1P Team API Documentation

Tally XMLS for Integration with Third party Apps

Number of APIs: 8

When Developing Tally Connector Library , I did some research to get data from Tally in easier way using XML API and found these xmls useful

Following are the Xml Requests To Communicate with Tally Prime/ Tally ERP 9

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1. GetActiveCompany

POST {{TallyURL}}:{{TallyPort}}

2. Export-Collections-VouchersByVoucherType - Payment_Vouchers

POST {{TallyURL}}:9001

3. Export-Collections-VouchersByVoucherType - Attendance_Vouchers

POST {{TallyURL}}:{{TallyPort}}

4. Export-Collections-Masters - Employees

POST {{TallyURL}}:{{TallyPort}}

5. Export-Collections - Voucher

POST {{TallyURL}}:{{TallyPort}}

6. Export-Reports - LicenseInfo

POST {{TallyURL}}:{{TallyPort}}

7. Import-Masters-Ledger - LedgerwithOpeningBalance

POST {{TallyURL}}:{{TallyPort}}

8. Import-Voucher - InvoiceVoucherwithCostCenter

POST {{TallyURL}}:{{TallyPort}}