Akamai APIs API Documentation

Access key versions

Number of APIs: 4

1. Create an access key version

POST https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions

Rotates an access key to a new version. You should only need to do this if your cloud provider credentials have changed, for example because they've expired or been compromised. Only two versions of an access key can exist and be active at the same time. If you have two access key versions you have to delete one of them before you can create another version.

2. List access key versions

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions

Returns detailed information about all of the versions for a specific access key.

3. Get an access key version

GET https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions/:version

Returns detailed information for a specific version of an access key.

4. Delete an access key version

DELETE https://{{host}}/cam/v1/access-keys/:accessKeyUid/versions/:version

Deletes a specific version of an access key. This operation works asynchronously. If you receive a successful 202 response, the request has been accepted and it's been added to the queue for deletion. You can use the Location header that's returned in the response to check the status of the request. You can't delete an access key version if it is still in use.