhooks - Webhook

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

114. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Webhooks - Delete native webhook (use guide))

DELETE localhost:3000/api/v1/webhooks/{{subscriptionId}}?ecommerce=true

Just use it if get webhook resource doesn't find the webhook in our system but continues existing in Amazon when using the param e-commerce=true

115. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Fulfillment - Get a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Returns the shipment information for an existing shipment.

Important information:

  • The order's ID must exist

  • The fulfillment order's ID must exist

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

116. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Fulfillment - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Create a shipment with the information provided.

Important information:

  • The order's ID must exist

  • Package object is REQUIRED.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

Amazon standard values for the fulfillment company value.

When you are working with any of the below listed carriers it is recommended for you to send the company string value as listed below. This allows Amazon to automatically update the status of shipping labels generated.

It is not required for developers to send a value from this list if you do not send a value from this list then the carrier falls into the other category. In this case the status of shipping labels will not be updated automatically.

17FEIA, 360lion, 4PX, A-1, AAA Cooper, ABF, AFL/Fedex, ALLJOY, AMAUK, AMAZON HORIZON, Amazon Shipping, AMZL, AMZLUK, Andere, Anjun, AO, AO Deutschland, APC, APC Overnight, APC POSTAL LOGISTICS, APG eCommerce, Aramex, ARAS, Aras Kargo, Arco Spedizioni, Arkas, Arrow XL, Asendia, Asgard, Assett, AT POST, ATS, AUSSIEPOST, Australia Post, Australia Post-ArticleID, Australia Post-Consignment, B2C, B2C Europe, B2CShip, Balnak, Bartolini, Beijing Quanfeng Express, Best Buy, Best Express, Better Trucks, BJS, Blowhorn, Blue Package, BlueDart, Boğaziçi, Bombax, Bombino Express, BPOST, BR1 Express, BRT, Buylogic, Canada Post, Canpar, CargoLine, Caribou, Cart2India, CBL, CDC, CELERITAS, Centex, CEVA, Ceva Lojistik, China Post, Chrono Express, Chronopost, Chukou1, Cititrans, City Link, CityPost, CNE, Coliposte, Colis Privé, Colissimo, Consegna Mezzi Propri, Conway, Correios, Correos, Correos Express, COSCO, CouriersPlease, CTT EXPRESS, Cubyn, DACHSER, DAIPOST, DB Schenker, DEL Deliveries, Delhivery, Delivengo, Delivery Group, Der Kurier, Deutsche Post, DFL, DHL, DHL eCommerce, DHL Express, DHL Freight, DHL Global Mail, DHL Home Delivery, DHL Kargo, DHL-Paket, DHL Parcel UK, DHLPL, Digital Delivery, DirectLog, Dotzot, DPB, DPD, DPD Local, DSV, DTDC, DX, DX Express, DX Freight, DX Secure, DYNAMIC EXPRESS, ECMS, ECMS express, Ecom Express, Ecom Shipping solutions PVT ltd, EINSA SOURCING, EKI Trans, Emirates Post, Emons, Endopack, Energo, Envialia, ePost Global, Equick, Estafeta, Estes, EUB, Europaczka, Exapaq, FAST EST, Fastway, FedEx, Fedex Freight, FEDEX JP, FedEx SmartPost, FERCAM, Fillo Kargo, First Flight, First Flight China, First Mile, Fleetan, Flyt, FRACHTPOST, FRANCE EXPRESS, Gati, GEL, GEL Express, geodis, Geodis Calberson, Geopost Kargo, GFS, GLS, GO!, Gojavas, GRUPO LOGISTIC, Hellmann, Heppner, Hermes, Hermes (Corporate), Hermes Einrichtungsservice, Hermes Logistik Gruppe, Hermes UK, Hlog, HNC, Home Logistics, honesteye, Hongkong Post, Horoz Lojistik, Hotpoint Logistics, HRP, HS code, HUAHAN Logistics, HubEurope, Hunter Logistics, Huxloe, Huxloe Logistics, ICC Worldwide, IDS, IDS Netzwerk, iMile, India Post, InPost, Interlink, Interno, Intersoft, iParcel, ITD Global, J&T Express, Japan Post, JCEX, Jersey Post, Jiufang, JP EXPRESS, JPL UPU, JS Express, JT, Kargokar, KEAVO, Kerry, Kuehne+Nagel, Kybotech, La Poste, Landmark, Landmark Global, Lasership, Lemonmode, LF Logistic, Liccardi, Liccardi Trasporti, Logistik Gruppe, Loomis, Mail Alliance, Mail Americas, Mainpost, MBE, Metro Kargo, Mezzi propri, MHI, Milkman, MNG Kargo, Mondial Relay, MRW, MZZ-Briefdienst, Nacex, NAQEL EXPRESS, Narpost Kargo, New Zealand Post, Newgistics, Nexive, Ninjavan, NipponExpress, NITTSU, NOVEO, NowBikes, NTL, OCS Worldwide, Old Dominion, OneWorldExpress, ONTIME, OnTrac, OSM, OSM Worldwide, Overnite Express, Palletline, Palletways, Panther, Parcel Hub, Parcel Monkey, Parcel Station, Parcel2go, ParcelDenOnline, Parcelforce, Parcelhub, Parcelink Logistics, Parcelnet, ParcelOne, PDC Logistics, Pilot, Pilot Freight, PIN, Polish Post, Pos Laju, Post Modern, Poste Italiane, PostNL, PostNord, Professional, PTT Kargo, PUROLATOR, Qxpress, R+L, Raben Group, RBNA, REDUR, Rhenus, Rieck, Rivigo, RMLGB, Roadrunner, Royal Mail, RR Donnelley, Safexpress, SAGAWA, SAGAWA EXPRESS, Saia, Sailpost, Schweizer Post, SDA, Seino, SEINO TRANSPORTATION, Seko Logistics, Selem Kargo, Self Delivery, Sendcloud, Sending, SENDLE, Seur, Seven Senders, SF Express, SFC, Ship Delight, Ship Global US, SHIPA, ShipEconomy, ShipGlobal, Shipmate, Shippit, Shree Maruti Courier, Shree Tirupati Courier, Shunfeng Express, Singapore Post, Sinotrans, Skypostal, Smartmail, Smartrlogistics, SMSA, SMSA Express, Soarmall, Sonstige, South Eastern Freight Lines, Speedaf, Speedex, Spoton, SPRING, spring GDS, Sprint, Stahlmann and Sachs, Stampit, Staples, StarTrack-ArticleID, StarTrack-Consignment, STG, STO Express, Streamlite, Sunyou, Sürat Kargo, Susa, Swiss post, Szendex, Target, TDN, Tezel Lojistik, The Delivery Group, The Professional Couriers, TIPSA, TNT, TNT Kargo, TNTIT, Toll, Toll Global Express, Tongda Global, Topyou, Total Express, Tourline, Trackon, Trakpak, Transaher, Transaragonés, TransFolha, Translink, Trans-o-Flex, Truline, TSB, Tuffnells, TWS, TXT, TyD, UBI, UKMail, UPakWeShip, UPS, UPS Freight, UPS Mail Innovations, Upsilon, UPSMI, Urban Express, Uship, USPS, Verage Shipping, Via Xpress, VIR, VNLIN, WanbExpress, Watkins and Shepard, Wefast, WeWorldExpress, Whistl, Whizzard, WINIT, WPX, XDP, XPO, XPO Freight, Xpressbees, YAMATO, YAMATO TRANSPORT, YANWEN, YDH, Yellow Freight, YFHEX, Yodel, YTO Express, Yun Express, Yunda Express, Yurtiçi Kargo, Zeleris, ZTO Express, Zust Ambrosetti

117. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Fulfillment - Cancel a fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Cancel the shipment indicated by the specified fulfillment identifer.

Important information:

  • The order's ID must exist

  • The fulfillment order's ID must exist

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

118. Supported Requests by Cart-Amazon-Catalog - Search v1

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/catalog/search

119. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Returns a list of Products. Optional filter parameters can be passed in.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

120. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Products - Get a product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

  • The product's ID must exist

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

121. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

This request allows you to create a new product in a Bigcommerce store. Only one product can be created at the time.

BigCommerce has a set of rules to follow when creating products.

Required Fields to create a product:

* name * productType * dimensions.weight * price

Limits on information sent on fields.

* name. Must be less than 250 charaters.

* productType. Allowed Values [ physical, digital ].

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

122. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Products - Product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

This request allows to update the information on a Bigcommerce product.

If you wish your product to have multiple categories asociated to it, send a string of the multiple categories Ids you wish your product to have separated by comas.

Limits on information sent on fields.

* name. Must be less than 250 charaters.

* productType. Allowed Values [ physical, digital ].

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

123. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}



More information about the ecommerce's resource.

124. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Images - Get all product images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

The request will return all the images associated to the item.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

125. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Images - Get product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Retrieves information on a single product image.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

126. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Images - Image

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

This request allows to add new images as thumbnails on products.


* image.url has a 255 character limit. * Supported image file types are BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, WBMP, XBM, and WEBP.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

127. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Images - Image

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

128. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Variants - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Returns a list of product Variants. Optional parameters can be passed in.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

129. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Variants - Get product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information.

* Product identifier is required.
* Variant identifier is required.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

130. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Variants - Variants

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Creates a Product Variant.

Important information.

* Product identifier is required.

Required Fields

* sku
* option_values


* 600 SKUs per product limit.
* 255 characters SKU length limit.

Variants need to be created one at a time using this endpoint.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

131. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Variants - Variant

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates a product Variant.

Important information.

* Product identifier is required.
* Variant identifier is required.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

132. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Product Variants - Variant

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}


This request permantly removes the product variant from the ecommerce.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

133. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Returns a list of categories.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

134. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Categories - Get single category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for a selected category and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

  • The category's identifier must exist.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

135. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates a Category.

Only works with categories of a default BigCommerce storefront.

Required Fields:

* parent_id:
* To create a child category, set the parent_id to the parent category.
* To create a top level category, set the parent_id to 0.
* name


* 16,000 categories per store limit.
* 1,000 categories per product limit.
* 50 characters category name length.
* 8 levels of category depth limit.
* 65,642 characters category description length limit.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

136. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Categories - Category

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Updates a Category.

Important information:

  • The category's identifier must exist

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

137. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

138. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Returns a list of Customers. Optional filter parameters can be passed in.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

139. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Customers - Get single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Returns a single Customer.

Important information:

  • The customer's identifiers must exist.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

140. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Customers - Customers count(Deprecated)

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/count

This endoint is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Returns a count of all Customers.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

141. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Customers - Customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Creates a Customer. Required Fields

* first_name
* last_name
* email

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

142. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Customers - Customer

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Updates a Customer.

Important information:

  • The customer's identifiers must exist.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

143. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Deletes a Customer.

Important information:

  • The customer's identifiers must exist.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

144. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Gets a list of orders using the filter query.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

145. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Orders - Orders count

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/count

146. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Orders - Get single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Returns the information of a single order.

Important information:

  • The order's ID must exist

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

147. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Orders - Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Creates an Order.

An order can be created with an existing catalog product or a custom product.

Required Fields

* shippingAddress.
* items.

Request payload options.

Key Values
Status pending,
in process,

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

148. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Orders - Order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Updates an Order.

The body should only contain the fields that need to be updated.

The fields that are omitted will not be changed.

To remove a product from an order, set that product’s quantity to 0.

Important information:

  • The order's Identifier must exist.

Request payload options.

Key Values
Status pending,
in process,

Order Status Descriptions


0 Incomplete An incomplete order happens when a shopper reached the payment page, but did not complete the transaction.
1 Pending Customer started the checkout process, but did not complete it.
2 Shipped Order has been shipped, but receipt has not been confirmed; seller has used the Ship Items action.
3 Partially Shipped Only some items in the order have been shipped, due to some products being pre-order only or other reasons.
4 Refunded Seller has used the Refund action.
5 Cancelled Seller has cancelled an order, due to a stock inconsistency or other reasons.
6 Declined Seller has marked the order as declined for lack of manual payment, or other reasons.
7 Awaiting Payment Customer has completed checkout process, but payment has yet to be confirmed.
8 Awaiting Pickup Order has been pulled, and is awaiting customer pickup from a seller-specified location.
9 Awaiting Shipment Order has been pulled and packaged, and is awaiting collection from a shipping provider.
10 Completed Client has paid for their digital product and their file(s) are available for download.
11 Awaiting Fulfillment Customer has completed the checkout process and payment has been confirmed.
12 Manual Verification Required Order is on hold while some aspect needs to be manually confirmed.
13 Disputed Customer has initiated a dispute resolution process for the PayPal transaction that paid for the order.
14 Partially Refunded Seller has partially refunded the order.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

149. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Archives an order.

Important information:

  • The order's Identifier must exist.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

150. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Orders - Complete Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/complete

Update an order into the complete status.

Important information:

  • The order's identifier must exist

In case the store owner changed the value of this status you can use the ID for reference. On Bigcommerce this status is related to the ID 10.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

151. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Orders - Cancel Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/cancel

Update an order into the cancelled status.

Important information:

  • The order's identifier must exist

In case the store owner changed the value of this status you can use the ID for reference. On Bigcommerce this status is related to the ID 5.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

152. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Fulfillments - Get all fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Gets a list of all shipments on an order.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

153. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Fulfillments - Get single fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Gets an order shipment.

Important information:

  • The order's identifier must exist

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

154. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Fulfillments - Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

This request creates associates a shipping label with the order.

Important information:

  • The order's identifier must exist


You can send the items array when you wish to make a partial fulfillment. Otherwise do not send the items array and automatically the fulfillment will be applied to the full order.


shippingAddressId - REQUIRED. The value can be obtained from the Get Single Order Request

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

155. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Fulfillments - Fulfillment

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Updates an existing shipment associated with an order.

Important information:

  • The order's identifier must exist.

