Swift API Sandbox Collections API Documentation


Number of APIs: 31

1. Authorization - Refresh Token

POST https://sandbox.swift.com/oauth2/v1/token

2. v7-Inbound payments - End to end identification search

POST {{baseurl}}/swift-apitracker-g4c/v7/payments/corporate

This API provides the status and the related transaction-level information regarding a specific outbound or inbound payment. Corporate customers must pass the BIC of their servicing bank.

This API allows for multiple combinations of search criteria. For example the UETR search should only supply the UETR. See the request examples for an illustration of the different varieties of searches that are supported. For each illustrative search there is a corresponding response example. Note that a search without a request body is invalid.

3. v7-Outbound payments - End to end identification search

POST {{baseurl}}/swift-apitracker-g4c/v7/payments/corporate

This API provides the status and the related transaction-level information regarding a specific outbound or inbound payment. Corporate customers must pass the BIC of their servicing bank.

This API allows for multiple combinations of search criteria. For example the UETR search should only supply the UETR. See the request examples for an illustration of the different varieties of searches that are supported. For each illustrative search there is a corresponding response example. Note that a search without a request body is invalid.

4. v6-Inbound payments - Time window search with EventFilter and StatusFilter

POST {{baseurl}}/swift-apitracker-g4c/v6/payments/inbound

This API provides the status and the related transaction-level information regarding a specific inbound payment. Corporate customers must pass the BIC of their servicing bank.

This API allows for multiple combinations of search criteria. For example the UETR search should only supply the UETR. See the request examples for an illustration of the different varieties of searches that are supported. For each illustrative search there is a corresponding response example. Note that a search without a request body is invalid.

5. v6-Outbound payments - Time window search with EventFilter and StatusFilter

POST {{baseurl}}/swift-apitracker-g4c/v6/payments/outbound

This API provides the status and the related transaction-level information regarding a specific outbound payment. Corporate customers must pass the BIC of their servicing bank.

This API allows for multiple combinations of search criteria. For example the UETR search should only supply the UETR. See the request examples for an illustration of the different varieties of searches that are supported. For each illustrative search there is a corresponding response example. Note that a search without a request body is invalid.

6. v4-Pay and Trace Time-Window Search-success scenarios - Get next page

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/transactions?next=dXNlIHRoaXMgdmFsdWUgdG8gcmVxdWVzdCBuZXh0IHNldCBvZiBkYXRh

7. v4-Pay and Trace Time-Window Search-error scenarios - from_date_time is greater than 7 days

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/transactions?from_date_time=2019-08-22T00:00:00.000Z&to_date_time=2019-08-30T59:59:59.000Z

8. v4-Pay and Trace UETR Search-success scenarios - Settlement completed shared charges

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/transactions/54806732-bfb8-43e0-9a42-44f46ca3f700

9. v4-Pay and Trace UETR Search-success scenarios - Returns a specific inbound payment

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/transactions/eb6305c9-1f7f-49de-aed0-16487c27b42d

10. v4-Pay and Trace UETR Search-success scenarios - Settlement completed foreign exchange

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/transactions/3761ba54-4858-4af2-83b9-b6a44b9cec8e

11. v4-Pay and Trace UETR Search-error scenarios - Missing Mandatory Field

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/transactions/{uetr}

12. v4-Pay and Trace UETR Search-error scenarios - Invalid UETR

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/transactions/INVALID_UETR

13. v4-Pay and Trace UETR Search-error scenarios - Error 5XX Codes

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/transactions/errorCode500s

14. v4-Inbound Tracking Time-Window Search-success scenarios - status ACSP

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/inbound?status=ACSP

15. v4-Inbound Tracking Time-Window Search-error scenarios - from_date_time is greater than 7 days

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/inbound?from_date_time=2019-08-22T00:00:00.000Z&to_date_time=2019-08-30T59:59:59.000Z

16. v4-Inbound Tracking UETR Search-success scenarios - Transaction ACSC

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/inbound/97ed4827-7b6f-4491-a06f-b548d5a7512d

17. v4-Inbound Tracking UETR Search-success scenarios - Transaction ACSP

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/inbound/54ed4827-7b6f-4491-a06f-b548d5a7512d

18. v4-Inbound Tracking UETR Search-success scenarios - Transaction ACCC

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/inbound/27ed4827-7b6f-4491-a06f-b548d5a7512d

19. v4-Inbound Tracking UETR Search-error scenarios - Invalid UETR

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/inbound/INVALID_UETR

20. v4-Inbound Tracking UETR Search-error scenarios - ErrorCode 500s

GET https://sandbox.swift.com/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/customers/payments/inbound/errorCode500s

21. v4 - Filter-Static Filters-Returns the Details of Created Static Filters-success scenarios - ASBICUS33XX - 2 filters

GET {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/static-filters?account_servicers=asbicus33xx&start_date_time=2019-01-10T00:00:00.000Z&corporate_filter=&iban_filter=&other_account_filter=&service_type_filter=003&maximum_number=&next=

22. v4 - Filter-Static Filters-Returns the Details of Created Static Filters-error scenarios - Next used with other parameters

GET {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/static-filters?account_servicers=asbicus33xx&start_date_time=2019-01-10T00:00:00.000Z&corporate_filter=&iban_filter=&other_account_filter=&service_type_filter=&maximum_number=2&next=next

23. v4 - Filter-Static Filters-Modifies a Static Filter-success scenarios - Failed to modify 1 filter record

PUT {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/static-filters

24. v4 - Filter-Static Filters-Modifies a Static Filter-error scenarios - Missing Field in body

PUT {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/static-filters

25. v4 - Filter-Static Filters-Create a Static Filter-success scenarios - 3 Successful, 2 Failed

POST {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/static-filters

26. v4 - Filter-Static Filters-Create a Static Filter-error scenarios - Missing Field in Body

POST {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/static-filters

27. v4 - Filter-Static Filters-Deletes a Static Filter-success scenarios - Delete 1 Static Filter

DELETE {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/static-filters

28. v4 - Filter-Static Filters-Deletes a Static Filter-error scenarios - Missing Field in Body

DELETE {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/static-filters

29. v4 - Filter-Dynamic Filters-Create a Dynamic Filter-success scenarios - 3 Successful Records Created

POST {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/dynamic-filters

30. v4 - Filter-Dynamic Filters-Create a Dynamic Filter-error scenarios - Missing Header Value

POST {{baseurl}}/swift-gpi-for-corporates/v4/dynamic-filters

31. Teardown - Revoke Token

POST https://sandbox.swift.com/oauth2/v1/revoke