Swift API Sandbox Collections API Documentation

EBA STEP2 Direct Debit B2B

Number of APIs: 40

DPWS RESTful API for interacting with STEP2 B2B services

Contact Support: Email: api@ebaclearing.eu

1. It allows the Participant to inquire the Direct Participants list.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listParticipants/:senderBIC

The listParticipants request allows participants to inquire the Direct Participants list. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

2. It allows the Participant to retrieve the details of a Direct Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/participantDetails/:senderBIC

The participantDetails request allows participants to inquire the details of a Direct Participant. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

3. It allows the Participant to inquire the Reachable BICs list.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listReachableBICs/:senderBIC

The listReachableBICs request allows participants to inquire the Reachable BICs list. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

4. It allows the Participant to retrieve the details of a Reachable BIC.

POST {{baseUrl}}/RBDetails/:senderBIC

The RBDetails request allows participants to inquire the details of Reachable BICs. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

5. It allows the Participant to enquire the list of its BPO relationships.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listBPORelationships/:senderBIC

The listBPORelationships request allows a participant to inquire the list of its BPO relationships. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

6. It allows the Participant to insert a new BPO relationship.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/insertBPORelationship/:senderBIC

The insertBPORelationship request allows participants to insert a new BPO Relationship.

7. It allows the Participant to remove a BPO relationship.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/removeBPORelationship/:senderBIC

The removeBPORelationship request allows participants to remove a BPO Relationship.

8. It allows the Participant to set its Reachable BICs in R-Only or Remove status or to revoke a previously set R-Only status.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/changeStatusReachableBIC/:senderBIC

The changeStatusReachableBIC request allows the participant to change the status of its RBs to RON or DIS or to amend/revoke a previously inserted R-Only operation. This function is managed under BCWS dual control and it generates an R-Only RB or “Remove RB” operation logged as “TO BE AUTHORIZED”.

9. It allows the Participant to insert a new Reachable BIC.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/insertReachableBIC/:senderBIC

The insertReachableBIC request allows the participant to insert a new RB in B2B Routing Table. This function is managed under BCWS dual control and it generates an “Insert RB” operation logged as “TO BE AUTHORIZED”.

10. It allows the Participant to update its DP BIC.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/updateDirectParticipant/:senderBIC

The updateDirectParticipant request allows the participant to update its own DP in B2B Routing Table. This function is managed under BCWS dual control and it generates an “Update DP” operation logged as “TO BE AUTHORIZED”.

11. It allows the Participant to update its Reachable BICs.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/updateReachableBIC/:senderBIC

The updateReachableBIC request allows the participant to update its RBs in B2B Routing Table. This function is managed under BCWS dual control and it generates an "Update RB” operation logged as “TO BE AUTHORIZED”.

12. It allows the Participant to reject an operation previously issued via API.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/rejectParticipantOperation/:senderBIC

The rejectParticipantOperation request allows the participant to reject a specific change operation submitted and not yet authorized.

13. It allows the Participant to enquire the list of its routing operations.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listOperations/:senderBIC

The listOperations request allows the participant to retrieve participant's routing table operations, based on a customized search criteria.

14. It allows the Participant to retrieve the details of one of its operations.

POST {{baseUrl}}/operationDetails/:senderBIC

The operationDetails request allows the participant to inquire details of specific routing table operations.

15. It allows the Participant to enquire the Default Thresholds list.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listDefaultThresholds/:senderBIC

The listDefaultThresholds request allows a participant to inquire its Default Thresholds list. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

16. It allows the Participant to update a specific Default Threshold.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/updateDefaultThreshold/:senderBIC

The debitPosition request allows a participant to inquire its debit position against the module or a specific Counterparty BIC. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

17. It allows the Participant to enquire its debit position against specific Counterparty BIC not configured for settling in CGS.

POST {{baseUrl}}/debitPosition/:senderBIC

It allows the Participant to inquiry for its debit position against specific Counterparty BIC.

18. It allows the Participant to inquire its debit position against a specific Counterparty BIC configured for settling in CGS.

POST {{baseUrl}}/debitPositionCGS/:senderBIC

The debitPositionCGS request allows a participant to retrieve its debit position to be settled in CGS against the System or a specific Counterparty BIC configured to settle in CGS. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

19. It allows to inquire the Transactions sent or received by the Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listTransactions/:senderBIC

The listTransactions request allows a participant to inquire its transactions (either sent or received). If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

20. It allows to get the details of a specific transaction sent or received by the Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/transactionDetails/:senderBIC

The transactionDetails request allows a participant to get the details of a specific transaction (sent or received). If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

21. It allows to inquire the bulks contained in a file sent or received by the Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listBulks/:senderBIC

The listBulks request allows participants to inquire the bulks contained in a file for which they are sender or receiver. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

22. It allows to get the details of a specific bulk contained in a file sent or received by the Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/bulkDetails/:senderBIC

The bulkDetails request allows participants to get the details of a specific bulk contained in a file for which they are sender or receiver. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

23. It allows to inquire the list of files sent or received by the Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listFiles/:senderBIC

The listFiles request allows participants to inquire the files for which they are sender or receiver. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

24. It allows to get the details of a specific file sent or received by the Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/fileDetails/:senderBIC

The fileDetails request allows participants to get the details of a specific file for which they are sender of receiver. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

25. It allows to ask for the creation of the original xml of the message (valid only for the transactions processed in bulk processing mode).