  • The fulfillment identifier must exist.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

156. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Fulfillments - Cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Deletes a shipment associated with an order.

Important information:

  • The order's identifier must exist

  • Fulfillment identifier must exist

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

157. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Webhooks - Get all store Webhoooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

With this request you will be able to consult all the webhooks associated to the store

158. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Webhooks - Get a single Webhoook

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

Retrieves information of a single webhook from your store

159. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Webhooks - Webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

Request to create new webhooks

160. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Webhooks - Webhook

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

Important information:

  • The webhook's identifier must exist

161. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Webhooks - Webhook

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

Important information:

  • The webhook's identifier must exist

162. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Stores - Get store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store

Returns metadata about a store.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

163. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Live shipping rates - Create Carrier

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

Creates a shipping provider service for BigCommerce.

carrier.id must be exists

For get carrier.id field you need your Bigcommerce app ID to generate it, with your app ID and aditional information you must send a request by email to BigCommerce.

You can see more information about the request of carrier id here

164. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Live shipping rates - Update a carrier

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/643888944a60604b1069c99d

165. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Live shipping rates - Delete a carrier

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/643888944a60604b1069c99d

166. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Live shipping rates - Get carriers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

167. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Locations - Locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

168. Supported Requests by Cart-BigCommerce-Locations - Get a single location

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/1

169. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

170. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

171. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

172. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Orders - Order update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

173. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

174. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

175. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Products - Product update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

176. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Fullfilments - Gets all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

177. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Fullfilments - Gets a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

178. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Fullfilments - Fullfilment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

179. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Fullfilments - Order's fulfillment Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

180. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Webhooks - Get Webhook

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

181. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Webhooks - Create Webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

182. Supported Requests by Cart-Bling-Webhooks - DELETE :id

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/:id

183. Supported Requests by Cart-ClaroShop-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

184. Supported Requests by Cart-ClaroShop-Products - Get product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

185. Supported Requests by Cart-ClaroShop-Products - Product

PUT {{hostname}}/api/v2/products/{{id}}

186. Supported Requests by Cart-ClaroShop-Products - Product

POST {{hostname}}/api/v2/products

187. Supported Requests by Cart-ClaroShop-Category - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

188. Supported Requests by Cart-ClaroShop-Category - Category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/21988

189. Supported Requests by Cart-ClaroShop-Orders - Get a order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders?action=pendientes

190. Supported Requests by Cart-ClaroShop-Fulfillment - Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

191. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

192. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/16194

193. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Request that creates a product.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

194. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Products - Product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Request that updates product information.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

195. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}


Request that permanently deletes the product.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

196. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Products - Get product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/16194/variants

197. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Product Variants - Get product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}}/variants

Fetch product variants information

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

198. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Product Variants - Get product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}}/variants/{{id}}

Fetch product variant information

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

199. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Fetch categories information.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

200. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Categories - Get a category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Refer to a particular category.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

201. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

202. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Categories - Category

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

203. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Retrieve all orders information from the store.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

204. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Orders - Get a order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Retrieve detailed order information.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

205. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Orders - Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Create a order and shows the detailed information.

To create a order the customer's ID is required.
You can get the customer Id from the customer requests.

To create a order the shippingMethod as ID is required.
You can get the shippingMethod ID from the shippings requests.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

206. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Orders - Order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

207. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Fulfillment - Get a fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Fetch order fulfillments information.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

208. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Fulfillment - Fultillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Create a order Fulfillment and shows the detailed information.

To create a new order Fulfillment these fields are required

* customerId

* shippingMethod

* shippingMethodId

You can get the customer Id from the customer requests.

You can get the shippingMethodID and shippingMethod from the shippings requests.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

209. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Fulfillment - Cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{oderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

210. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Stores - Get stores

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/all

This request returns the list of stores with their details.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

211. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Stores - Get store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/{{id}}

Get the details of a specific store.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

212. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Shippings - Get shippings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings

Retrieves all store shipping methods.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

213. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Shippings - Get a shipping

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/{{id}}

Filter shipping method for shippingId.

Get a shippingId with get all shippings API call

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

214. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Customers - Get customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

215. Supported Requests by Cart-CS-Cart-Customers - Get customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Fetch detailed information about a customer.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

216. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

This call retrieves all inventory item records defined for the seller's account.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

217. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

This call retrieves the inventory item record for a given Identifier.

Important information:

* The product's ID must exist

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

218. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

To create a new product marketplaceId is required.

Find more information about marketplace Id here.

You can also get the marketplace Id from the product listings requests.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

219. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Products - Product v1

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/products

220. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Products - Product Inventory & price

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id/sku}}

By sending this payload, you will be able to only update products inventory and price and their offers quantity and price in a single request.

The product ID is equal to the Product SKU.

Payload details

* the offers array is optional.
* when sending the price object in offers currency and value are required.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

221. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

This call is used to delete an inventory item record associated with a specified SKU/Identifier.

A successful call will not only delete that inventory item record, but will also have the following effects:

* Delete any and all unpublished offers associated with that SKU;
* Delete any and all single-variation eBay listings associated with that SKU;
* Automatically remove that SKU from a multiple-variation listing and remove that SKU from any and all inventory item groups in which that SKU was a member.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

222. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Get SellerPrograms

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/sellerPrograms

223. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Post SellerPrograms

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/sellerPrograms

224. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Create Fulfillment Policies

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/fulfillments

225. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Create Payments Policies

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/payments

226. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Create Returns Policies

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/returns

227. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Fulfillment Policy

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/fulfillments/{{id}}

This request provides all the information regarding the policies available by every Ebay marketplace.

The values you can send as values in {{ marketplace }} are the following.

* EBAY_ATIndicates the eBay marketplace for Austria (https://www.ebay.at). * EBAY_AUIndicates the eBay marketplace for Australia (https://www.ebay.com.au). * EBAY_BEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Belgium (https://www.ebay.be/). * EBAY_CAIndicates the eBay marketplace for Canada (https://www.ebay.ca). * EBAY_CHIndicates the eBay marketplace for Switzerland (https://www.ebay.ch). * EBAY_CNReserved for future use. * EBAY_CZReserved for future use. * EBAY_DEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Germany (https://www.ebay.de). * EBAY_DKReserved for future use. * EBAY_ESIndicates the eBay marketplace for Spain (https://www.ebay.es). * EBAY_FIReserved for future use. * EBAY_FRIndicates the eBay marketplace for France (https://www.ebay.fr). * EBAY_GBIndicates the eBay marketplace for Great Britain (https://www.ebay.co.uk). * EBAY_GRReserved for future use. * EBAY_HKIndicates the eBay marketplace for Hong Kong (https://www.ebay.com.hk). * EBAY_HUReserved for future use. * EBAY_IDReserved for future use. * EBAY_IEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Ireland (https://www.ebay.ie). * EBAY_ILReserved for future use. * EBAY_INIndicates the eBay marketplace for India (https://www.ebay.in). * EBAY_ITIndicates the eBay marketplace for Italy (https://www.ebay.it). * EBAY_JPReserved for future use. * EBAY_MYIndicates the eBay marketplace for Malaysia (https://www.ebay.com.my). * EBAY_NLIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Netherlands (https://www.ebay.nl). * EBAY_NOReserved for future use. * EBAY_NZReserved for future use. * EBAY_PEReserved for future use. * EBAY_PHIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Philippines (https://www.ebay.ph). * EBAY_PLIndicates the eBay marketplace for Poland (https://www.ebay.pl). * EBAY_PRReserved for future use. * EBAY_PTReserved for future use. * EBAY_RUReserved for future use. * EBAY_SEReserved for future use. * EBAY_SGIndicates the eBay marketplace for Singapore (https://www.ebay.com.sg). * EBAY_THIndicates the eBay marketplace for Thailand (https://info.ebay.co.th). * EBAY_TWIndicates the eBay marketplace for Taiwan (https://www.ebay.com.tw). * EBAY_USIndicates the eBay marketplace for the United States (https://www.ebay.com). * EBAY_VNIndicates the eBay marketplace for Vietnam (https://www.ebay.vn). * EBAY_ZAReserved for future use. * EBAY_HALF_USNo longer used. * EBAY_MOTORS_USIndicates the parent category for Auto Parts and Vehicles on the EBAY_US marketplace (https://www.ebay.com/motors).

You can find more information about this marketplace value in ebays documentation here.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

228. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Payments Policy

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/payments/{{id}}

This request provides all the information regarding the policies available by every Ebay marketplace.

The values you can send as values in {{ marketplace }} are the following.

* EBAY_ATIndicates the eBay marketplace for Austria (https://www.ebay.at). * EBAY_AUIndicates the eBay marketplace for Australia (https://www.ebay.com.au). * EBAY_BEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Belgium (https://www.ebay.be/). * EBAY_CAIndicates the eBay marketplace for Canada (https://www.ebay.ca). * EBAY_CHIndicates the eBay marketplace for Switzerland (https://www.ebay.ch). * EBAY_CNReserved for future use. * EBAY_CZReserved for future use. * EBAY_DEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Germany (https://www.ebay.de). * EBAY_DKReserved for future use. * EBAY_ESIndicates the eBay marketplace for Spain (https://www.ebay.es). * EBAY_FIReserved for future use. * EBAY_FRIndicates the eBay marketplace for France (https://www.ebay.fr). * EBAY_GBIndicates the eBay marketplace for Great Britain (https://www.ebay.co.uk). * EBAY_GRReserved for future use. * EBAY_HKIndicates the eBay marketplace for Hong Kong (https://www.ebay.com.hk). * EBAY_HUReserved for future use. * EBAY_IDReserved for future use. * EBAY_IEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Ireland (https://www.ebay.ie). * EBAY_ILReserved for future use. * EBAY_INIndicates the eBay marketplace for India (https://www.ebay.in). * EBAY_ITIndicates the eBay marketplace for Italy (https://www.ebay.it). * EBAY_JPReserved for future use. * EBAY_MYIndicates the eBay marketplace for Malaysia (https://www.ebay.com.my). * EBAY_NLIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Netherlands (https://www.ebay.nl). * EBAY_NOReserved for future use. * EBAY_NZReserved for future use. * EBAY_PEReserved for future use. * EBAY_PHIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Philippines (https://www.ebay.ph). * EBAY_PLIndicates the eBay marketplace for Poland (https://www.ebay.pl). * EBAY_PRReserved for future use. * EBAY_PTReserved for future use. * EBAY_RUReserved for future use. * EBAY_SEReserved for future use. * EBAY_SGIndicates the eBay marketplace for Singapore (https://www.ebay.com.sg). * EBAY_THIndicates the eBay marketplace for Thailand (https://info.ebay.co.th). * EBAY_TWIndicates the eBay marketplace for Taiwan (https://www.ebay.com.tw). * EBAY_USIndicates the eBay marketplace for the United States (https://www.ebay.com). * EBAY_VNIndicates the eBay marketplace for Vietnam (https://www.ebay.vn). * EBAY_ZAReserved for future use. * EBAY_HALF_USNo longer used. * EBAY_MOTORS_USIndicates the parent category for Auto Parts and Vehicles on the EBAY_US marketplace (https://www.ebay.com/motors).

You can find more information about this marketplace value in ebays documentation here.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

229. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Returns Policy

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/returns/{{id}}

This request provides all the information regarding the policies available by every Ebay marketplace.

The values you can send as values in {{ marketplace }} are the following.

* EBAY_ATIndicates the eBay marketplace for Austria (https://www.ebay.at). * EBAY_AUIndicates the eBay marketplace for Australia (https://www.ebay.com.au). * EBAY_BEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Belgium (https://www.ebay.be/). * EBAY_CAIndicates the eBay marketplace for Canada (https://www.ebay.ca). * EBAY_CHIndicates the eBay marketplace for Switzerland (https://www.ebay.ch). * EBAY_CNReserved for future use. * EBAY_CZReserved for future use. * EBAY_DEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Germany (https://www.ebay.de). * EBAY_DKReserved for future use. * EBAY_ESIndicates the eBay marketplace for Spain (https://www.ebay.es). * EBAY_FIReserved for future use. * EBAY_FRIndicates the eBay marketplace for France (https://www.ebay.fr). * EBAY_GBIndicates the eBay marketplace for Great Britain (https://www.ebay.co.uk). * EBAY_GRReserved for future use. * EBAY_HKIndicates the eBay marketplace for Hong Kong (https://www.ebay.com.hk). * EBAY_HUReserved for future use. * EBAY_IDReserved for future use. * EBAY_IEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Ireland (https://www.ebay.ie). * EBAY_ILReserved for future use. * EBAY_INIndicates the eBay marketplace for India (https://www.ebay.in). * EBAY_ITIndicates the eBay marketplace for Italy (https://www.ebay.it). * EBAY_JPReserved for future use. * EBAY_MYIndicates the eBay marketplace for Malaysia (https://www.ebay.com.my). * EBAY_NLIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Netherlands (https://www.ebay.nl). * EBAY_NOReserved for future use. * EBAY_NZReserved for future use. * EBAY_PEReserved for future use. * EBAY_PHIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Philippines (https://www.ebay.ph). * EBAY_PLIndicates the eBay marketplace for Poland (https://www.ebay.pl). * EBAY_PRReserved for future use. * EBAY_PTReserved for future use. * EBAY_RUReserved for future use. * EBAY_SEReserved for future use. * EBAY_SGIndicates the eBay marketplace for Singapore (https://www.ebay.com.sg). * EBAY_THIndicates the eBay marketplace for Thailand (https://info.ebay.co.th). * EBAY_TWIndicates the eBay marketplace for Taiwan (https://www.ebay.com.tw). * EBAY_USIndicates the eBay marketplace for the United States (https://www.ebay.com). * EBAY_VNIndicates the eBay marketplace for Vietnam (https://www.ebay.vn). * EBAY_ZAReserved for future use. * EBAY_HALF_USNo longer used. * EBAY_MOTORS_USIndicates the parent category for Auto Parts and Vehicles on the EBAY_US marketplace (https://www.ebay.com/motors).

