Swift API Sandbox Collections API Documentation

GPI Transaction Details API

Number of APIs: 6

Retrieve status and payment events from the tracker, and manage transaction cancellations.

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1. Authorization - Refresh Token

POST https://sandbox.swift.com/oauth2/v1/token

2. v5-Get Payment Transaction Details-Success - Payment Transaction Details including FX, partial confirmation and cover

GET {{baseUrl}}/payments/:uetr/transactions

This API is a payment query to get detailed information regarding a given payment. It requires the UETR to be known.

3. v5-Get Payment Transaction Details-Error - Return HTTP error codes 5XX

GET {{baseUrl}}/payments/:uetr/transactions

This API is a payment query to get detailed information regarding a given payment. It requires the UETR to be known.

4. v5-Get Changed Payment Transactions-Success - Get second page

GET {{baseUrl}}/payments/changed/transactions?next=cGFzcyB0aGlzIHZhbHVlIGluIHF1ZXJ5IHBhcmFtIGZvciBtb3JlIHZhbHVlcw==

This API is a delta query to get all payment update information starting from a given date and time. This API allows synchronization of a local database with the tracker database. The fromdatetime, todatetime parameters must be passed with each request. Alternatively, for paginated responses, only the parameter next must be passed.

5. v5-Get Changed Payment Transactions-Error - Get next page with other params defined

GET {{baseUrl}}/payments/changed/transactions?from_date_time=2020-04-26T06:26:02.750Z&to_date_time=2020-06-16T14:19:54.604Z&maximum_number=10&next=cGFzcyB0aGlzIHZhbHVlIGluIHF1ZXJ5IHBhcmFtIGZvciBtb3JlIHZhbHVlcw

This API is a delta query to get all payment update information starting from a given date and time. This API allows synchronization of a local database with the tracker database. The fromdatetime, todatetime parameters must be passed with each request. Alternatively, for paginated responses, only the parameter next must be passed.

6. Teardown - Revoke Token

POST https://sandbox.swift.com/oauth2/v1/revoke