POST {{baseUrl}}/originalXML/:senderBIC

The originalXML request allows participants to ask for the recreation of the original xml of the message (valid only for the transactions processed in bulk processing mode). If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

26. It allows Participants to enquire the list of messages for which they are sender or receiver

POST {{baseUrl}}/listMessages/:senderBIC

The listMessages request allows a participant to retrieve the list of its messages (sent or received). If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

27. It allows Participants to enquire the details of a single message for which they are sender or receiver

POST {{baseUrl}}/messageDetails/:senderBIC

The messageDetails request allows participants to get the details of a specific message (sent or received). If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

28. It allows to ask for the resending of a single file for which the Participant was the receiver.

POST {{baseUrl}}/retransmitOutFiles/:senderBIC

The retransmitOutFiles request allows a participant to ask for the resending of a single file in ERR (error) – TSD (transmitted) – TSG (transmitting) status and for which such participant was the receiver. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response

29. It allows the Participant to ask the comprehensive re-transmission of output files for which the Participant was the receiver.

POST {{baseUrl}}/resendAll/:senderBIC

The resendAll request allows a participant to ask the comprehensive re-transmission of all the output files in TSG (transmitting) or ERR (error) status and for which such participant was the receiver. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

30. It allows to ask for the resending of a single file message which the Participant is the receiver.

POST {{baseUrl}}/retransmitOutMessages/:senderBIC

The retransmitOutMessages allows participants to ask for the resending of a single message in ERR (error) – TSD (transmitted) – TSG (transmitting) status and for which the Participant is the receiver. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

31. It allows the Participant to ask the cancellation of a bulk processed in Bulk Processing mode before the settlement takes place.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/bulkCancellation/:senderBIC

The bulkCancellation request allows a participant to ask the cancellation of a bulk processed in Bulk Processing mode, before the settlement of the included DD collections takes place. Only pacs.003 (DD bulk messages) not yet settled can be cancelled. The bulk cancellation request can be carried out only if the following conditions are met: - None of the transactions in the bulk is either settled or cancelled at settlement; and - At least one of the transactions in the bulk is either validated or notified to the counterpart. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

32. It allows the Participant to ask the cancellation of a bulk processed in Batch Processing mode before the settlement takes place.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/batchCancellation/:senderBIC

The batchCancellation request allows participants to ask the cancellation of a bulk processed in Batch Processing mode before the settlement takes place. Only batches concerning pacs.003 (DD bulk messages) not yet settled can be cancelled. The cancellation of a Batch can be carried out only in the case the batch to be cancelled has not been yet notified to the counterpart. The cancellation of a Batch cannot be executed in case the Batch to be cancelled has been completely or partially cancelled/rejected by a camt.056 or pacs.002. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

33. It allows to ask for the creation of the Third Pole Reconciliation report.

POST {{baseUrl}}/thirdPoleReportRequest/:senderBIC

The thirdPoleReportRequest allows participants to ask for the creation of the Third Pole Reconciliation report. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

34. It allows to ask for the list of the Third Pole Reconciliation report generated after the “ThirdPoleReportRequest” API.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listThirdPoleReport/:senderBIC

The listThirdPoleReport allows participants to ask for the list of the Third Pole Reconciliation report generated after the “thirdPoleReportRequest” API. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

35. It allows to ask for the receiving of the Third Pole Reconciliation report generated after the “ThirdPoleReportRequest” API.

POST {{baseUrl}}/thirdPoleReportReceivingRequest/:senderBIC

The thirdPoleReportReceivingRequest allows participants to ask for the receiving of the Third Pole Reconciliation report generated after the “thirdPoleReportRequest” API. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

36. It allows the Participant to inquiry for the list of Commands that were submitted by the Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listCommands/:senderBIC

The listCommands request allows a participant to inquire for the status of its commands. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

37. It allows the Participant to inquiry for the status of a single command submitted by the Participant.

POST {{baseUrl}}/commandDetail/:senderBIC

The commandDetail request allows participants to inquire the details of a specific command submitted by participants linked to their same BIC. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

38. It allows the Participant to inquiry the list of alerts produced by the System for its BIC.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listAlerts/:senderBIC

The listAlerts request allows participants to browse the list of alerts produced by the System for their BIC. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

39. It allows to enquire the list of the LCRs generated for the Participant by B2B Service.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listLCR/:senderBIC

The listLCR request allows STEP2 Direct Participants to inquire LCRs for their BIC. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.

40. It allows the Participant to retrieve details for a specific LCR.

POST {{baseUrl}}/lcrDetails/:senderBIC

The lcrDetails request allows STEP2 Direct Participant to retrieve details of a specific LCR for their BIC. If no record is found for the set criteria of the request, the HTTP Code 204 is returned with the Response.