You can find more information about this marketplace value in ebays documentation here.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

230. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Fulfillment Policies

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/fulfillments/{marketplace}

This request provides all the information regarding the policies available by every Ebay marketplace.

The values you can send as values in {{ marketplace }} are the following.

* EBAY_ATIndicates the eBay marketplace for Austria (https://www.ebay.at). * EBAY_AUIndicates the eBay marketplace for Australia (https://www.ebay.com.au). * EBAY_BEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Belgium (https://www.ebay.be/). * EBAY_CAIndicates the eBay marketplace for Canada (https://www.ebay.ca). * EBAY_CHIndicates the eBay marketplace for Switzerland (https://www.ebay.ch). * EBAY_CNReserved for future use. * EBAY_CZReserved for future use. * EBAY_DEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Germany (https://www.ebay.de). * EBAY_DKReserved for future use. * EBAY_ESIndicates the eBay marketplace for Spain (https://www.ebay.es). * EBAY_FIReserved for future use. * EBAY_FRIndicates the eBay marketplace for France (https://www.ebay.fr). * EBAY_GBIndicates the eBay marketplace for Great Britain (https://www.ebay.co.uk). * EBAY_GRReserved for future use. * EBAY_HKIndicates the eBay marketplace for Hong Kong (https://www.ebay.com.hk). * EBAY_HUReserved for future use. * EBAY_IDReserved for future use. * EBAY_IEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Ireland (https://www.ebay.ie). * EBAY_ILReserved for future use. * EBAY_INIndicates the eBay marketplace for India (https://www.ebay.in). * EBAY_ITIndicates the eBay marketplace for Italy (https://www.ebay.it). * EBAY_JPReserved for future use. * EBAY_MYIndicates the eBay marketplace for Malaysia (https://www.ebay.com.my). * EBAY_NLIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Netherlands (https://www.ebay.nl). * EBAY_NOReserved for future use. * EBAY_NZReserved for future use. * EBAY_PEReserved for future use. * EBAY_PHIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Philippines (https://www.ebay.ph). * EBAY_PLIndicates the eBay marketplace for Poland (https://www.ebay.pl). * EBAY_PRReserved for future use. * EBAY_PTReserved for future use. * EBAY_RUReserved for future use. * EBAY_SEReserved for future use. * EBAY_SGIndicates the eBay marketplace for Singapore (https://www.ebay.com.sg). * EBAY_THIndicates the eBay marketplace for Thailand (https://info.ebay.co.th). * EBAY_TWIndicates the eBay marketplace for Taiwan (https://www.ebay.com.tw). * EBAY_USIndicates the eBay marketplace for the United States (https://www.ebay.com). * EBAY_VNIndicates the eBay marketplace for Vietnam (https://www.ebay.vn). * EBAY_ZAReserved for future use. * EBAY_HALF_USNo longer used. * EBAY_MOTORS_USIndicates the parent category for Auto Parts and Vehicles on the EBAY_US marketplace (https://www.ebay.com/motors).

You can find more information about this marketplace value in ebays documentation here.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

231. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Payments Policies

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/payments/{{marketplace}}

This request provides all the information regarding the policies available by every Ebay marketplace.

The values you can send as values in {{ marketplace }} are the following.

* EBAY_ATIndicates the eBay marketplace for Austria (https://www.ebay.at). * EBAY_AUIndicates the eBay marketplace for Australia (https://www.ebay.com.au). * EBAY_BEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Belgium (https://www.ebay.be/). * EBAY_CAIndicates the eBay marketplace for Canada (https://www.ebay.ca). * EBAY_CHIndicates the eBay marketplace for Switzerland (https://www.ebay.ch). * EBAY_CNReserved for future use. * EBAY_CZReserved for future use. * EBAY_DEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Germany (https://www.ebay.de). * EBAY_DKReserved for future use. * EBAY_ESIndicates the eBay marketplace for Spain (https://www.ebay.es). * EBAY_FIReserved for future use. * EBAY_FRIndicates the eBay marketplace for France (https://www.ebay.fr). * EBAY_GBIndicates the eBay marketplace for Great Britain (https://www.ebay.co.uk). * EBAY_GRReserved for future use. * EBAY_HKIndicates the eBay marketplace for Hong Kong (https://www.ebay.com.hk). * EBAY_HUReserved for future use. * EBAY_IDReserved for future use. * EBAY_IEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Ireland (https://www.ebay.ie). * EBAY_ILReserved for future use. * EBAY_INIndicates the eBay marketplace for India (https://www.ebay.in). * EBAY_ITIndicates the eBay marketplace for Italy (https://www.ebay.it). * EBAY_JPReserved for future use. * EBAY_MYIndicates the eBay marketplace for Malaysia (https://www.ebay.com.my). * EBAY_NLIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Netherlands (https://www.ebay.nl). * EBAY_NOReserved for future use. * EBAY_NZReserved for future use. * EBAY_PEReserved for future use. * EBAY_PHIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Philippines (https://www.ebay.ph). * EBAY_PLIndicates the eBay marketplace for Poland (https://www.ebay.pl). * EBAY_PRReserved for future use. * EBAY_PTReserved for future use. * EBAY_RUReserved for future use. * EBAY_SEReserved for future use. * EBAY_SGIndicates the eBay marketplace for Singapore (https://www.ebay.com.sg). * EBAY_THIndicates the eBay marketplace for Thailand (https://info.ebay.co.th). * EBAY_TWIndicates the eBay marketplace for Taiwan (https://www.ebay.com.tw). * EBAY_USIndicates the eBay marketplace for the United States (https://www.ebay.com). * EBAY_VNIndicates the eBay marketplace for Vietnam (https://www.ebay.vn). * EBAY_ZAReserved for future use. * EBAY_HALF_USNo longer used. * EBAY_MOTORS_USIndicates the parent category for Auto Parts and Vehicles on the EBAY_US marketplace (https://www.ebay.com/motors).

You can find more information about this marketplace value in ebays documentation here.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

232. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Policies - Returns Policies

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/policies/returns/{{marketplace}}

This request provides all the information regarding the policies available by every Ebay marketplace.

The values you can send as values in {{ marketplace }} are the following.

* EBAY_ATIndicates the eBay marketplace for Austria (https://www.ebay.at). * EBAY_AUIndicates the eBay marketplace for Australia (https://www.ebay.com.au). * EBAY_BEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Belgium (https://www.ebay.be/). * EBAY_CAIndicates the eBay marketplace for Canada (https://www.ebay.ca). * EBAY_CHIndicates the eBay marketplace for Switzerland (https://www.ebay.ch). * EBAY_CNReserved for future use. * EBAY_CZReserved for future use. * EBAY_DEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Germany (https://www.ebay.de). * EBAY_DKReserved for future use. * EBAY_ESIndicates the eBay marketplace for Spain (https://www.ebay.es). * EBAY_FIReserved for future use. * EBAY_FRIndicates the eBay marketplace for France (https://www.ebay.fr). * EBAY_GBIndicates the eBay marketplace for Great Britain (https://www.ebay.co.uk). * EBAY_GRReserved for future use. * EBAY_HKIndicates the eBay marketplace for Hong Kong (https://www.ebay.com.hk). * EBAY_HUReserved for future use. * EBAY_IDReserved for future use. * EBAY_IEIndicates the eBay marketplace for Ireland (https://www.ebay.ie). * EBAY_ILReserved for future use. * EBAY_INIndicates the eBay marketplace for India (https://www.ebay.in). * EBAY_ITIndicates the eBay marketplace for Italy (https://www.ebay.it). * EBAY_JPReserved for future use. * EBAY_MYIndicates the eBay marketplace for Malaysia (https://www.ebay.com.my). * EBAY_NLIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Netherlands (https://www.ebay.nl). * EBAY_NOReserved for future use. * EBAY_NZReserved for future use. * EBAY_PEReserved for future use. * EBAY_PHIndicates the eBay marketplace for the Philippines (https://www.ebay.ph). * EBAY_PLIndicates the eBay marketplace for Poland (https://www.ebay.pl). * EBAY_PRReserved for future use. * EBAY_PTReserved for future use. * EBAY_RUReserved for future use. * EBAY_SEReserved for future use. * EBAY_SGIndicates the eBay marketplace for Singapore (https://www.ebay.com.sg). * EBAY_THIndicates the eBay marketplace for Thailand (https://info.ebay.co.th). * EBAY_TWIndicates the eBay marketplace for Taiwan (https://www.ebay.com.tw). * EBAY_USIndicates the eBay marketplace for the United States (https://www.ebay.com). * EBAY_VNIndicates the eBay marketplace for Vietnam (https://www.ebay.vn). * EBAY_ZAReserved for future use. * EBAY_HALF_USNo longer used. * EBAY_MOTORS_USIndicates the parent category for Auto Parts and Vehicles on the EBAY_US marketplace (https://www.ebay.com/motors).

You can find more information about this marketplace value in ebays documentation here.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

233. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Locations - Get all Locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

234. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Locations - Get a single Location

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/{{id}}

235. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Locations - Post Location

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

236. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Locations - Delete Location

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/{{id}}

237. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Product Listings - All product listings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings

This request will bring you all the products you have listed in Ebays platform.


* No more than 300 requests can be executed within any 15-second interval.
* It is required to send dates to fetch the information. By default we fetch product listings from a range of 30 days before til the current day
* Time ranges must be a value less than 120 days

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

238. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Product Listings - Info product listing

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings/{{id}}

This request will bring you not only the information of the product listing but the offer you have published in Ebay, this offers will allow you to update your published item information like quantity, description, quantity allowed per buyer, policies, etc.

You can Find more information about the Offer Update in our request Update Offer.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

239. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Product Listings - Create Offer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/products/listings

To create a new offer marketplaceId is required.

Find more information about marketplace Id here.

You can also get the marketplace Id from the product listings GET requests.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

240. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Product Listings - Update Offer Inventory & price

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/products/listings/{{id}}

For this request to be function properly the payload must include

"inventory": true

This request allows you to only update the products inventory and price please follow the payload as stated

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

241. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Product Listings - Publish Offer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings/publish/{{listingId}}

This call is used to convert an unpublished offer into a published offer, or live eBay listing. The unique identifier of the offer (offerId) is passed

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

242. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Product Listings - Migrate Listings to Inventory

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings/migrate

With this call you will be able to control all the product listings created from the UI with the Ebay API.

Migration overview on Ebay


To be eligible for migration, the active eBay listings must meet the following requirements:

  • Listing type is Fixed-Price
  • Listing duration is 'GTC' (Good 'til Cancelled)
  • The item(s) in the listings must have seller-defined SKU values associated with them, and in the case of a multiple-variation listing, each product variation must also have its own SKU value
  • Business Polices (Payment, Return Policy, and Shipping) must be used on the listing, as legacy payment, return policy, and shipping fields will not be accepted. With the Payment Policy associated with a listing, the immediate payment requirement must be enabled, and the only accepted payment method should be PayPal
  • The postal/zip code (PostalCode field in Trading's ItemType) or city (Location field in Trading's ItemType) must be set in the listing; the country is also needed, but this value is required in Trading API, so it will always be set for every listing

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

243. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

  • The categories ID must exist

244. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Use this resource to search for and retrieve one or more orders based on the last update date, creation date, or fulfillment status. You can alternatively list orders using the orderIds parameter. (max 50 ids)


The returned Order objects contain information you can use to create and process fulfillments, including:

* Information about the buyer and seller
* Information about the order's line items
* The plans for packaging, addressing and shipping the order
* The status of payment, packaging, addressing, and shipping the order
* A summary of monetary amounts specific to the order such as pricing, payments, and shipping costs
* A summary of applied taxes and fees, and optionally a breakdown of each

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

245. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

* The order's ID must exist

The returned Order object contains information you can use to create and process fulfillments, including:

* Information about the buyer and seller
* Information about the order's line items
* The plans for packaging, addressing and shipping the order
* The status of payment, packaging, addressing, and shipping the order
* A summary of monetary amounts specific to the order such as pricing, payments, and shipping costs
* A summary of applied taxes and fees, and optionally a breakdown of each

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

246. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Fulfillments - Get fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

247. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Fulfillments - Get fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

248. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay-Fulfillments - Create Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/fulfillments

249. Supported Requests by Cart-Ebay - Refreshtoken

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/refreshtoken

250. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

251. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/371595825

252. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

253. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Product update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

254. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Products

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

255. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

256. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Get single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

257. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Variant

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

258. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Products - Update variant

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

259. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

260. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

261. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Orders - Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

262. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Orders - Order update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

263. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

264. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

265. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Categories - Category update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

266. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

267. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Categories - Get single category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

268. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

269. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Customers - Customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/

270. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Customers - Customer update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

271. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Customers - Get al customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

272. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Customers - Get single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

273. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

274. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Fulfillments - Fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

275. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Fulfillments - fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

276. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Fulfillments - Fulfillment update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{orderId}}

277. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Fulfillments - cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{orderId}}/cancel

278. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Carts - Get all carts

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts

279. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Carts - Get single cart

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts/{{id}}

280. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Carts - Cart Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts/{{id}}

281. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Stores - Store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/

282. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecwid-Webhooks - Webhook

GET {{hostname}}/api/v2/products

283. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


Filter Description
page Pagination number.
limit Limit size of the search
'status[active]' Filter items by status of product: 'true' or 'false'
name Filter items by attribute name

284. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

285. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Count all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/count

286. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

287. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Product Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

288. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

289. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

290. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Variants

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Creates a variation of an available product.

