100PAY API Documentation

100Pay API Documentation

Number of APIs: 7

100PAY offers its API services via RESTFul APIs. Our APIs has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

Our Services include the following:

  • Initiate a payment
  • Retrieve previously-initiated payment details
  • Generate Network addresses
  • Crypto price conversion
  • Track deposit in previously-generated Network addresses
  • Terminate crypto payment
  • Verify payment

Getting Started

To get started, Create a 100Pay Account

  • Navigate to Settings. Verify Business identity by providing valid Business credentials.

  • On the same page, switch to Developers Setting to access your API keys


Authentication to 100PAY API service is performed via an API key (which can either be your public or secret API key, depending on the endpoint).

For every request, your authentication header should follow the format:

api-key: LIVE;PK;


Errors are expressed as a combination of HTTP status codes and an accompanying HTML body providing required detail where possible. You should be able to rely on the HTTP status code alone to determine the cause of the problem.

HTTP Status Code Summary

Status Code Status Text Implication
200 OK Everything worked as expected
400 Bad Request The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized No valid API key provided.
403 Forbidden The API key doesn’t have permissions to perform the request.
404 Not found The requested resource doesn’t exist.
500, 502, 503, 504 Server Errors Something went wrong on 100PAY's end. (These are rare)

1. Initiate a Payment charge

POST https://api.100pay.co/api/v1/pay/charge

Initiates a new Payment charge, when given Customer details and billing information.

It's usually the first step in processing Crypto payments via 100PAY checkout.

Request Body

Field Type Description Use
ref_id string Unique 6-digits ID assigned to transaction.
Used during issue resolution in the future.
customer object Customer credentials.
See attributes below
billing object Customer billing information.
See attributes below
metadata object Contains information about the customer or the payment itself.
These info can be accessed in the response sent to your webhook when new payments arrive.
See attributes below
callbackurl string A webpage URL to which a customer is redirected after payment success/failure. required
userId string User account ID optional
charge_source string "api" (if calling 100PAY checkout from backend)
"checkout" (if directly using 100PAY checkout payment modal)

Customer Attributes

Child Attribute Type Description
user_id string Unique 3-digits ID assigned to Customer
name string Customer full name
phone string Customer mobile number
email string Customer email address

Billing Attributes

Child Attribute Type Description
currrency string Currency in which Customer is charged
(expressed as abbreviation)
vat integer Value Added Tax
pricing_type string "fixed" (if expecting a fixed amount),
"partial" (if expecting a partial amount) or
description string Payment description
amount string Payment amount
country string Customer's billing country
(expressed as abbreviation)

Response Body

Field Type Description
billing object Same as request
status object Ascertains payment status
See attributes below
ref_id string Same as request
payments array IDs of initiated payments - be it successful, pending or failed
charge_source string Same as request
createdAt datetime ISO8601-encoded DateTime during initiation of payment
_id string Uniquely-generated Transaction ID
customer string Same as request
metadata object Same as request
callbackurl string Same as request
userId string Same as request
app_id string randomly-generated ID
chargeId string Uniquely-generated Transaction ID
__v string 0
hosted_url string URL to 100PAY checkout modal

Status Attributes

Child Attribute Type Description


"notpaid", "paid", "unpaid", "overpaid" or "underpaid"

returns 0, if context.status is unpaid or notpaid. Otherwise, returns actual value.
value string Same as context.status
total_paid integer Total amount received

2. Retrieve Payment charge details

GET https://api.100pay.co/api/v1/pay/charge/:charge_id

Retrieves previously-initiated Payment charge details, given transaction ID (charge_id).

charge_id is included in the response body returned by charge initiation endpoint.

Response Body

Refer to response body of charge initiation endpoint

3. Generate Network Addresses

POST https://api.100pay.co/api/v1/pay/crypto/:charge_id

Generates and returns a Network address for each supported wallet. Should be called only after a payment charge has been initiated.

charge_id is included in the response body returned by charge initiation endpoint.

However, prior to making deposits to any of these addresses, it is strongly advised to activate wallets by calling on price conversion endpoint.

Response Body

Field Attributes Type Description
is_cancelled boolean Tells whether, or not, the payment is cancelled
_id string Uniquely-generated Transaction ID for tracking crypto deposits
charge_id string Same as request
app_id string randomly-generated ID
code string randomly-generated code
wallet wallet.addresses










Contains Network address for each token along with other vital info.

Contains payment info of deposits made

randomly-generated code

Contains additional information

Contains local fiat equivalence of crypto payment

Contains IDs and info about User account
created_at datetime Date and time at which Network addresses were generated
expires_at datetime Date and time at which Network addresses will expire

4. Track deposit in Network Addresses

GET https://api.100pay.co/api/v1/pay/crypto/:_id

Tracks deposits in previously-generated Network addresses and returns deposit info in response body - specifically, wallet.payments

It's recommended to call this endpoint (whenever your webhook receives a request), so as to verify payments before giving a Customer a value.

_id is a uniquely-generated deposit ID included in the response body returned by Address generation endpoint

Response Body

Refer to response body of Generate network addresses endpoint

5. Terminate Crypto payment

POST https://api.100pay.co/api/v1/pay/crypto/cancel/:charge_id

Terminates a previously-initiated payment charge, and nullifies previously-generated network addresses, such that any deposits sent to the addresses after termination are forever lost.

charge_id is included in the response body returned by charge initiation endpoint

6. Crypto price conversion

POST https://api.100pay.co/api/v1/pay/crypto/convert

Performs a currency conversion with respect to Customer's local currency (using official CMC rates), and returns the Crypto-equivalent.

Failure to call this endpoint with the required fields will result in a permanent loss of all funds sent to the generated address.

Request Body

Field Attributes Type Description
wallet wallet.symbol




Selected Crypto token

randomly-generated ID assigned to the conversion

Must be "cmc" (CoinMarketCap)
local local.amount


amount worth of token to be paid

currency worth of token to be paid
_id string a uniquely-generated deposit ID included in the response body returned by Address generation endpoint
network string a blockchain network via which deposits could be tracked and confirmed.
Currently supports only "bsc"

Response Body

Field Type Description
amount integer Crypto-equivalent
cuurency string Crypto token

7. Verify Payments

POST https://api.100pay.co/api/v1/pay/crypto/payment/:payment_id

Verifies successful payment of a token by a customer, using its payment ID.

For a more detailed guide on how to do this, check How to Verify Crypto Payments on 100Pay