Akamai APIs API Documentation

EdgeWorkers API-Revisions

Number of APIs: 9

1. List revisions

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions

Beta View the list of revisions for an existing EdgeWorker based on ID. You can limit the results to a specific version or activation. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

2. Activate a fallback revision

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/activations

Beta Reactivate a previously active revision on Akamai's staging or production network. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

3. List revision activations

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/activations

Beta List activations for an existing EdgeWorker revision based on the EdgeWorker's ID. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

4. Get a revision

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId

Beta View details for a specific revision. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

5. Get a revision BOM

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/bom

Beta View the Bill of Materials for a specific revision. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

6. Compare revisions

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/compare

Beta View dependency differences between two revisions of the same EdgeWorker activation. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

7. Download the combined code bundle

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/content

Beta Download the combined code bundle that contains the code and the dependencies that the EdgeWorker executes. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

8. Pin an active revision

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/pin

Beta Disable dynamic activation for an EdgeWorker revision on Akamai's staging or production network. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.

9. Unpin an active revision

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/revisions/:revisionId/unpin

Beta Enable dynamic activation for an EdgeWorker revision on Akamai's staging or production network. To learn more about Flexible Composition, refer to the EdgeWorkers guide.