Important information:

291. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Variant Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates the information of an already existing product variant

Important information:

292. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Products - Variants

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

293. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Categories - Get all available categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

294. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

295. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
search Filter orders by a text chain
'status[status]' Filter orders by financial status

296. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Count all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/count

297. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

298. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Orders

POST localhost:3000/api/v2/orders

299. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Cancel Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/cancel

Changes an order's fulfillment status to cancelled.

Important information:

300. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Get all order's fulfillments

GET localhost:3000/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:

301. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Get a single order fulfillment

GET localhost:3000/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

302. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Fulfillments

POST localhost:3000/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

303. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Orders - Orders fulfillment Update

PUT localhost:3000/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Update the fulfillment information.

Important information:

304. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Store v2 - All stores

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/all

305. Supported Requests by Cart-Ecart-Store v2 - Store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/{{id}}

306. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Endpoint to list Listings that belong to a Shop.

More information about ecommerce's resource

307. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}

Retrieves a listing record by listing ID.

More information about ecommerce's resource

308. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/:id?validate=true

To create a product in an Etsy shop, you need to provide specific information:

  • taxonomyId field is required:

If the taxonomyId is not sent 19 is sent as default value.

  • whoMade field: Specify the creator as

true if you made the product. or false if someone else did

  • For whenMade field: Choose the timeframe when the product was made

made_to_order, 2020_2022, 2010_2019, 2003_2009, before_2003, 2000_2002, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s, 1910s, 1900s, 1800s, 1700s or before_1700

  • For productType field you can use the values: Input the type of product as

physical (tangible item), download (digital file), or both (available in both formats).

More information about ecommerce's resource

309. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Product update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}

Updates an ACTIVE Etsy product

For whoMade field you can use the values:


i_did, someone_else or collective

For whenMade field you can use the values:

made_to_order, 2020_2022, 2010_2019, 2003_2009, before_2003, 2000_2002, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s, 1910s, 1900s, 1800s, 1700s or before_1700

More information about ecommerce's resource

310. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Product Delete

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Delete an Etsy Product from a store.


A Product can be deleted only if the state is one of the following: SOLDOUT, DRAFT, EXPIRED, INACTIVE, ACTIVE and isavailable or ACTIVE and has seller flags: SUPRESSED (frozen), VACATION, CUSTOMSHOPS (pattern), SELLON_FACEBOOK

311. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Get variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Retrieves the inventory record for a listing. Listings you did not edit using the Etsy.com inventory tools have no inventory records. This endpoint returns SKU data if you are the owner of the inventory records being fetched.

More information about ecommerce's resource

312. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Get single variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Retrieves the inventory record for a listing. Listings you did not edit using the Etsy.com inventory tools have no inventory records. This endpoint returns SKU data if you are the owner of the inventory records being fetched.

More information about ecommerce's resource

313. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Update Variant

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates the inventory for a listing identified by a listing ID. The update fails if the supplied values for product sku, offering quantity, and/or price are incompatible

When setting a price, assign a float equal to amount divided by divisor as specified in the Money resource.

More information about ecommerce's resource

314. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - image

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

To upload an image, you need to provide it in base64 format. It's also crucial to make the request without including Content-Type in the headers, as otherwise, the image will not be uploaded.

Images will always be published in JPG format.

The position property within the payload refers to the hierarchy the image will have within Etsy, with 1 being the default if it is not provided in the payload.

315. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Get all product's images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

316. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - Get a single product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

317. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Products - image

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

318. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Orders - Get orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

319. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Orders - Get a single orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

320. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Orders - Update Order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/2098218716

Updates a order.

Values for status.status: pending, in proccess, paid, cancelled, redunded.

Values for fulfillmentStatus: false or true.

More information about ecommerce's resource.

321. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Orders - Get Fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

322. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Orders - Create fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Use this request to update the fulfillment status from your orders to fulfilled.

323. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Store - Get store feedback

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/feedback

To retrieve the reviews from your Etsy store

324. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Store - Get store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store

Retrieves the Etsy shop related to the EcartAPI access token

325. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Carriers - Carriers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/carriers?countryCode2=string <ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>

326. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Shippings - Get all shippings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings

327. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Shippings - Get a shipping

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/{{id}}

328. Supported Requests by Cart-Etsy-Payments - Get payments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/payments?ids={{id,id}}

329. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

330. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Get a single product

GET localhost:3000/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

331. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Count all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/count

332. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

333. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Product Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

334. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

335. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

336. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Get single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

337. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Count all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/count

Counts all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

338. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Variants

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Creates a variation of an available product.

Important information:

339. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Variant Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates the information of an already existing product variant

Important information:

340. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Variants

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

341. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Get all product's images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Searches for all the images of a single product.

Important information:

342. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Get a single product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Searches for all the images of a single product.

Important information:

343. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Images

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Adds a new image to an existing product.

Important information:

344. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Products - Images

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Deletes permanently the selected image of a product.

Important information:

345. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Categories - Get all available categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

346. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Categories - Count all available categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/count

347. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

348. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates new category.

349. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Update the selected category information.

Important information:

350. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

351. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

352. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

353. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Customers - Count all costumers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/count

354. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Customers - Customers

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer.

Important information:

355. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Customers - Customers Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Update the selected costumer's information.

Important information:

356. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected customer.

Important information:

357. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

358. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Orders - Count all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/count

359. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

360. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

361. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Orders - Order Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Update an order's information.

Important information:

362. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Orders - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

363. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Orders - Orders fulfillment Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Update the fulfillment information.

Important information:

364. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Orders - Cancel Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Changes an order's fulfillment status to cancelled.

Important information:

365. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Fulfillments - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

366. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Fulfillments - Orders fulfillment Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Update the fulfillment information.

Important information:

367. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Fulfillments - Cancel Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Changes an order's fulfillment status to cancelled.

Important information:

368. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Store - Get store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store

369. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Live Shipping Rates - Get carriers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

370. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Live Shipping Rates - Get carrier

GET localhost:3000/api/v2/services/carriers/630e8e31ff7ed006b0976d41

371. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Live Shipping Rates - Create carrier

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

Create a service of carrier to quote shippings in checkout.

carrier.token: Utiliza este token por defecto (temporalmente): 4d225cdecfed20b84d7e7010c91ac214b58b07c7dd0f38fb7d56e4973213c705

372. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Live Shipping Rates - Update carrier

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/630e8e31ff7ed006b0976d41

373. Supported Requests by Cart-Jumpseller-Live Shipping Rates - Delete carrier

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/630e8e31ff7ed006b0976d41

374. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

This resource can show all products or filter the results with params

375. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

376. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Creates a new product and add to the store product list

377. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Product Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

378. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Products

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

379. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

380. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Get single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

381. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Variants

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Creates a variation of an available product.

Important information:

382. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Products - Variants

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

383. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Searches for all the available categories.

384. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

385. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates a new category.

386. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Update the selected category information.

Important information:

387. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

388. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers?page=String&limit=String

389. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

390. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Customers - Customers

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer.

Important information:

391. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Customers - Customers Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Update the selected costumer's information.

Important information:

392. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Retrieves all order information

393. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

394. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Orders - Get all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:

395. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Orders - Get a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

396. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Orders - Order's fulfillment Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Update the fulfillment information.

Important information:

397. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Orders - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

398. Supported Requests by Cart-Kometia-Orders - Cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Cancels an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

399. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

400. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Products - Get product info

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

401. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Products - Create Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

402. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Products - Update Product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

403. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Products - Delete product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

404. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Products - Images

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Adds a new image to an existing product.

Important information:

405. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

406. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

407. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Orders - Get order info

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

408. Supported Requests by Cart-Linio-Fulfillments - Create order fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

409. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Products - Get products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

410. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Products - Get product information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/:id

411. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/:id

412. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Orders - Get orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

413. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Orders - Get order information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:id

414. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Fulfillments - Get Fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/fulfillments

415. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Fulfillments - Get Fulfillment information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/fulfillments/:id

416. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Fulfillments - Order fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:orderId/fulfillments

417. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Fulfillments - Cancel fullfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:orderId/fulfillments/:id/cancel

418. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Store - Store information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/fulfillments/api/v2/store

419. Supported Requests by Cart-Liverpool-Documents - Get order document

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/documents?orderIds=OrderId

This API endpoint performs an HTTP GET request to retrieve documents related to specific order ID.

The request should include the orderIds parameter with the relevant order ID.

Upon successful execution, the API returns a JSON response with a 200 status code and the following structure:

    "success": true,
    "document": {
        "binary": "string",
        "url": "string"

The response indicates the success status and provides information about the document, including a binary in base 64 representation and a URL.

420. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Products - Get products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

421. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

422. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Categories - Get categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

423. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Categories - Get a category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

424. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Categories - Update category

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

425. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Orders - Get orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

426. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Orders - Get a order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

427. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Customers - Get customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

428. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Customers - Get a customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/55487883

429. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Customers - Create customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

430. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Fulfillments - Get order fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/orders/1/fulfillments

431. Supported Requests by Cart-Loja-Fulfillments - Create order fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

432. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 1-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

433. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 1-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

434. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 1-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

435. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 1-Customers - Get all costumers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

436. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 1-Customers - Get a single costumer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

437. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 1-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

438. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 1-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

439. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

This request will return an array of products in a Magento Store, you can check the examples to see what kind of information Magento 2 returns in this request.

The product link included in the response sometimes might return a 404 error or it can redirect to another page.

NOTE: that the parameters in this request are the parametes this ecommerce supports to filter the results of this request.

440. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Products - Count All products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/count

441. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

The product link included in the response sometimes might return a 404 error or it can redirect to another page.

442. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Creates a new product and add to the store product list.

443. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Products - Product Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

444. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Products - Products

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

445. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Products - Get product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/1234L/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

446. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Products - Get variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/1234L/variants/llanta-LANVIGATOR-1

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

447. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

This resource can show all categories info.

448. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

449. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates a new category.

450. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Update the selected category information.

*Important information: *

451. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

452. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

453. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

454. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Customers - Customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

455. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Customers - Customer Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

456. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected customer.

Important information:

457. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

This resource can show all orders information or filters the results with params.

458. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

459. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Creates new orders.

Important information:

460. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Orders - Update order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:id

Updates the order provided with the information sent in the payload.

Payload specifications

status.status allowed values:

on_hold, pending, paid, cancelled, refunded.

Status value reference table:

You will find the comparisson between the ecartapi status required to be sent on the payload and its Magento 2 equivalent with a short description.

EcartAPI Magento 2 Status description
on_hold pending_payment The payment is pending, and still to be paid
pending processing The order is paid and is currently in process
paid processing The order is paid and is currently in process
cancelled canceled The order has been cancelled
refunded refunded The payment has been refunded

461. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Fulfillments - Get all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
'createdAt[from]' Filter customers by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter customers by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'updatedAt[from]' Filter customers by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter customers by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]

462. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Fulfillments - Gets a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

463. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Fulfillments - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

464. Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Fulfillments - Cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Cancels an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

465. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Store - Get store information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store

This API endpoint makes an HTTP GET request to retrieve information about a store.

The response to this request will have a status code of 200 if the request is successful. The response body will contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • success: A boolean value indicating whether the request was successful or not.
  • store: An object representing the store. It has the following properties:

    • id: The ID of the store.
    • name: The name of the store.
    • ecommerce: The type of ecommerce platform used by the store.
    • email: The email address associated with the store.
    • url: The URL of the store.
    • address: An object representing the store's address. It has the following properties:
      • id: The ID of the address.
      • address1: The first line of the address.
      • address2: The second line of the address.
      • address3: The third line of the address.
      • country: An object representing the country of the address. It has the following properties:
        • code: The code of the country.
        • name: The name of the country.
        • codeIso2: The ISO 2-letter code of the country.
        • codeIso3: The ISO 3-letter code of the country.
      • state: An object representing the state of the address. It has the following properties:
        • code: The code of the state.
        • name: The name of the state.
        • codeIso2: The ISO 2-letter code of the state.
        • codeIso3: The ISO 3-letter code of the state.
      • city: The city of the address.
      • postalCode: The postal code of the address.
      • phone: The phone number associated with the address.
    • currency: The currency used by the store.
    • units: An object representing the units used by the store. It has the following properties:
      • width: The unit used for width measurements.
      • height: The unit used for height measurements.
      • length: The unit used for length measurements.
      • weight: The unit used for weight measurements.
    • coordinates: An object representing the coordinates of the store's location. It has the following properties:
      • latitude: The latitude of the location.
      • longitude: The longitude of the location.
    • pages: An array of pages associated with the store.
    • plan: The plan of the store.
    • logistic: An object representing the logistics information of the store. It has the following properties:

      • me1Supported: The ME1 shipping support status of the store.
      • modes: An array of shipping modes supported by the store.

Here is an example response for this request:

    "success": true,
    "store": {
        "id": "",
        "name": null,
        "ecommerce": null,
        "email": "",
        "url": "",
        "address": {
            "id": null,
            "address1": "",
            "address2": null,
            "address3": null,
            "country": {
                "code": "",
                "name": "",
                "codeIso2": "",
                "codeIso3": ""
            "state": {
                "code": null,
                "name": "",
                "codeIso2": null,
                "codeIso3": null
            "city": "",
            "postalCode": "",
            "phone": ""
        "currency": null,
        "units": {
            "width": null,
            "height": null,
            "length": null,
            "weight": null
        "coordinates": {
            "latitude": null,
            "longitude": null
        "pages": [],
        "plan": null,
        "logistic": {
            "me1Supported": "",
            "modes": [""]

Please note that the values in the example response are placeholders and may not represent actual data.

466. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories?siteId={{id}}

467. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

468. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

This API endpoint makes an HTTP GET request to retrieve a list of products.

Query parameters:

  • productType: This parameter is used to filter the products based on their type.
  • status[active]: This parameter is used to filter the products based on their status, specifically for active products.

