30 Days Of Postman API Documentation

Fork a collection

Number of APIs: 1

1. echo

POST https://postman-echo.com/post

It's time to work on your first challenge.

  1. Review the request: Notice the different parts of this API request.
    • POST HTTP request method - to send new data to an API
    • https://Qodex-echo.com/post request URL
    • JSON request body
  2. Send the request: Send the request, and look at the response on the bottom.
    • HTTP status code
    • Response time
    • Response size
    • Response body
  3. Inspect the response body: Under the Pretty view of the response body, inspect the JSON data object returned from the server. This sample endpoint from [Qodex's Echo API] echoes back data provided by the client.

In the JSON data response, find a header called user-agent and copy the value that appears after the colon symbol. We will need this data for the next step. It should look something like this:

"user-agent": "<copy-this-part-here>",

Once you find this data, move on to the next folder in this collection to submit your solution.