Swift API Sandbox Collections API Documentation

Instant Cash Reporting API

Number of APIs: 7

The API is used by the consumer of the API to get account information and reporting of global, multi-country Account statement and Debit/Credit entries. At any time during the operating hours of the system, the account owner can request to get information about the account(s) that the account servicer maintains for the member. For example, this may be necessary in order to perform the appropriate liquidity management and the funds transfers between accounts. The API currently supports endpoint to get entries reported to the account, and/or to provide the owner with balance information on the account at a given point in time.

The API supports following functionalities:

  • Retrieve list of account with balance information
  • Retrieve details of a specific account
  • Retrieve debit/credit entries reported to the account pending and booked items on the account at a given point in time to enable intraday reconciliation
  • Get account statement by the account owner, or authorised party, of the entries booked to the account, and to provide the owner with balance information on the account at a given point in time

Error Responses

The API uses common HTTP status codes in the response header to indicate success or failure. Specific error code and description will be returned in the custom error schema.

Query Parameters

Each URL query parameter specifies an API query parameter that must be URL encoded.

v1.0.8 Release Notes * The query parameter account-servicer is added to the getAccounts endpoint. * Party identification object (Organisation/Person) in Statements and Statement Lines is changed to ISO component style. This is to address use case where identification of object is not always possible when only party name is available. * Account Identification in Statements and Statement Lines is aligned with ISO component. * Remittance Information, Purpose and Bank Transaction Code is added to Statement Lines. * The element interest, related_account is added to Statements

v1.0.7 Release Notes

  • The query parameter account-identification is introduced to filter the result set of requested account for /accounts endpoint. The type of the element is an array of items (Max34Text) to support multiple values
  • The balance_type element of the object CashCurrentBalance1 is updated to support both CLBDclosingbookedand ITBDinterimbooked
  • The balance_type element of object the CashAvailableBalance1 is updated to support both CLAVclosingavailable and ITAVinterimavailable
  • The header element “X-BIC” is introduce for service provider routing
  • The element “CashAccount41.balances” is changed to mandatory. The endpoint must return current balance
  • The element “referencedate” in current balance is changed to “datetime”. The data type of the element is changed to date time
  • The availability information is removed from forward available balance
  • The response code 404 is removed as it is not applicable for collection endpoint
  • New endpoint statement-lines added
  • New endpoint statements added

Contact Support: Name: Standards & Developer Hub Email: developer-support@swift.com

1. Setup - Refresh Token

POST {{baseUrl}}/oauth2/v1/token

2. getTransactionSummary - Retrieve transaction summary for an account.

GET {{baseUrl}}/swift-cash-management/v1/accounts/:account-identification/transaction-summary?from-date=9200-02-29&to-date=9200-02-29

The transaction summary endpoint provides the total net, debit and credit entries.

3. getCashAccounts - Retrieve accounts and balances.

GET {{baseUrl}}/swift-cash-management/v1/accounts?account-identification=&account-servicer=&currency=EZS&offset=0&limit=25

The endpoint will retrieve all accounts with balance information for a specific account owner meeting the query parameters when supplied. The endpoint will return an empty array when no resource is found.

Specifying Request Filter

Parameters are specified in the form name=value. A parameter list is appended to a URI after a ?. Multiple parameters are separated by &.

Note that the query parameters are not URL encoded for readability.

Use of logical operator OR (account-identification DE27212110090000000235698765 or DE27212318890001010223463456)


Use of logical operator AND (account-servicer and account-identification)


4. getAccountStatement - Get statement with transaction.

GET {{baseUrl}}/swift-cash-management/v1/accounts/:account-identification/statements?offset=0&limit=1000&from-date=2021-09-15&to-date=2021-09-15

The API endpoint is used by the consumer of the API to get the entries booked to the account, and the balance information on the account at a given period in time. Provides underlying details of transactions that have been included in the entry. Corporate can receive information from their bank(s) about the activity happening on a given account for cash management balance reporting. This will include all entries booked to the account for the specified period. It contains information on booked entries only. Response:

  • The endpoint will return HTTP response code 404 if the requested account does not exists.

  • The endpoint will return an empty array if the requested account exists but no statement found or no statement found by the query criteria.

5. getCashAccount - [SC Acc 2]: Retrieve balances for an account. Copy

GET {{baseUrl}}/swift-cash-management/v1/accounts/:account-identification

The endpoint will retrieve the account with balance information based on a specific account identification.

6. getStatementLines - Get statement entries with statement batch

GET {{baseUrl}}/swift-cash-management/v1/accounts/:account-identification/statement-lines?offset=0&limit=25&creation-from-time=20:28:47&creation-to-time=20:28:47&credit-debit-code=CRDT

The API endpoint is used by the consumer of the API to get entries reported to the account. This will include all debit and/or credit entries booked to the account for the specified period to enable intraday reconciliation. Includes pending and booked items.


  • The endpoint will return HTTP response code 404 if the requested account does not exists.

  • The endpoint will return an empty array if the requested account exists but no entries found or no entries found by the query criteria. For example statement_line: [].

7. Teardown - Revoke Token

POST https://sandbox.swift.com/oauth2/v1/revoke