Number of APIs: 19
The SWIFT Notification Service is a platform that allows clients to subscribe and receive notifications from a SWIFT application. The notifications inform the recipient when a payment transaction has a call to action that requires their attention. The clients can subscribe to the notification categories made available to them, which gives them access to the queue they need to listen on. The delivery channels that are available to make notifications accessible for consumption are - longpoll, email, and SMS. Contact Support:
GET {{baseUrl}}/services/{{service-name}}/accessible-categories
A client can invoke this API when they want to get a list of all categories available for a given service. The categories are the notification queues available for customers to subscribe to and consume notifications.
GET {{baseUrl}}/services/{{service-name}}-invalid/accessible-categories
A client can invoke this API when they want to get a list of all categories available for a given service. The categories are the notification queues available for customers to subscribe to and consume notifications.
GET {{baseUrl}}/services/{{service-name}}/accessible-categories
A client can invoke this API when they want to get a list of all categories available for a given service. The categories are the notification queues available for customers to subscribe to and consume notifications.
POST {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions
A client can invoke this API when they want to subscribe to a category in order to receive notifications from that category.The category is the queue from which the customer can consume notifications. The longpoll subscription id is automatically generated becaue it is the default delivery channel that is always available. The subscription ids for a Webhook, email, or SMS delivery channel are only generated when information is provided for those parameters.
POST {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions
A client can invoke this API when they want to subscribe to a category in order to receive notifications from that category.The category is the queue from which the customer can consume notifications. The longpoll subscription id is automatically generated becaue it is the default delivery channel that is always available. The subscription ids for a Webhook, email, or SMS delivery channel are only generated when information is provided for those parameters.
GET {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}/notifications?maxSize=10
A client can invoke this API if they want to recieve consume notifications from a category(Queue) they subscribe to.
GET {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}/notifications?maxSize=10
A client can invoke this API if they want to recieve consume notifications from a category(Queue) they subscribe to.
GET {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}-invalid/notifications?maxSize=10
A client can invoke this API if they want to recieve consume notifications from a category(Queue) they subscribe to.
PUT {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}
A client can invoke this API when they want to update an existing subscription they own. Common parameters that can be updated for a subscription through any channel are recipientinstitution /batchsizemax/expiration/description. In addition to this list , parameters that can be updated for ; webhook – webhookurl, email - emails and SMS – mobile_numbers .
PUT {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}
A client can invoke this API when they want to update an existing subscription they own. Common parameters that can be updated for a subscription through any channel are recipientinstitution /batchsizemax/expiration/description. In addition to this list , parameters that can be updated for ; webhook – webhookurl, email - emails and SMS – mobile_numbers .
PUT {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}-invalid
A client can invoke this API when they want to update an existing subscription they own. Common parameters that can be updated for a subscription through any channel are recipientinstitution /batchsizemax/expiration/description. In addition to this list , parameters that can be updated for ; webhook – webhookurl, email - emails and SMS – mobile_numbers .
GET {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}
A client can invoke this API when they want to get details on a notification subscription they own. The common parameters for all delivery channels that can be retrieved for a subscription are - servicename/category/recipientinstitution /batchsizemax/expiration/description. In addition to this list other parameters that will be returned if information is present for webhook, emails or SMS are – webhookurl, emails and mobilenumbers respectively.
GET {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}
A client can invoke this API when they want to get details on a notification subscription they own. The common parameters for all delivery channels that can be retrieved for a subscription are - servicename/category/recipientinstitution /batchsizemax/expiration/description. In addition to this list other parameters that will be returned if information is present for webhook, emails or SMS are – webhookurl, emails and mobilenumbers respectively.
GET {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}-invalid
A client can invoke this API when they want to get details on a notification subscription they own. The common parameters for all delivery channels that can be retrieved for a subscription are - servicename/category/recipientinstitution /batchsizemax/expiration/description. In addition to this list other parameters that will be returned if information is present for webhook, emails or SMS are – webhookurl, emails and mobilenumbers respectively.
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}
A client can invoke this API when they want to unsubscribe from a category. Any notifications pending delivery will be sent to the customer, but new notifications from that category will not be sent once the unsubscription is confirmed.
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}
A client can invoke this API when they want to unsubscribe from a category. Any notifications pending delivery will be sent to the customer, but new notifications from that category will not be sent once the unsubscription is confirmed.
DELETE {{baseUrl}}/subscriptions/{{subscription-id}}-invalid
A client can invoke this API when they want to unsubscribe from a category. Any notifications pending delivery will be sent to the customer, but new notifications from that category will not be sent once the unsubscription is confirmed.