Ecartapi.com Public API Documentation

Supported Requests by Cart-Shopify-Fulfillment Events

Number of APIs: 4

1. Get fulfillment Events

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/events


city The city where the fulfillment event occurred.

country The country where the fulfillment event occurred.

createdAt The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event was created.

estimatedDeliveryAt The estimated delivery date based on the fulfillment's tracking number, as long as it's provided by one of the following carriers: USPS, FedEx, UPS, or Canada Post (Canada only). Value is null if no tracking number is available or if the tracking number is from an unsupported carrier. This property is available only when carrier calculated rates are in use.'

happenedAt The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event occurred.

id An ID for the fulfillment event.

latitude A geographic coordinate specifying the latitude of the fulfillment event.

longitude A geographic coordinate specifying the longitude of the fulfillment event.

description An arbitrary message describing the status. Can be provided by a shipping carrier.

state The province where the fulfillment event occurred.


The status of the fulfillment event. Valid values:

shipped: 1,
receivedatpostoffice: 2,
transit: 3,
outfordelivery: 4,
deliveryattemptfailed: 5,
delayed: 6,
pickupready: 7,
delivered: 8,
to_sender: 9,
lost: 10,
failed: 11,
created: 12,
other: 13

updatedAt The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event was updated.

postalCode The zip code of the location where the fulfillment event occurred.

2. Get fulfillment event

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/events/{id}

3. Create fulfillment event

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/events

Allowed values for status and meaning:

Ecartapi status E-commerce status E-commerce Description
pickup_ready readyforpickup The shipment is ready for pickup at a shipping depot.
created confirmed The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn't received it yet.
deliveryattemptfailed attempted_delivery Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed.
delivered delivered The shipment was successfully delivered.
failed failure Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment, such as the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled.
in_transit in_transit The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination.
outfordelivery outfordelivery The shipment is being delivered to its final destination.
other picked_up The fulfillment was successfully picked up.

4. Delete fulfillment event

DELETE https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/events/{id}

Allowed values for status and meaning:

Ecartapi status E-commerce status E-commerce Description
pickup_ready readyforpickup The shipment is ready for pickup at a shipping depot.
created confirmed The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn't received it yet.
deliveryattemptfailed attempted_delivery Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed.
delivered delivered The shipment was successfully delivered.
failed failure Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment, such as the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled.
in_transit in_transit The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination.
outfordelivery outfordelivery The shipment is being delivered to its final destination.
other picked_up The fulfillment was successfully picked up.