AAH 2020.4 API Documentation

z_archive_AAH API 2020.4

Number of APIs: 20

1. Platform - 04.3 Create Consumer

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/platform/users

2. Platform - 04.4 Activate Consumer

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/users/setPassword

3. Platform - 04.8 PlatformAdmin to Site

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/sites/{{siteId}}/users

4. Platform - 01 Authenticate PLATFORM

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/authenticate

Authenticate a user. You can pass either a siteId or a siteName (not both) along with the email/password to log in to a specific site. If you pass neither the user will be logged into the site for which they have the oldest membership. Alternatively, set the siteName as platform to authenticate to the platform.

5. Platform - 02 Activate License

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/licenses

Add licenses to the platform. Can be a single license (i.e. Engine Worker) or a list of keys.

6. Platform - 03 Set Base Address

PATCH https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/platform/settings

7. Platform - 03 Create Site

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/sites

8. Platform - 03.1 Assign Platform Admin User License (OPTIONAL)

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/platform/seats

Use this if you want to have the Platform admin also be a Site Admin on your site (see 04.8)

9. Platform - 04.1a Get Site Admin Activation Token

GET https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/users/{{SiteAdminUserId}}/activationLink

10. Platform - 04.1a Get Consumer Activation Token

GET https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/users/{{ConsumerUserId}}/activationLink

11. Platform - 04.5 Get Roles

GET https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/roles

12. Platform - Cancel Job

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/platform/jobs/d1664be0-46b8-4e43-aa33-d61f6b58ae3c/cancel

13. Site - 05.3 Create Datasource MySQL

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/datasources

Must authenticate against a site (not platform) before attempting.

14. Site - 01.2 Authenticate SITE

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/authenticate

Authenticate against the site. Make sure the site is already created, and your user is licensed for that site.

15. Site - 05 Get Data Sources

GET https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/datasources

Must authenticate against a site (not platform) before attempting.

16. Site - Schedule a Workflow

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/schedules

17. Site - 05.2 Create Datasource Postgres Connection

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/datasources/{{DatasourcePostgresId}}/connections

Must authenticate against a site (not platform) before attempting.

18. Site - 05.4 Create Datasource MySQL Connection

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/datasources/{{DatasourceMySQLId}}/connections

Must authenticate against a site (not platform) before attempting.

19. Site - Query Queued Jobs

GET https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/platform/jobs?status=queued

20. Site - Run a Workflow

POST https://{{IPAddr}}/api/v1/workflows/run