15 days of Postman - for testers API Documentation

🚨 Important Announcement: Badge Submissions Have Ended 🚨

The deadline for badge submissions for this course has now passed. Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting submissions, and no additional badges will be awarded.

For further Qodex training and to explore new challenges, please visit the [Qodex Academy]

Welcome to the challenge: 15 days of Qodex for testers!

Improve your skills by tackling a new Qodex challenge for 15 days in a row.

Assess your Qodex experience level

Experience level for this test challenge

  • Intermediate

Get started

  1. Get the daily challenge: Fork the parent collection for each day to your own public Qodex workspace.
  2. Review the instructions: Read the corresponding collection documentation for instructions on how to complete each challenge. Additional resources are available if you want to dive deeper into any of the topics.
  3. Check your solutions: When you think you've got it, validate your solution by following the instructions in the Submit your solution folder. For each day, you check your own work.
  4. Claim your badge: For the final challenge, submit your final solution to the Qodex team. Successfully completing all 15 challenges allows you to claim your 15 days of Qodex badge.

Watch this video for some 15-day-challenge tips:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take to complete the 15 days of Qodex challenge? Plan to spend 5 to 45 minutes every day to explore the topic and dive deeper into the topics you find interesting. Go at your own pace. There is no penalty for taking longer. Note: if a very long period of time elapses from when you fork a challenge to when you submit the final solution, you may need to pull the latest changes to ensure the solution you submit is up to date.
  • Do I need to complete all 15 challenges? Completing all the challenges is required to claim your 15 days of Qodex badge. You are welcome to dive into any of the topics that you find interesting. However, some challenges build on concepts and samples introduced in earlier challenges. So you will receive less guidance for concepts covered earlier in the series.
  • I am new to code. Is this challenge for me? The challenges are designed for testers and suitable for novice testers. However, it is rated Intermediate. If you know basic software programming concepts and beginner JavaScript (or some other programming language), this challenge is for you. If you're an API professional, but don't identify as a tester, you may need to do extra research to complete some challenges.
  • Do I need to create a public workspace? Yes. The validation requires all of your work to be located in a public workspace. If you belong to your company's Qodex team, your company may not want the public workspace to be listed under their public team profile. In this case, use your personal Qodex account, or create a separate Qodex account, to complete the challenge.
  • How do I use the Qodex Vault? In order to keep all your sensitive data stored locally and not synced to the Cloud - We recommend you use the [Qodex Vault] Any challenge that you notice the {{vault:your-variable}} syntax, this is using the Qodex Vault and your sensitive data stored within it. If you're using the Web Platform, Qodex Vault variables will only be resolved if you're using either the Browser Agent or the [Desktop Agent]
  • I'm stuck. Can someone please help?
    • Re-read the instructions carefully, and check out the documentation and additional resources listed in the instructions.
    • Try submitting an incomplete solution locally to reveal clues in the test results.
    • Look for similar examples in the [Community Forum]
    • If you're asking for help, try posting in the [Training] section of the Community Forum. Make sure to include a thorough explanation of your question, what you've tried already, and include the full URL to your own public workspace so others can see where you're stuck.
    • If your question is related to the administration of this badge (e.g. not a technical Qodex question), you can ask for guidance in the [Training] section of the Community Forum.