Ecartapi.com Public API Documentation

Supported Requests by Cart-Magento 2-Fulfillments

Number of APIs: 4

1. Gets a single order fulfillment

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}

Shows a selected order fulfillment with detail.

Important information:

2. Get all order's fulfillments

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Shows all of the order's fulfillments detailed.

Important information:


Filter Description
limit Limit size of the search
'createdAt[from]' Filter customers by date created from. When used createdAt[to]
'createdAt[to]' Filter customers by date created to. When used createdAt[from]
'updatedAt[from]' Filter customers by date updated from. When used createdAt[to]
'updatedAt[to]' Filter customers by date updated to. When used createdAt[from]

3. Fulfillments

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments

Creates an order's fulfillment.

Important information:

4. Cancel fulfillment

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/api/v2/orders/{{orderId}}/fulfillments/{{id}}/cancel

Cancels an order's fulfillment.

Important information: