Ecartapi.com Public API Documentation

Update product

PUT https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/{{id}}

*Update a product

This feature allows you to update the following product properties:
When the item is active you can modify:

  • Description
  • Price
  • Quantity*
  • imageUrl
  • Logistics*

When the item does not have sales, you can modify:

  • Name

Consider the following conditions when updating logistics:
The ME1 shipping mode enables sellers to list heavy or bulky products on Mercado Libre. With this option, sellers can manage their own logistics or use third-party services for products that do not qualify for Mercado Shipments 2 (ME2).

When using the dimensions and units properties in this resource, it pertains to the dimensions and units of the package for the ME1 shipping method, as illustrated in the example.

The dimensions and units for products are managed directly by MercadoLibre based on the category and type of the product when it was created.

For ME1 object dimensions are required.

Dimensions limit for ME1 mode:

  • width:500 cm
  • height: 500cm
  • length: 500cm
  • weight: 500000 gr

If you break the limit of some previous metric the shipping mode will be not_specifcied.

For the ME2 shipping mode, it's important to remember that the dimensions of the packages are determined by Mercado Libre and cannot be altered by the user.
This shipping method is valid for the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, and Ecuador.

It is not possible to change a product in shipping mode ME2 to ME1.With the custom shipping method, you can establish multiple rates, enabling buyers to select the option that best fits their needs at the time of purchase. This feature is especially valuable when sellers opt to manage their own logistics for their sales.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.

Consider the following conditions when updating inventory:

  • Inventory is managed by Stock Management, which operates in coexistence with both Full and Flex options.
  • currently, this feature should only be used for products that have both Full and Flex coexistence options activated.
  • only Flex inventory can be updated
  • To use this feature, you just need to have items in stock under the 'Full' inventory category.

To update quantity to a flex product the productUserId is required. To get it, use the get product call.

More information about the ecommerce's resource.



Key Datatype Required Description 


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

{ "success": true, "product": { "id": "MLM2065070011", "productUserId": null, "sku": "WA17T6260B", "name": "Lavadora Automática Samsung Wa17t6260b Inverter Negra 17kg", "subName": null, "upc": null, "gtin": null, "description": null, "currency": "MXN", "productType": "free", "quantity": "1", "price": "50000", "cost": null, "discount": null, "dimensions": { "width": "63.00", "height": "108.00", "length": "69.00", "weight": "43" }, "units": { "width": "cm", "height": "cm", "length": "cm", "weight": "kg" }, "category": { "id": "MLM27576", "name": null, "all": [] }, "tags": [], "status": { "id": null, "visibility": null, "active": null, "status": "active", "ecartapiId": "1", "ecartapi": "active", "hasOptions": null, "inStock": null }, "variants": [ { "id": "182770457685", "productId": "MLM2065070011", "productUserId": "MLMU370880241", "barcode": null, "name": "Agua", "price": "50000", "currency": "MXN", "sku": null, "fulfillmentService": null, "option1": "Agua", "option2": null, "option3": null, "dimensions": { "width": null, "height": null, "length": null, "weight": null }, "units": { "width": null, "height": null, "length": null, "weight": null }, "inventory": { "itemId": null, "quantity": "1" }, "status": { "active": "true" }, "requireShipping": null, "bundled": null, "countryCodeOrigin": null, "provinceCodeOrigin": null, "harmonizedSystemCode": null, "countryHarmonizedSystemCode": null, "imageId": "748192-MLM76180828042_052024", "imageUrl": null, "dates": { "createdAt": null, "updatedAt": null }, "ecartapiUrl": "http://localhost:3000/api/v2/products/MLM2065070011/variants/182770457685" } ], "options": [ { "name": "Color", "values": [ "Agua" ] } ], "associatedItems": [], "logistic": { "me1Suported": null, "mode": "custom", "type": "custom", "free": "false", "direction": null, "dimensions": "80x80x120,50", "rates": [ { "id": "10", "description": "Test1", "cost": "80" }, { "id": "11", "description": "Test2", "cost": "120" } ] }, "images": [ { "id": "748192-MLM76180828042_052024", "url": "https://mlm-s1-p.mlstatic.com/748192-MLM76180828042_052024-O.jpg", "variantIds": [], "ecartapiUrl": "http://localhost:3000/api/v2/products/MLM2065070011/images/748192-MLM76180828042_052024" } ], "imageUrl": "https://mlm-s1-p.mlstatic.com/748192-MLM76180828042_052024-O.jpg", "condition": "used", "link": "http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-2065070011-lavadora-automatica-samsung-wa17t6260b-inverter-negra-17kg-_JM", "dates": { "createdAt": "2024-05-14T18:00:57.065Z", "updatedAt": "2024-05-14T20:43:56.483Z" }, "vendor": null, "sellOutStock": null, "locations": [ { "id": "1167075055", "name": "1 de Mayo 4", "address1": "1 de Mayo 4", "address2": null, "interiorNumber": null, "address3": null, "country": { "code": "MX", "name": "Mexico", "codeIso2": "MX", "codeIso3": "MEX" }, "state": { "code": "NL", "name": "Nuevo León", "codeIso2": null, "codeIso3": null }, "city": "Monterrey", "postalCode": "64220", "phone": null, "company": null, "references": "34 Referencia: 34 Entre: 1 de mayo y 2 de Mayo", "productIds": [], "default": null, "latitude": "25.75754750000001", "longitude": "-100.35174326878662", "ecartapiUrl": "http://localhost:3000/api/v2/locations/1167075055" } ], "internationalShipment": [] } }

curl -X PUT 'https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/products/id' -H 'Authorization: access_token' -d '{"product":{"dimensions":{"width":"80","height":"80","length":"120","weight":"50"},"units":{"width":"cm","height":"cm","length":"cm","weight":"kg"},"logistic":{"mode":"me1"}}}'