Akamai APIs API Documentation

EdgeWorkers API-Activations

Number of APIs: 5

1. Activate an EdgeWorker version

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations

Activate an existing EdgeWorker version on the Akamai network, either staging or production.

2. List activations

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations

View the list of activations for an existing EdgeWorker based on ID. You can choose to specify the version in the request. The response filters the list of activations down by version number.

3. Roll back to the previous active EdgeWorker version

POST https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations/rollback

Reactivate the EdgeWorker version that was previously active on the Akamai network, either staging or production.

4. Get an activation

GET https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations/:activationId

View details for a specific activation.

5. Cancel an activation

DELETE https://{{host}}/edgeworkers/v1/ids/:edgeWorkerId/activations/:activationId

Cancel a pending activation. You can cancel any activation whose status is still PENDING. After that you need to wait for the activation to complete and then deactivate it. Once the deactivation is complete you can then delete the EdgeWorker version.