Akamai APIs API Documentation

EdgeWorkers API-EdgeWorker IDs

Number of APIs: 7

1. Create a new EdgeWorker ID

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids

Register a new EdgeWorker ID within a particular group.

2. List EdgeWorker IDs

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids

View a list of EdgeWorker IDs created for your account. You can choose to specify the group and resource tier in the request to filter the response.

3. Get an EdgeWorker ID

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId

View details for a specific EdgeWorker.

4. Update an EdgeWorker ID

PUT https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId

Update the name or groupId of an existing EdgeWorker.

5. Delete an EdgeWorker ID

DELETE https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId

Delete a specific EdgeWorker ID.

6. Clone an EdgeWorker ID

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/clone

Clone an EdgeWorker ID to change the resource tier.

7. Get the resource tier

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/resource-tier

View the details of the resource tier assigned to the EdgeWorker ID.