Number of APIs: 5
The API supports retrieval of previously created Securities Settlement Instruction by the Participant. Securities Settlement Instruction is used by the Instructing party to request a transfer of securities, relating to a securities settlement with or without a cash payment. In a securities settlement lifecycle both sides, meaning the asset manager and broker dealer will initiate the process from each side, and these instructions will be pushed downstream by the various intermediaries to meet in the middle with the Central Securities Depository (the so-called CSD). The API uses common HTTP status codes in the response header to indicate success or failure. Specific error code and description will be returned in the custom error schema. Each URL query parameter specifies an API query parameter that must be URL encoded. Contact Support:
Name: Standards & Developer Hub
Email: developer-support@swift.comThe API supports following type of instruction:
Error Responses
Query Parameters
Used for obtaining JWT token based on clientid and secretkey.
GET {{baseUrl}}/swift-securities-view/v1/securities-settlement-views
The endpoint will retrieve a consolidated view of receipt or delivery Securities Settlement instruction with or without payment when an UTI is supplied in the query parameter.
Specifying Request Filter
Parameters are specified in the form name=value. A parameter list is appended to a URI after a ?
. Multiple parameters are separated by &
Note that the query parameters are not URL encoded for readability.
GET {{baseUrl}}/swift-securities-view/v1/securities-settlement-instructions/:instruction-identifier/settlement-instruction-audit-events
The endpoint will retrieve audit event of a specific Securities Settlement Instruction as specified in the request URI. As the instruction progress through various parties in the chain, the response will contain summary of each event in its progression at the time of request.
GET {{baseUrl}}/swift-securities-view/v1/settlement-instruction-status-summary-report?bic=GZY4WTNS&from-date-time=2023-10-31T16:32:28.808Z
The endpoint will retrieve summary report of securities settlement instruction status by the criteria provided
Used for revoking JWT token based on clientid and secretkey.