The Kroger Co.'s Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 3

1. Location details

GET {{kroger-baseUrl}}/locations/:locationId

Provides access to the details of a specific location by using the locationId.

2. Location query

HEAD {{kroger-baseUrl}}/locations/:locationId

Determines if a specific location exists by using the locationId.

3. Location list

GET {{kroger-baseUrl}}/locations?filter.zipCode.near=<string>&filter.latLong.near=<string>&filter.lat.near=<string>&filter.lon.near=<string>&filter.radiusInMiles=10&filter.limit=10&filter.chain=<string>&filter.department=<string>

Provides access to a list of locations matching a given criteria. If the parameter filter.chain is not provided, the results include all locations and chains owned by The Kroger Co.

Starting Point Required

You must include one of the following parameters as a starting point to narrow search results:

  • filter.zipCode.near
  • filter.latLong.near
  • filter.lat.near and filter.lon.near

If you do not provide a starting point or provide more than one starting point, an error warning is returned. By default, the results are limited to 10 locations within a 10-mile radius of the provided starting point. If you would like to extend the search results, you can use the parameter filter.radiusInMiles to set a new mile radius or filter.limit to set the number of results returned.