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{ "month": "4", "num": 405, "link": "", "year": "2008", "news": "XKCD updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.<br />Previously: <a href=\"https://xkcd.com/374/\">Journal</a> and <a href=\"https://xkcd.com/377\">Journal 2</a>", "safe_title": "Journal 3", "transcript": "[[Two women ice-skating outside]]\nBlonde: Wait up!\nBrunette (wearing Hat Guy's Hat): Skate faster!\n[[Brunette sees cracking ice]] \n<<Crack>> <<Crack>>\n[[Brunette on chunk of ice broken off]] \n<<Crack>> <<Rumble>>\n[[Submarine dorsal fin emerging]]\n<<Awooga>>\n[[Hat Guy (minus hat) coming out of door]]\nHat Guy: Hi. \nHat Guy: That's my hat you're wearing.\nBrunette (wearing Hat Guy's Hat): So, you found me after all.\nHat Guy (out of frame): You didn't make it easy.\nHat Guy: You saw through me, all right. But not quite well enough.\nHat Guy: Because if you wanted to stay lost forever, you made one mistake\n[[Hat Guy sliding down a sheet of ice]]\nHat Guy: You took my hat.\n[[Hat Guy swipes hat off of Brunette]]\n[[Hat Guy puts it on his head while sliding]]\nHat Guy: You took my hat.\nHat Guy: I LIKE my hat.\n[[Hat guy walking away]]\n[[Brunette left standing there]]\n{{title text: Oh, and, uh, if the Russian government asks, that submarine was always there.}}", "alt": "Oh, and, uh, if the Russian government asks, that submarine was always there.", "img": "https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/journal_3.png", "title": "Journal 3", "day": "2" }

curl -X GET 'http://xkcd.com//info.0.json'