Response details:

  • success: A boolean value indicating the success of the request.
  • products: An array of product objects, each containing the following properties:
    • id: The unique identifier of the product.
    • sku: The stock keeping unit (SKU) of the product.
    • name: The name of the product.
    • subName: The subname of the product.
    • upc: The universal product code (UPC) of the product.
    • gtin: The global trade item number (GTIN) of the product.
    • description: The description of the product.
    • currency: The currency used for pricing the product.
    • productType: The type of the product.
    • quantity: The quantity of the product.
    • price: The price of the product.
    • cost: The cost of the product.
    • discount: The discount applied to the product.
    • dimensions: An object representing the dimensions of the product, including width, height, length, and weight.
    • units: An object representing the units of measurement for the product dimensions, including width, height, length, and weight.
    • category: An object representing the category of the product, including the category ID and name.
    • tags: An array of tags associated with the product.
    • status: An object representing the status of the product, including the status ID, visibility, active status, ecartapi ID, ecartapi, and whether the product has options.
    • variants: An array of variant objects associated with the product, each containing properties such as variant ID, product ID, barcode, name, price, currency, fulfillment service, options, dimensions, units, inventory, status, shipping requirements, bundled status, country and province codes, harmonized system code, image ID, image URL, and dates.
    • options: An array of option objects associated with the product, each containing a name and an array of values.
    • associatedItems: An array of associated item objects.
    • logistic: An object representing the logistic details of the product, including ME1 support, mode, type, free shipping, direction, dimensions, and rates.
    • images: An array of image objects associated with the product, each containing an ID, URL, variant IDs, and ecartapi URL.
    • imageUrl: The URL of the product image.
    • condition: The condition of the product.
    • link: The link to the product.
    • dates: An object representing the creation and update dates of the product.
    • vendor: The vendor of the product.
    • sellOutStock: The stock status of the product.
    • locations: An array of location objects associated with the product, each containing properties such as location ID, name, address, country, state, city, postal code, phone number, company, references, product IDs, default status, latitude, longitude, and ecartapi URL.
    • internationalShipment: An array of international shipment objects associated with the product.

Additionally, the response includes a page object with the next property indicating the URL for the next page of results, and the previous property indicating the URL for the previous page of results.

Please note that some properties may have null values depending on the availability of data for each product.

469. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/:id

470. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Products - Create Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

471. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

*Update a product

This feature allows you to update the following product properties:
When the item is active you can modify:

  • Description
  • Price
  • Quantity*
  • imageUrl
  • Logistics*

When the item does not have sales, you can modify:

  • Name

Consider the following conditions when updating logistics:
The ME1 shipping mode enables sellers to list heavy or bulky products on Mercado Libre. With this option, sellers can manage their own logistics or use third-party services for products that do not qualify for Mercado Shipments 2 (ME2).

When using the dimensions and units properties in this resource, it pertains to the dimensions and units of the package for the ME1 shipping method, as illustrated in the example.

The dimensions and units for products are managed directly by MercadoLibre based on the category and type of the product when it was created.

For ME1 object dimensions are required.

Dimensions limit for ME1 mode:

  • width:500 cm
  • height: 500cm
  • length: 500cm
  • weight: 500000 gr

If you break the limit of some previous metric the shipping mode will be not_specifcied.

For the ME2 shipping mode, it's important to remember that the dimensions of the packages are determined by Mercado Libre and cannot be altered by the user.
This shipping method is valid for the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, and Ecuador.

It is not possible to change a product in shipping mode ME2 to ME1.With the custom shipping method, you can establish multiple rates, enabling buyers to select the option that best fits their needs at the time of purchase. This feature is especially valuable when sellers opt to manage their own logistics for their sales.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

Consider the following conditions when updating inventory:

  • Inventory is managed by Stock Management, which operates in coexistence with both Full and Flex options.
  • currently, this feature should only be used for products that have both Full and Flex coexistence options activated.
  • only Flex inventory can be updated
  • To use this feature, you just need to have items in stock under the 'Full' inventory category.

To update quantity to a flex product the productUserId is required. To get it, use the get product call.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

472. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Products - Delete Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

473. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Product images - Get product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Searches for the selected image of a product.

Important information:

474. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Product Variants - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

475. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Product Variants - Get single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for a selected variant of a product.

Important information:

476. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Orders-Orders Risks - Get all order risks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/risks

Retrieves all risks of a order.

477. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Orders-Orders Risks - Get a single order risk

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/risks/{{id}}

Retrieve a single risk for a order sending the ID as required path param

478. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Orders-Orders Risks - Create order risk

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/risks

post a message to tag a risk for an order

479. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Orders-Orders Risks - Delete order risk

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/risks/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected order risk

480. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
sort Order search result by ascending:'date_asc' or descending:'date_desc'
limit Limit size of the search
'createdAt[from]' Filter orders by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter orders by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'status[status]' Filter orders by status: Pending, Shipped, Canceled
'updatedAt[from]' Filter orders by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter orders by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]
search Filter orders by a text chain
recent Filter recent orders
page Pagination number.

481. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

You can use the shippingLabel parameter as a reference to download the shipping document of the order. If this parameter is not NULL then you will receive the endpoint to make GET request to download the shipping document, in the Mercado Libre response you will receive a blob that you can convert into a pdf

482. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Fulfillments - Get a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

483. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Fulfillments - Get all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

484. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Fulfillments - Create Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:orderId/fulfillments

485. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Fulfillment Events - Create fulfillment event

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:orderId/fulfillments/events

Allowed values for status and meaning:

Ecartapi status E-commerce status E-commerce Description
delivered delivered The shipment was successfully delivered.
failed failure Something went wrong with the shipment it was no delivered or sent back to the seller.
in_transit in_transit The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination.

Find more information of the resource on the ecommerce documentation.

486. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Locations - All Locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

487. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Locations - Location details

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/:id

488. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Locations - get Inventory

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

489. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Locations - Update inventory

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/X/inventories/MLAU1106141798

490. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Shippings - Get shippings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings?categoryId=MLM27576

Retrieves store shippings available

categoryId: Get shippings modes available for a product category.

491. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Documents - Fulfillment Label Download

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/documents?fulfillmentIds=43879983966&type=zpl2

This call has required param fulfillmentIds

you can ask for a different type of document with the param type there is PDF and ZPL2

492. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Messages - All messages from an order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packs/{{packID}}/messages

To send messages with your client first you must have the packId and the customer ID both can be found when making a get single order request.

493. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Messages - Single message

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packs/{{packID}}/messages/{{id}}

To send messages with your client first you must have the packId and the customer ID both can be found when making a get single order request.

494. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Messages - Create message

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packs/{{packId}}/messages

To send messages with your client first you must have the packId and the customer ID both can be found when making a get single order request.

495. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Webhooks - Webhooks available

OPTIONS https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

496. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Webhooks - Get all store Webhoooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

497. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Webhooks - Get a single Webhoook

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

498. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Webhooks - Webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

499. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Webhooks - Webhook

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

500. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre-Webhooks - Webhook

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

501. Supported Requests by Cart-Mercado Libre - Refreshtoken

POST localhost:3000/api/v2/refreshtoken

502. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Categories - Get categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Searches for all the available categories.

503. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Categories - Get category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/08a55a28-29e3-4a15-86a5-291239dad46a

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

504. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates a new category.

505. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Categories - Update Category

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/a0f02dda-4e38-4dde-9f5a-52f7dc978712

Update the selected category information.

Important information:

506. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Customers - Get customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

This resource can show all customers information or filters the results with params.

507. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Customers - Get single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/8649040d-923b-44d4-9d18-3325212d8ef3

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

508. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Customers - Create customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer

509. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Documents - Download zip document

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/documents

Get an url for get a compress file with documents about the shipping.

requestId: required

510. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Documents - Create document

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/documents

Use for falabella, dafiti y linio

orderId: is required

511. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Fuflillment - Get order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

This resource can show an order fulfillments information.

Important information:

512. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Fuflillment - Create Order Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

513. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Orders - Get orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Retrieves all orders information.

514. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Orders - Creates order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/orders

515. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Payments - Get payments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/payments

Get all payments methods.

516. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Products - Get products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


This resource can show all products or filters the results with params.


517. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Products - Get single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/85bb88af-2e31-475e-b4cf-8155a499fb79

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

518. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Products - Create product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Creates a new product and add to the store product list.

519. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/4e20ec13-38b5-4603-a06d-0bba110356c8

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

520. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Shippings - Get shippings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings

Retrieves all store shipping methods.

521. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Store - Get store information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store


Retrieves store information.


522. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Locations and Inventory - List all locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

This API endpoint is part of the ecartapi solution, which is compatible with various e-commerce platforms, including Multivende. It provides a list of available warehouses for the queried merchant.

For reference you can find the Multivende resource endpoint here.

523. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Locations and Inventory - Create location

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

This API endpoint is a feature of the ecartapi solution, designed to work seamlessly with multiple e-commerce platforms, such as Multivende. It enables users to create a new warehouse by providing essential location details in a JSON request.

For reference find de multivende documentation for this endpoint here.

524. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Locations and Inventory - List location inventory

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/615633ab-38ef-4ce2-9313-e57243b9cb4c/inventories

This API endpoint is an integral part of the ecartapi solution, which offers compatibility with various e-commerce platforms, including Multivende. It allows you to retrieve stock information from a specific location.

This is a reference link to the resource from multivende documentation.

525. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Locations and Inventory - Update sku inventory

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/{{locationId}}/inventories/{{inventoryId}}

This API endpoint is a crucial feature within the ecartapi solution, designed to seamlessly work with multiple e-commerce platforms, including Multivende. It enables you to modify the quantity of items in stock at a specific location.

This is a reference link to the resource from multivende documentation.

526. Supported Requests by Cart-Multivende-Locations and Inventory - Get sku inventory from location

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/3f09d1cf-94af-47a7-867e-3ce7637f78ab/inventories/9789566196620

527. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

528. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

529. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Products - Count all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/count

530. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

531. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Products - Product Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

532. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/4469858631754

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

533. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Categories - Get all available categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

534. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Categories - Count all available categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/count

535. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

536. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates new category.

537. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Update the selected category information.

Important information:

538. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

539. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

540. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

541. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Customers - Count all costumers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/count

542. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Customers - Customers

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer.

Important information:

543. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Customers - Customers Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Update the selected costumer's information.

Important information:

544. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected customer.

Important information:

545. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

546. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Orders - Count all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/count

547. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

548. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

549. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Orders - Order Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Update an order's information.

Important information:

550. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected order.

Important information:

551. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Fulfillments - Get all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:

552. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Fulfillments - Get a single order fulfillment

GET localhost:3000/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

553. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Fulfillments - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments


package.dimensions.weight - represents the weight of the package to be shipped.

tracking.number - Tracking number assigned to the shipping label generated for this fulfillments package.

554. Supported Requests by Cart-Nopcommerce-Fulfillments - Orders fulfillment Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Update the fulfillment information.

Important information:

555. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Products - Products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

556. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Products - Get product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

557. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Orders - Get Orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

558. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Orders - Get Order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

559. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Orders - Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

560. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Orders - Order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Update orders information.

When notification is set to true the client of the order will receive and email regarding their order being updated.

Allowed values for body.

status.status - paid, pending, refunded, cancelled, deleted, authorized, shipped:

561. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

562. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Carts - Product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts

563. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart-Fulfillments - Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

This request updates Opencart's order status to shipped and sets a comment for the store manager that includes the carrier, tracking number and url.

Important information:


The order's ID must exist

  • The user will always get notified when making a fulfillment.
  • The order will always be set to 'shipped' in opencart.
  • All items will be fulfilled in one single shipping label or package.

564. Supported Requests by Cart-Opencart - Refreshtoken

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/refreshtoken

565. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Store - get Store

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store

566. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Products - get Products

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

567. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Products - get Product

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}

568. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Products - Product

POST htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Accounts is an object that you can use to reference IncomeAccount, AssetAccount, and ExpenseAccount. This allows you to properly organize the creation of your product if you don't use the default accounts within your QuickBooks store.

If you prefer to use QuickBooks' default accounts or don't have accounts created, you don't need to enter the accounts object. The object will be created with QuickBooks' default values.

569. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Products - Product

PUT htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}

570. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Products - Product

DELETE htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}

571. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Orders - get Orders

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

572. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Orders - get single Order

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}

573. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Orders - Order

POST htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

To obtain a TaxCodeId, please use our taxes resource. This will allow you to add the tax to your order.

574. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Orders - Order

PUT htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}

575. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Orders - Order

DELETE htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}

576. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Taxes-TaxAgencies - get TaxAgencies

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/taxes/taxAgencies

577. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Taxes-TaxAgencies - get single TaxAgencies

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/taxes/taxAgencies/{{id}}

578. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Taxes-TaxAgencies - TaxAgencies

POST htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/taxes/taxAgencies

579. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Taxes-TaxCode - get TaxCodes

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/taxes/taxCodes

580. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Taxes-TaxCode - get single TaxCodes

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/taxes/taxCodes/{{id}}

581. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Taxes-TaxCode - TaxCodes

POST htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/taxes/taxCodes

582. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Taxes-TaxRate - get TaxRates

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/taxes/taxRates

583. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Taxes-TaxRate - get single TaxRates

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/taxes/taxRates/{{id}}

584. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Customers - get single Customer

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

585. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Customers - Customer

POST htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

586. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Customers - Customer

PUT htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

587. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Customers - Customer

DELETE htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

588. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Customers - get Customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

589. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Webhooks - get Webhooks

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

590. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Webhooks - get a single Webhook

GET htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

591. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Webhooks - Webhook

POST htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

592. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Webhooks - Webhook

PUT htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

593. Supported Requests by Cart-QuickBooks-Webhooks - Webhook

DELETE htpps://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

594. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

This resource can show all products or filters the results with params.

595. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

596. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Creates a new product and add to the store product list.

597. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Product Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

598. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Products

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

599. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

600. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Get a single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

601. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Variant

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Creates a variation of an available product.

Important information:

602. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Variant

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Creates a variation of an available product.

Important information:

603. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Variant

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

604. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Get all product's images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Searches for all the images of a single product.

Important information:

605. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Products - Get a single product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Searches for the selected image of a product.

Important information:

606. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

This resource can show all categories info.

607. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

608. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates a new category.

609. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Update the selected category information.

Important information:

610. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

611. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

This resource can show all orders information or filters the results with params.

612. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

613. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected order.

Important information:

614. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

This resource can show all customers information or filters the results with params.

615. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

616. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Customers - Customers

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer.

Important information:

617. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Customers - Customer Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Updatethe selected costumer's information.

Important information:

618. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected customer.

Important information:

619. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Carts - Get all carts

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts

This resource can show all carts.

620. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Carts - Get a single cart

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts/{{id}}

Searches for the selected cart and shows detailed information.

Important information:

621. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Carts - Cart

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/carts/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected cart.

Important information:

622. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Fulfillments - Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Get companyId of carrier using Get all carriers service.

If companyId does not have your carrier pick and ID to represent your carrier and ask the seller to add it into their store settings.

623. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Fulfillments - Get order fulfillment

GET {{hostname}}/api/v2/orders/27/fulfillments

This resource can show an order fulfillments information.

Important information:

624. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Fulfillments - Get all fulfillment

GET localhost:3000/api/v2/orders/services/fulfillment

625. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Fulfillments - Get all carriers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/carriers

This resource show all carriers information or filters the results with params.

626. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Fulfillments - Cancel Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Be carefull this request will always cancel the fulfillment of the order id provided.

627. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Webhooks - Create Webhook

POST {{hostname}}/api/v2/webhooks

628. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Addresses - Get addresses

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/addresses

629. Supported Requests by Cart-PrestaShop-Addresses - Get an address

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/addresses/137

630. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

631. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

632. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Products - Count products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/count

633. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

634. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Products - Product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

635. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

636. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Orders - Get single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

637. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Orders - Count orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/count

638. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Orders - orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

639. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Orders - order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

640. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

641. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Customers - Get single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

642. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Customers - Customers count

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/count

643. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Customers - Customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

644. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise-Customers - Customer

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

645. Supported Requests by Cart-SalesForce Enterprise - RefreshToken

POST localhost:3000/api/v2/refreshtoken

646. Supported Requests by Cart-ShipHero-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


Filter Description
page Pagination number.
limit Limit size of the search

647. Supported Requests by Cart-ShipHero-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

648. Supported Requests by Cart-ShipHero-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

649. Supported Requests by Cart-ShipHero-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.

650. Supported Requests by Cart-ShipHero-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

651. Supported Requests by Cart-ShipHero-Orders - Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

652. Supported Requests by Cart-ShipHero-Orders - Order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

653. Supported Requests by Cart-ShipHero - refreshtoken

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/refreshtoken

654. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Set Up Your GDPR Webhooks - Create GDPR Webhooks

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks


Before we start setting up the Shopify GDPR webhooks first you need to already have all of the following:

  1. A Shopify access token.

  2. An App in Shopify's Partner program.

  3. An Endpoint on your app to receive webhook information.

Setting Up Webhooks on EcartAPI:

  1. Create the 3 types of GDPR webhooks through EcartAPI using a POST request. Make sure to save the gdprReference for each webhook.

  2. Set up your GDPR URL for Shopify as follows:

- URL format: `https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/shopify/callback/{{gdprReference}}/{{webhook_type}}`

- Replace the information within the double curly braces `{{ }}` with the appropriate values:

    - `{{gdprReference}}` with the `gdprReference` you saved in step 1.

    - `{{webhook_type}}` with the specific type of GDPR webhook (_"customer_request", "customer_redact", "shop_redact"_).

Now, let's proceed to configure these webhooks in your Shopify Partner Dashboard:

Configuring Webhooks in Shopify Partner Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your Shopify Partner Dashboard.

  2. Go to Apps in the Partner Dashboard.

  3. Locate and click on the specific app that you want to update.

  4. Inside the app, find and click on App setup.

  5. In the GDPR mandatory webhooks section, update the endpoints for the three GDPR webhook types with the URLs you generated in step 2.

  6. After updating the endpoints, click Save to save your changes.

These steps ensure that your EcartAPI app is set up to receive GDPR webhooks from Shopify. Once configured, Shopify will send webhook events to the specified URLs, and your EcartAPI app can process the incoming data as needed.

Remember that you only need to set up these webhooks once, as duplicate setups can lead to duplicated requests. Make sure to handle the incoming webhook data in your EcartAPI app as per your requirements for GDPR compliance.

655. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Store App Charge Billings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/billing

656. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Store Store App Charge billing

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/billing/{{id}}

657. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Create Store App Charge Billing

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/billing

658. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Recurrent billings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/billing/recurrent

659. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Recurrent billing

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/billing/recurrent/{{id}}

660. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Recurrent billing Activate

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/billing/recurrent/{{id}}/activate

661. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Create recurrent billing

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/billing/recurrent

662. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Usage Charges

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/billing/{{id}}/usage

To make usage charges you must create a recurrent billing and activate it so you can charge the store

663. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Usage Charge

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/billing/{{id}}/usage/{{usageId}}

To make usage charges you must create a recurrent billing and activate it so you can charge the store

664. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Billing - Create Usage Charge

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/billing/{{id}}/usage

To make usage charges you must create a recurrent billing and activate it so you can charge the store

665. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Store - Get store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store

666. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Store - Store Feedbacks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/feedback

667. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Store - Create Feedback

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/feedback

668. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Store - Create Storefront Access Token

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/token

669. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


Pagination number.
Limit size of the search
Filter items by Id's provided
Filter items since the Id given
Filter items by name
Filter items by type of product
Filter items by id of products category
Filter items by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
Filter items by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
Filter items by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
Filter items by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]
Filter items by status pf published: 'true' or 'false'

670. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

  • The product's ID must exist

  • Dimensions in products are only available for variants. When there are different values in the variants, it will always display those of the first one.

671. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Count all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/count

672. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Creates a new product.

Options: Only is possible creates the first variant usign *create product*, and will be created with the first values o each option.

Use variant resource to create more product variants.

673. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Product update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Allowed values for satus.active : (Boolean string)

  • "true"

  • false

If you want to update the price or inventory of a product, you must use the 'update product variant' resource.

674. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

675. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

676. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Get single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

677. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Count all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/count

Counts all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

678. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Variant

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

679. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Variant update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

680. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Variants

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

681. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Get all product's images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Searches for all the images of a single product.

Important information:

682. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Get a single product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Searches for all the images of a single product.

Important information:

683. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Images

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Adds a new image to an existing product.

Important information:

684. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Images

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Deletes permanently the selected image of a product.

Important information:

685. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - All sales channel products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings?limit=3&page=page-token&updatedAt[from]=2020-08-21

686. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Count sales channel products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings/count

687. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Get single sales channel product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings/{{id}}

688. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Add product to sales channel

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings

689. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Remove product from sales channel Copy

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/listings/{{id}}

690. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Get product Feedback

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}/feedback

691. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Products - Create product feedback Copy

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/feedback

692. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Categories - Get all available categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories


Filter Description
ids Filter categories by Id's provided
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
sinceId Filter categories since the Id given
name Filter categories by name
productID Filter by product id

693. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Categories - Count all available categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/count

694. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

695. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates new category.

696. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Update the selected category information.

Important information:

697. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

698. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers


Filter Description
ids Filter customers by Id's provided
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
sinceId Filter customers since the Id given
'createdAt[from]' Filter customers by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter customers by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'updatedAt[from]' Filter customers by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter customers by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]

699. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

700. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Customers - Count all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/count

701. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Customers - Customers

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer.

Important information:

702. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Customers - Customers

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Update the selected costumer's information.

Important information:

703. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected customer.

Important information:

704. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders-Orders Risks - Get all order risks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/risks

Retrieves all risks of a order.

705. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders-Orders Risks - Get single order risk

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/risks/{{id}}

Retrieve a single risk for a order sending the ID as required path param

706. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders-Orders Risks - Create order risk

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/risks

707. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders-Orders Risks - Delete order risk

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/5058721448191/risks/7550661394687

708. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Get's all orders from the shopify store.

709. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Count all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/count

710. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

draft ( Boolean ) - Returns only draft order.

711. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Creates order based on information provided. You can create draft orders.

Important information:

  • The order payload object must exist

draft ( Boolean ) - Creates draft order when true.

712. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Order Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Update an order's information.

Important information:

draft ( Boolean ) - Updates draft order when true.

713. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected order.

Important information:

714. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Draft order complete

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/complete

Complete draft order as paid.

Important information:

  • The draft order's ID must exist

715. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Get all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
sinceId Filter fullfilments since the Id given
'createdAt[from]' Filter fullfilments by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter fullfilments by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'updatedAt[from]' Filter fullfilments by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter fullfilments by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]
name Filter fullfilments by name
email Filter fullfilments by email

716. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Get a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

717. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

718. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Orders fulfillment Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Update the fulfillment information.

Important information:

719. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Cancel Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Changes an order's fulfillment status to cancelled.

Important information:

720. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Orders - Order fulfillment locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/locations

This request will provide information for all the posible locations and packages fulfillments that can be made from the different shopify locations available.

The default flag will tell you the store's default shipping location

721. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillments - Get all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
sinceId Filter fullfilments since the Id given
'createdAt[from]' Filter fullfilments by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter fullfilments by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'updatedAt[from]' Filter fullfilments by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter fullfilments by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]
name Filter fullfilments by name
email Filter fullfilments by email

722. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillments - Get a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

723. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillments - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

724. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillments - Orders fulfillment Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Update the fulfillment information.

Important information:

725. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillments - Cancel Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Changes an order's fulfillment status to cancelled.

Important information:

726. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillments - Order fulfillment locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/locations

This request will provide information for all the posible locations and packages fulfillments that can be made from the different shopify locations available.

The default flag will tell you the store's default shipping location

727. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Locations - Get all locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

728. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Locations - Count Locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/count

729. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Locations - Get single location

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/{{id}}

Searches for the selected location and shows detailed information.

Important information:

  • The location's ID must exist

730. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Locations - Get all inventories by location

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/{{locationId}}/inventories

Get all store products available by locationId

731. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Locations - Get all locations by inventory

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/inventories/{{inventoryId}}

Get all store locations available by product.

Important information:

  • The invetory ID must exist

732. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Locations - Get single inventory

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/{{id}}/inventories/{{inventoryId}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

733. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Locations - Inventory Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/{{id}}/inventories/{{inventoryId}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

734. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-Carriers - Get carrier services

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

735. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-Carriers - Get single carrier services

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/services/carriers/{{id}}

736. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-Carriers - Create single carrier service

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

737. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-Carriers - Update a carrier service

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{id}}

738. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-Carriers - Delete a carrier service

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{id}}

739. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-WMS management - Get all Fulfillment Services

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment

740. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-WMS management - Get Fulfillment Service

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/{{id}}

741. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-WMS management - Fulfillment Service

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment

742. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-WMS management - Fulfillment Service

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/{{id}}

743. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-WMS management - Fulfillment Service

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/{{id}}

744. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-WMS management - Accept Requests

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/accepted/{{reference}}

745. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-WMS management - Reject Requests

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/fulfillment/rejected/{{reference}}

746. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-WMS management - Get All Order Fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/services/fulfillment?status[status]=fulfillment_requested/cancellation_requested

747. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Activate

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/activate

748. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Payment succesful

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/resolve/success

749. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Payment rejected

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/resolve/rejected

750. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Refund successul

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/refund/success

751. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Refund rejected

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/refund/rejected

752. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Authorize successful

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/authorize/success

753. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Authorize rejected

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/authorize/rejected

754. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Void successful

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/void/success

755. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Services-(BETA) Payments - Void rejected

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/sevices/payments/void/rejected

756. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Webhooks - Get all store Webhoooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

With this request you will be able to consult all the webhooks associated to the Amazon Store

757. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Webhooks - Get a single Webhoook

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

Retrieves information of a single webhook from your store

758. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Webhooks - Webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

Request to create new webhooks

759. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Webhooks - Webhook

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

760. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Webhooks - Webhook

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

761. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillment Events - Get fulfillment Events

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/events


city The city where the fulfillment event occurred.

country The country where the fulfillment event occurred.

createdAt The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event was created.

estimatedDeliveryAt The estimated delivery date based on the fulfillment's tracking number, as long as it's provided by one of the following carriers: USPS, FedEx, UPS, or Canada Post (Canada only). Value is null if no tracking number is available or if the tracking number is from an unsupported carrier. This property is available only when carrier calculated rates are in use.'

happenedAt The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event occurred.

id An ID for the fulfillment event.

latitude A geographic coordinate specifying the latitude of the fulfillment event.

longitude A geographic coordinate specifying the longitude of the fulfillment event.

description An arbitrary message describing the status. Can be provided by a shipping carrier.

state The province where the fulfillment event occurred.


The status of the fulfillment event. Valid values:

shipped: 1,
receivedatpostoffice: 2,
transit: 3,
outfordelivery: 4,
deliveryattemptfailed: 5,
delayed: 6,
pickupready: 7,
delivered: 8,
to_sender: 9,
lost: 10,
failed: 11,
created: 12,
other: 13

updatedAt The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event was updated.

postalCode The zip code of the location where the fulfillment event occurred.

762. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillment Events - Get fulfillment event

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/events/{id}

763. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillment Events - Create fulfillment event

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/events

Allowed values for status and meaning:

Ecartapi status E-commerce status E-commerce Description
pickup_ready readyforpickup The shipment is ready for pickup at a shipping depot.
created confirmed The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn't received it yet.
deliveryattemptfailed attempted_delivery Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed.
delivered delivered The shipment was successfully delivered.
failed failure Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment, such as the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled.
in_transit in_transit The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination.
outfordelivery outfordelivery The shipment is being delivered to its final destination.
other picked_up The fulfillment was successfully picked up.

764. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillment Events - Delete fulfillment event

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/events/{id}

Allowed values for status and meaning:

Ecartapi status E-commerce status E-commerce Description
pickup_ready readyforpickup The shipment is ready for pickup at a shipping depot.
created confirmed The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn't received it yet.
deliveryattemptfailed attempted_delivery Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed.
delivered delivered The shipment was successfully delivered.
failed failure Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment, such as the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled.
in_transit in_transit The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination.
outfordelivery outfordelivery The shipment is being delivered to its final destination.
other picked_up The fulfillment was successfully picked up.

765. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Cupon - Get All Cupons

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons

766. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Cupon - Get single Cupon

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{id}

767. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Cupon - Create Cupon

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons

768. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Cupon - Update Cupon

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/1133821526185

769. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Cupon - Delete Cupon

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{id}

770. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Discount Codes - Get All Codes for one Cupon

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponsId}/discountCodes

771. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Discount Codes - Get single Code for one Cupon

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponId}/discountCodes/{id}

772. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Discount Codes - Create Discount Code

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponsId}/discountCodes

773. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Discount Codes - Update Discount Code

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponId}/discountCodes/{id}

774. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Cupons-Discount Codes - Delete Discount Code

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/{cuponId}/discountCodes/{id}

775. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Create Metafields - Get All Metafields

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields?ownerType=order

When using the Get All Metafields resource, you need to specify the ownerType of the Metafield Definition through query parameters, as shown in the example.

776. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Create Metafields - Get single Metafield

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/34854240425

777. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Create Metafields - Create Metafield

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields

Please note that all Metafield Definitions you create through our metafields resource will have the access type of MERCHANTREADWRITE. For more information, visit this link.

Make sure that your integration has the readcontent and writecontent access scopes to be able to create Metafield Definitions.


Properties Description
name The human-readable name for the metafield definition.
namespace The container for a group of metafields that the metafield definition will be associated with.
Must be 3-255 characters long and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen, and underscore characters.
key The unique identifier for the metafield definition within its namespace.

Must be 3-64 characters long and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen, and underscore characters.
description The description for the metafield definition.
type The type of data that each of the metafields that belong to the metafield definition will store. Refer to the list of supported types.
ownerType The resource type that the metafield definition is attached to.

778. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Create Metafields - Update Metafield

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/34854240425

When you update a Metafield Definition using our Metafield resource, please be aware that you cannot update the type property.

779. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Create Metafields - Delete Metafield

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/33592836265

By using the DELETE Metafield feature, you will be deleting the Metafield Definition in Shopify along with any values that have been recorded in your online store or by API for this metafield.

Once deleted, there is no way to recover the Metafield Definition or the values of its associated Metafields. Make sure you do not depend on your Metafield Definition before using this feature.

780. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Order - get Metafield Values for orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/orders/5501113860265

781. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Order - set Metafield Values for orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/orders/5501113860265

When setting a value for your metafield, keep in mind that you will need to send a JSON string or JSON.

782. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Order - Delete Metafield Values for orders

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/orders/5501113860265?metafieldId=25455017361577

783. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Products - get Metafield Values for products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/products/7686206488745

784. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Products - set Metafield Values for products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/products/7686206488745

When setting a value for your metafield, keep in mind that you will need to send a JSON string or JSON.

785. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Products - Delete Metafield Values for products

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/products/7686206488745?metafieldId=25455224389801

786. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Products Variants - get Metafield Values for products variants Copy

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/products/7686206488745/variants/43809806844073

787. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Products Variants - set Metafield Values for products variants

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/products/7686206488745/variants/43809806844073

When setting a value for your metafield, keep in mind that you will need to send a JSON string or JSON.

788. Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Metafields-Metafield Values-Products Variants - Delete Metafield Values for products variants Copy 2

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/metafields/variants/43809806844073?metafieldId=25463052239017

789. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Store - Get store

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store

790. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

791. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Orders - Get a order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders//{{id}}

792. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Orders - Order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

793. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Customers - Get customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

794. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Customers - Get a customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers//{{id}}

795. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Searches for all products and shows detailed information.

For more information visit the documentation

**Important information:


796. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Get a product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

For more information visit thedocumentation

**Important information:


797. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Creates a product for shoplazza.

name: Name/Title of the product

subName: SubSubtitle of the product

gtin: Equivalent to barcode

tags: Must Be an array of single words

For more information, visit the documentation

798. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates a product for shoplazza.

name: Name/Title of the product

price: Must be entered with a valid value, even if it won't be changed

For more information visit the documentationdocumentation

**Important information:



799. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Delete product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

For more information, visit the documentation

**Important information:


800. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Get product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

For more information, visit the documentation

**Important information:


801. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Get product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

For more information, visit the documentation

**Important information:


802. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Variant

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}/variants

Creates a variation of an available product.

The Product Id Must exist

For more information, visit the documentation

803. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - update variant

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates a variation of an available product.

For more information, visit the documentation

**Important information:


804. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Products - Delete variant

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

For more information, visit the documentation

**Important information:


805. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Fulfillment - get fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

806. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Fulfillment - get fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders//{{id}}/fulfillment/{{id}}

807. Supported Requests by Cart-Shoplazza-Fulfillment - Create Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{iorderId}}/fulfillments

808. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

This resource can show all products or filters the results with params.

809. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Get single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

810. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Create Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Creates a new product and add to the store product list.


* pageId

If you want the product to be published in a certain page get the pageId from the Get Store Request otherwise the product will be published on a random page.

Find more information about the ecommerce resource.

811. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

812. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Delete product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

813. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Get product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

814. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Create product variant

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Creates a variation of an available product.

Important information:

815. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Update product variant

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates a product's variation.

Important information:

816. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Products - Delete product variant

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

817. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Retrieves all orders information.

818. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Orders - Get single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

819. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Orders - Create Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Creates new orders.

Important information:

820. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace-Fulfillment - Order fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

821. Supported Requests by Cart-SquareSpace - Store information

GET https://api.ecartapi.comapi/v2/store

Get all store information

822. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

823. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

824. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

825. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Product Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Parameters limitations

  • languages valid values: 'es', 'en' and 'pt'

Important information:

  • The product's ID must exist

  • categoryId Must exist.

826. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

827. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

828. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Get single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{Id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

829. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Variants

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Creates a variation of an available product.

Important information:

830. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Variant Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates the information of an already existing product variant

Important information:

831. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Variants

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

832. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Get all product's images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Searches for all the images of a single product.

Important information:

833. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Get a single product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Searches for all the images of a single product.

Important information:

834. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Images

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Adds a new image to an existing product.

Important information:

835. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Products - Images

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Deletes permanently the selected image of a product.

Important information:

836. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Categories - Get all available categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

837. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

838. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates new category.

839. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Update the selected category information.

Important information:

840. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

841. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

842. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

843. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Customers - Customers

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer.

Important information:

844. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Customers - Customers Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Update the selected costumer's information.

Important information:

845. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected customer.

Important information:

846. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

847. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

848. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Orders - Orders (deprecated)

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Create an Order.

Order Status

Value Description
open The order is open
closed The order is closed
cancelled The order is cancelled

Payment Status

Value Description
pending The payment confirmation is pending
authorized The payment was authorized but not captured yet
paid The payment was successfully confirmed and captured
voided The payment confirmation is voided
refunded The payment was refunded to the customer
abandoned The payment confirmation is abandoned

More information

849. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Orders - Order Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Update an order's information.

Important information:

850. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected order.

Important information:

851. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Get carrier services

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

852. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Get single carrier services

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/services/carriers/{{id}}

853. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Create single carrier service

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

854. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Get Carrier Options

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{carrierId}}/options

855. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Get Carrier Option

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{carrierId}}/options/{{id}}

856. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Create carrier option

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{carrierId}}/options

857. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Update carrier option

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{carrierId}}/options/{{id}}

858. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Delete carrier option

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/{{carrierId}}/options/{{id}}

859. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Update a carrier service

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/services/carriers/{{carrierId}}

860. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Services-Carriers - Delete a carrier service

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/services/carriers/{{carrierId}}

861. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Fulfillments - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

862. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Fulfillment Events - Get Fulfillment Events

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/events

863. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Fulfillment Events - Info Fufillment Event

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/events/{{id}}

864. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Fulfillment Events - Create fulfillment Event

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/events

Possible values for status:

'shipped', 'receivedatpostoffice', 'intransit', 'outfordelivery', 'deliveryattemptfailed', 'delayed', 'pickupready', 'delivered', 'returnedto_sender', 'lost', 'failed'

865. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Fulfillment Events - Delete Fulfillment Event

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/events/{{id}}

Possible values for status:

'shipped', 'receivedatpostoffice', 'intransit', 'outfordelivery', 'deliveryattemptfailed', 'delayed', 'pickupready', 'delivered', 'returnedto_sender', 'lost', 'failed'

866. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Webhooks - Get Webhooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

867. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Webhooks - Get webhook

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/:id

868. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Webhooks - Create Webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

869. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Webhooks - Update Webhook

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

870. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Webhooks - Delete Webhook

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/:id

871. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Locations - Get all locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

872. Supported Requests by Cart-Tienda Nube-Locations - Get a location

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations/{{id}}

873. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Stores - Get stores

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/store/all

Get authenticated stores

874. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Products - Get products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Method get products for retrieves a list of items type products.

875. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Products - Get single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/1729420161799720033

Get a item of type product using a productId.

ProductId must be exists

876. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Products - Delete product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/products/1729409601337789537

Delete an item type product using a productId.

productId must be exists.

877. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/1729409601337789537

Update a item type product.
The productId must be exist.
For locationId can be get using getProduct resource.

878. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Locations - Get locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/locations

Use method get locations for retrieves a list of items type location.

879. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Orders-Split - Split order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/576676899248115480/split

880. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Orders - Orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Get orders retrieves a list of items type orders.

For details of an order use get singe order resource.

881. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Orders - Get order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/orders/576676899248115480

Get detailed information about an order using orderId.

OrderId must be exist

882. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Orders - Cancel order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/576670298683182872/fulfillments/1153051726716047128/cancel

883. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Categories - Get categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Retrieves a list of items type categories.

884. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Categories - Get a category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v1/categories/600001

885. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Services-Carriers - Get carriers (allowed for ecommerce)

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers?ecommerce=true&deliveryType=6956548250505578241

Get all available carriers (providers) for an shipping method.

serviceType is required and can be getted from single order resource in the logistic.serviceId field.

886. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Fultillments - Get fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/576670298683182872/fulfillments

Get a list of items type fulfillments of an orden.

orderId is required and must be exists.

887. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Fultillments - Get single fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/576670298683182872/fulfillments/1153051726716047128

888. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Fultillments - Create fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/576675344013758232/fulfillments

889. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Fultillments - Update fulfillment

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/576670298683182872/fulfillments/1153051726716047128

890. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Webhooks - Create webhooks

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

Create a webhook service for get the notification of an resource

891. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Webhooks - Get webhooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

Get a list of webhooks availables in the integration.

892. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Webhooks - Delete webhooks

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/66606c372629362542f642f3

Delete a webhook service using webhookId

webhookId must be exist.

893. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Inventories - Get inventories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/inventories/1729423937457589265

894. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Packages - Get packages

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packages?orderId=576679856171224856

Get a list of items type package order.

895. Supported Requests by Cart-TikTok-Packages - Get package

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packages/1153090621252996888

Get a package using a packageId

packageId must be exist

896. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Customers - Get a single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/699495569

897. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

898. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Customers - Create a customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

899. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Customers - Update a customer

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/962113246

900. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

901. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/:id

902. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Products - Create product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

903. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/:id

904. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Orders - Get orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

This HTTP GET request retrieves a list of orders from the Tiny e-commerce platform.

By default, 100 records are listed per page.

The response returns a JSON object with a success key indicating the success status, and an array of orders containing details about each order.

Each order object includes information such as ID, number, fulfillment status, currency, discounts, totals, dimensions, taxes, status, payment method, customer details, billing and shipping addresses, dates, and other relevant order-related data.

You can find more information about the API resource used in the Tiny Orders API documentation.

905. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Orders - Get order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:id

906. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Orders - Create order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

907. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Orders - Update order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:id

908. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Fulfillments - Create order fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:orderId/fulfillments

Tiny's resource to synch shipping information is limited to either be via correios or a general transport. By default the shipping option in EcartAPI by making this request WILL ALWAYS BE general transport or in portuguese Transportadora

There are no ID's related to the fulfillment resources so EcartAPI fabricates their own.

All fulfillment ID's will always be 1.

More details and information on the e-commerce resource.

909. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Fulfillments - Get Order Fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:orderId/fulfillments

910. Supported Requests by Cart-Tiny-Fulfillments - Get Order Fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/:orderId/fulfillments/:id

911. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


limit Limit size of the search
ids Filter items by Id's provided
'createdAt[from]' Filter items by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter items by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'updatedAt[from]' Filter items by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter items by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]

912. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

913. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

914. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

915. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Delete Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

916. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

917. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Get a single variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

918. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Product variant

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

919. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Product Variant

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

920. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Product variant

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

921. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Get all product images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

922. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Get single product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

923. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Product image

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

924. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Products - Product image

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

925. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
ids Filter items by Id's provided
limit Limit size of the search
'createdAt[from]' Filter orders by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter orders by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'updatedAt[from]' Filter orders by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter orders by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]
'status[status]' Filter orders by status
'status[financial]' Filter orders by financial status
'fullfilmentStatus' Filter orders by status of fullfilment

926. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

927. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

928. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

929. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Orders

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

930. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Get all order fulfillments

GET localhost:3000/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
'createdAt[from]' Filter customers by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter customers by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'updatedAt[from]' Filter customers by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter customers by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]

931. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Get a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

932. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

933. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Fulfillment

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

934. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko-Orders - Cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

935. Supported Requests by Cart-TradeGecko - RefreshToken

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/refreshtoken

936. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search

937. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Products - Get single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

938. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

939. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Products - Get all product images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

940. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Products - Get product image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

941. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Products - Product image

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

942. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search

943. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Categories - Get single category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

944. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search

945. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Orders - Get single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

946. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Orders - Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

947. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

948. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Customers - Get single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

949. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Customers - Customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

950. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Customers - Customer

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

951. Supported Requests by Cart-VendHq-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

952. Supported Requests by Cart-Verskis-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

953. Supported Requests by Cart-Verskis-Orders - Cancel Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}/cancel

Changes an order's fulfillment status to cancelled.

Important information:

954. Supported Requests by Cart-Verskis-Orders - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

955. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

956. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Categories - Get single category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

957. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.

958. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Products - Get single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

959. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
'status[status]' Filter orders by financial status

960. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Orders - Get single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

961. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

962. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

963. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Orders - Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

964. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Payments - Get all payments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/payments

965. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Payments - Get single payment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/payments/{{id}}

966. Supported Requests by Cart-Vtex-Payments - Authorize order fulfill

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/payments/authorize

967. Supported Requests by Cart-Walmart-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

968. Supported Requests by Cart-Walmart-Products - Product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

969. Supported Requests by Cart-Walmart-Products - Update Product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

970. Supported Requests by Cart-Walmart-Fulfillment - Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

971. Supported Requests by Cart-Walmart-Fulfillment - Get order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/108735482848338/fulfillments

972. Supported Requests by Cart-Walmart-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Ecommerce limitations.

Only orders created in last 180 days and a maximum of 50000 orders can be fetched at a time. Attempting to download more than 50000 orders will return an error.

973. Supported Requests by Cart-Walmart-Orders - Order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

974. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

975. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Products count

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/count

976. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Get single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

977. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

978. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

979. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

980. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Get product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

981. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Variants Count

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/count

982. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Get product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

983. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Variant

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

984. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Variant

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

985. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Get product Images

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

986. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Get product Image

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

987. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Image

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

988. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Products - Image

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

989. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

990. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Categories - Categories count

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/count

991. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

992. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

993. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Categories - Category

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

994. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

995. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search

996. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Orders - Get selected order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

997. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Orders - Get all fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

998. Supported Requests by Cart-Weebly-Orders - Get selected fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

999. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
'status[financial]' Filter orders by financial status
'createdAt[from]' Filter orders by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter orders by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'status[status]' Filter orders by status
'fullfilmentStatus' Filter orders by status of fullfilment

1000. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

1001. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Orders - Get documents

GET https://api.ecartapi/api/v2/orders/documents?orderIds=e0a87aab-e3d7-42d2-adad-5cc495ad75dc

1002. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


Pagination number.
Limit size of the search
Filter items by name
Filter items by sku, Products that have variants cannot be filtered by sku.
Sets the lower threshold of price.
Sets the upper threshold of price.
Filter items by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
Filter items by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
Filter items by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
Filter items by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]


For more information, check ecommerce documentation


1003. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Get information about a single product in the store including its variants

For more information, check ecommerce documentation

1004. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - Products

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Create a product for wix.
The currency for the price and the weight units, depend of your store configuration on wix.

There are 2 ways to add products to you inventory:

  1. If it’s a product, that has no variants and it’s only the product itself, you can use the “quantity” attribute.

  2. ⁠⁠If, however, your products have multiple variants (options to choose), you have to use the request “variant update”.
    You can’t use the “quantity” attribute with products with variants, because it will have no effect.

For more information, check ecommerce documentation

1005. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - Products Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

**Important information:

For more information, check ecommerce documentation

1006. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - Products Delete

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

1007. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product

Important information:

1008. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - Get a single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

1009. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - Variant update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Updates the information of an already existing product variant.

You may experience a delay in response of price and sku attributes

Important information:

For more information, check ecommerce documentation

1010. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - image

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images

Adds a new image to an existing product.

Important information:

1011. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Products - image

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/images/{{id}}

Deletes permanently the selected image of a product.

Important information:

1012. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Fulfillment - Get all order fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

1013. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Fulfillment - Gets a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

1014. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Fulfillment - Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

1015. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Fulfillment - Fulfillment

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

1016. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix-Fulfillment - Cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

1017. Supported Requests by Cart-Wix - Refreshtoken

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/refreshtoken

1018. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products-Feedbacks - Get product feedbacks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/214/feedback

1019. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
offet Definte the quantity of elements to skip in the next filtering
'status[status]' Filter items by status
productType Filter items by type of product
name Filter items by attribute name
sku Filter items by attribute sku
'createdAt[from]' Filter items by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter items by date created to. When used createdAt[from]

1020. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Get a single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

1021. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Create a product type variable

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Creates a product for woocommerce.

productType: simple, grouped, external and variable. Default is simple.

status: draft, pending, private and publish. Default is publish.

visibility: visible, catalog, search and hidden. Default is visible.

tags: To create a product with tags you require before create the tag and retrieve the id.

options: To create a new product with options you can create the attribute before in admin panel and retrieve the id like the example of Color option in body (recommended). Too is posible send a option without creates a attribute but this will be only for this product, Size option example.

1022. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Update a product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/447

Creates a product for woocommerce.

productType: simple, grouped, external and variable. Default is simple.

status: draft, pending, private and publish. Default is publish.

visibility: visible, catalog, search and hidden. Default is visible.

tags: To create a product with tags you require before create the tag and retrieve the id.

options: To create a new product with options you can create the attribute before in admin panel and retrieve the id like the example of Color option in body (recommended). Too is posible send a option without creates a attribute but this will be only for this product, Size option example.

1023. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Products

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Permanently delete the selected product.

Important information:

1024. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Add a variant to a variable product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/429/variants

1025. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Get all product variants

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants

Searches for all the registered variants of a single product.

Important information:

1026. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Get single product variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Searches for the selected variant and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

1027. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Variants

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/{{id}}

Permanently deletes a product's variation.

Important information:

1028. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Products - Variants Batch Create

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{productId}}/variants/batch



Only the first image will be taken into account the rest of the images in the array will be ignored


1029. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Categories - Get all categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Searches for all the available categories.


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
name Filter categories by name

1030. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Categories - Get selected category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Searches for the selected category and shows detailed information.

Important information:

1031. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Categories - Category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Creates a new category.

1032. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Categories - Category Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Update the selected category information.

Important information:

1033. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Categories - Category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected category.

Important information:

1034. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
search Find customer using a text chain.
page Pagination number.
offset Lower limit of the results block. Modifies the range of the results provided, range goes from offset to limit

1035. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Customers - Get a single costumer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for the selected customer and shows detailed information.

Important information:

1036. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Customers - Customers

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Registers a new costumer.

Important information:

1037. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Customers - Customers Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Update the selected costumer's information.

Important information:

1038. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Customers - Customers

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected customer.

Important information:

1039. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
page Pagination number.
name Filter orders by name
'status[status]' Filter orders by status
offet Definte the quantity of elements to skip in the next filtering
'createdAt[from]' Filter orders by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter orders by date created to. When used createdAt[from]

1040. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Get a single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

1041. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Orders

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Creates new orders.

Important information:

1042. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Order Update

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Update an order's information.

Important information:

1043. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Permanently deletes the selected order.

Important information:

1044. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Get all order fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:

1045. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Gets a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

1046. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Woocommerce Does not support partial fulfillments this means that you can not send items in this payload or if you send them they wont be taken into account. The order will receive a full fulfillment and all items in the order will be marked as fulfilled.

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

  • The order's ID must exist

1047. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Orders - Cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Cancels an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

1048. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones-Locations - Get shipping zone locations

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{id}}/locations

1049. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones-Locations - Create a shipping zone location

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{id}}/locations

1050. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones-Methods - Get all shipping methods from zone

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{id}}/methods

1051. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones-Methods - Get a shipping method from zone

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{zoneId}}/methods/{{id}}

1052. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones-Methods - Create a shipping zone method

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{id}}/methods

1053. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones-Methods - Update a shipping zone method

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com//api/v2/shippings/zones/{{zoneId}}/methods/{{id}}

1054. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones-Methods - Delete a shipping zone method Copy 2

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{zoneId}}/methods/{{id}}

1055. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones - Get shipping zones

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones

1056. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones - Get a shipping zone

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{id}}

1057. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones - Create a shipping zone

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones

1058. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones - Update a shipping zone

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{id}}

1059. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings-Zones - Delete a shipping zone

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/zones/{{id}}

1060. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings - Get all shippings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings

1061. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Shippings - Get a shippings

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/shippings/{{id}}

1062. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Webhooks - Webhooks available

OPTIONS https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

1063. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Webhooks - Get all store Webhoooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

1064. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Webhooks - Get a single Webhoook

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

1065. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Webhooks - Create Webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

Create Woocommerce webhooks with EcartAPI.

Find listed all the available resources for EcartAPI woocommerce Webhooks.

Resource. Actions.
customers create
products create
orders create

1066. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Webhooks - Webhook

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

1067. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Webhooks - Webhook

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/{{id}}

1068. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Cupons - Get all cupons

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons?limit=Int&page=Int

1069. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Cupons - Get cupon detail

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/:id

1070. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Cupons - Create cupons

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons

1071. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Cupons - Update cupon

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/:id

1072. Supported Requests by Cart-WooCommerce-Cupons - Delete cupon

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/cupons/:id

1073. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Orders - Get orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

1074. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Orders - Get a order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/96935553

1075. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Fulfillments - Create Order Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/96935553/fulfillments

1076. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Fulfillments - Update order fulfillment

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/96935553/fulfillments/345938

1077. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Fulfillments - Get order fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/96935553/fulfillments

1078. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Fulfillments - Get order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/96935553/fulfillments/345938

1079. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Fulfillments - Cancel Order Fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/96935553/fulfillments/345940/cancel

1080. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Products - Get products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Retrieve the products available in the store.

1081. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Products - Get a product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/:id

Retrieve a product usign a productId

The productId must exist

1082. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Products - Create product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Create a product for a Yampi store

1083. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Products - Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/19721631

Updates a product information usign the productId

The productId must exist

1084. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Products - Delete product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/19161096

Delete a product from the store with productId

The productId must exist

1085. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Products - Get variants of a product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/19721631/variants

Retrieves all variants of a product.

The productId must exist.

1086. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Products - Get single variant

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/19721631/variants/134288148

Get a single variant of a product.

The productId and variantId must exist.

1087. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Webhooks - Get Webhooks

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

1088. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Webhooks - Create webhook

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks

1089. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Webhooks - Delete Webhook

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/webhooks/:id

1090. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Live shipping rates - Create carrier service

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers

1091. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Live shipping rates - Delete carrier service

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/services/carriers/:id

1092. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Categories - Get categories

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

Get all catalog categories from a Yampi stores.

1093. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Categories - Get category

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/3087993

Retrieve a category usign categoryId.

The categoryId must exists.

1094. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Categories - Create category

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories

1095. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Categories - Update category

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/3087993

Update a category usign a categoryId.

CategoryId must exist

1096. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Categories - Delete category

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/categories/3087986

Deletes a product category usigin categoryId.

The categoryId must exist.

1097. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Customers - Get a customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/152632957

Retrieve the information of all customer from a Yampi store.

1098. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Customers - Get customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Retrieves the information of a customer

The customerId must exists.

1099. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Customers - Create customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

Creates a customer for a Yampi store.

1100. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Customers - Update customer

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/152661001

Updates the information of a customer.

The customerId must exist

1101. Supported Requests by Cart-Yampi-Customers - Delete customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/152633328

Deletes all customer information usign the customerID.

The customerId must exist.

1102. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Products - Get all products

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
'status[status]' Filter items by status of product: 'active' or 'inactive'
name Filter items by attribute name
searchType Filter items using searchType

1103. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Products - Get single product

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Searches for a selected product and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

1104. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Products - Product

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products

Create a product and shows the detailed information.
To create a new product name is required.

1105. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Products - Product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Updates the product information, according to new detailed information.

Important information:

1106. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Products - Product

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

Important information:

1107. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Customers - Get all customers

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers


Filter Description
search Find customer using a text chain.
name Filter customers by name
email Filter customers by email

1108. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Customers - Get single customer

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Searches for a selected customer and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

1109. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Customers - Customer

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers

1110. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Customers - Customer

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Updates the customer information.

Important information:

1111. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Customers - Customer

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/customers/{{id}}

Delete a selected customer .

Important information:

1112. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Get all orders

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
search Filter orders by a text chain
'status[status]' Filter orders by status

1113. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Get single order

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

Searches for a selected order and shows the detailed information.

Important information:

1114. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Order

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders

Create a order and shows the detailed information.
To create a order the customer's ID is required.

You can get the customer Id from the customer requests.

1115. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Order

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

1116. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Order

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{id}}

1117. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Get all order fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

1118. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Get single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

1119. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments


"shippingDate" - Date (YYYY-MM-DD). date value must happen after order was created

1120. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Orders - Delete fulfillment

POST localhost:3000/api/v1/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

1121. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Packages - Get all packages

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packages

1122. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Packages - Get single package

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packages/{{id}}

1123. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Packages - Package

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packages/{{orderId}}

1124. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Packages - Package

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packages/{{id}}

1125. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory-Packages - Package

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/packages/{{id}}

1126. Supported Requests by Cart-Zoho Inventory - Refreshtoken

POST localhost:3000/api/v2/refreshtoken