Zoom Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 2

1. Update an account's additional plan

PUT {{baseUrl}}/accounts/:accountId/plans/addons

Use this API to update a sub account's additional plan.

This API can only be used by Master accounts that pay all billing charges of their associated Pro or higher sub accounts. Zoom only allows approved partners to use Master APIs and manage sub accounts' billing information. Email the partner programs team at partner-success@zoom.us for more details.

Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher plan with the Master account option enabled. * The sub account must be a paid account whose billing charges are paid by its Master account.

Scopes: billing:master

Rate Limit Label: Heavy

2. Subscribe account to an additional plan

POST {{baseUrl}}/accounts/:accountId/plans/addons

Subscribe a subaccount to a Zoom add-on plan.

Only master accounts that pay all billing charges of their associated Pro or higher sub accounts can use this API.

Zoom only allows approved partners to use Master APIs and to manage billing information for subaccounts. Email the partner programs team at partner-success@zoom.us for more details.

Prerequisites: * A Pro or a higher plan with the Master account option enabled. * The subaccount must be a paid account whose billing charges are paid by its Master account.

Scopes: billing:master

Rate Limit Label: HEAVY