Number of APIs: 19
This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at or on, #swagger. For this sample, you can use the api key Contact Support:
Email: apiteam@swagger.iospecial-key
to test the authorization filters.
1. pet-{pet Id} - Find pet by ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/pet/:petId
Returns a single pet
2. pet-{pet Id} - Updates a pet in the store with form data
POST {{baseUrl}}/pet/:petId
3. pet-{pet Id} - Deletes a pet
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/pet/:petId
4. pet-{pet Id} - uploads an image
POST {{baseUrl}}/pet/:petId/uploadImage
5. pet - Add a new pet to the store
POST {{baseUrl}}/pet
6. pet - Update an existing pet
PUT {{baseUrl}}/pet
GET {{baseUrl}}/pet/findByStatus?status=available&status=available
Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
GET {{baseUrl}}/pet/findByTags?tags=mag&tags=quis sint
Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
9. store-order-{order Id} - Find purchase order by ID
GET {{baseUrl}}/store/order/:orderId
For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions
10. store-order-{order Id} - Delete purchase order by ID
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/store/order/:orderId
For valid response try integer IDs with positive integer value. Negative or non-integer values will generate API errors
11. store-order - Place an order for a pet
POST {{baseUrl}}/store/order
12. store - Returns pet inventories by status
GET {{baseUrl}}/store/inventory
Returns a map of status codes to quantities
13. user-{username} - Get user by user name
GET {{baseUrl}}/user/:username
14. user-{username} - Updated user
PUT {{baseUrl}}/user/:username
This can only be done by the logged in user.
POST {{baseUrl}}/user
This can only be done by the logged in user.
16. user - Creates list of users with given input array
POST {{baseUrl}}/user/createWithArray
17. user - Creates list of users with given input array
POST {{baseUrl}}/user/createWithList
18. user - Logs user into the system
GET {{baseUrl}}/user/login?username=id ea nostrud&password=id ea nostrud
19. user - Logs out current logged in user session
GET {{baseUrl}}/user/logout