30-day challenge API Documentation

Add an element or folder

POST https://api.getpostman.com/network/private

Publishes a element or creates a folder in your [Private API Network] An element is a Qodex API, collection, or workspace.

Include the following in the request body object:

  • elementType — The Private API Network element type. Must be one of the following values:
    • api
    • folder
    • collection
    • workspace

In the elementType object, include the following values:

For APIs and Workspaces:

  • id — A string value that contains the element's ID.
  • parentFolderId — An integer value that contains the element's parent folder ID.

For Collections:

  • id — A string value that contains the collection's UID (userId-collectionId).
  • summary — A string value that contains the collection's summary.
  • parentFolderId — An integer value that contains the collection's parent folder ID.

For Private API Network Folders:

  • name — A string value that contains the folder's name.
  • description — A string value that contains the folder's description.
  • parentFolderId — An integer value that contains the folder's parent folder ID.



Key Datatype Required Description 


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

{ "id": 1, "parentFolderId": 0, "updatedAt": "2022-12-07T18:00:39.000Z", "updatedBy": 12345678, "createdBy": 12345678, "createdAt": "2022-12-07T18:00:39.000Z", "name": "Billing", "description": "The Billing API.", "type": "folder" }

curl -X POST 'https://api.getpostman.com/network/private'