Swift API Sandbox Collections API Documentation

EBA Continuous Gross Settlement

Number of APIs: 26

STEP2 System CGS Module - API Specifications Annex

Based on: EBACLSTEP220220330OpenApiCGSAPIParticipant130v20220613.yaml

Contact Support: Email: api@ebaclearing.eu

1. [listSettlementBICs]:It allows the Participant to inquire the Settlement BICs list.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listSettlementBICs/:senderBIC

The listSettlement request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agents and STEP2 BICs configured for settlement in CGS to retrieve the CGS Settlement BIC list

2. [settlementBICDetails]: It allows the Participant to inquire the details of a Settlement BIC.

POST {{baseUrl}}/settlementBICDetails/:senderBIC

The settlementBICDetails allows the STEP2 Preferred Agents and STEP2 BICs configured for settlement in CGS to get the details of a specific Settlement BIC

3. [updateSettlementBIC]: It allows the Participant to update the configuration of the Settlement BIC in CGS routing table

PUT {{baseUrl}}/updateSettlementBIC/:senderBIC

The updateSettlementBIC request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to update the routing configuration parameters for a specific Settlement BIC in the CGS Routing Table. This function is managed under BCWS dual control and it generates an “Update Settlement BIC” operation logged as “TO BE AUTHORIZED”.

4. [currentPosition]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to inquire its current position

POST {{baseUrl}}/currentPosition/:senderBIC

The currentPosition request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve its current position in a selected date range

5. [positionLac]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to inquire the position at a specific LAC.

POST {{baseUrl}}/positionLac/:senderBIC

The positionLac request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the position at a specific LAC

6. [setDefaultAgenda]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to set and/or change the default thresholds related to its position.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/setDefaultAgenda/:senderBIC

The setDefaultAgenda request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to set and/or change the default thresholds related to its position, setting the values for - Lower Position; - Base Position; - Upper Position; - Reset to base position flag for each LAC of each TARGET day of the week.

7. [getDefaultAgenda]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to inquire the default thresholds related to its position.

POST {{baseUrl}}/getDefaultAgenda/:senderBIC

The getDefaultAgenda request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the default thresholds related to its position, namely - Lower Position; - Base Position; - Upper Position; - Reset to base position flag

8. [setCalendar]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to change one or more of the default values set in the Liquidity Agenda for specific LAC(s) of a specific day of the year, including the current one.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/setCalendar/:senderBIC

The setCalendar request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to change one or more of the default values set in the Liquidity Agenda for specific LAC(s) of a specific day of the year, including the current one

9. [listCalendar]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to inquire the changed values in the Agenda set for specific LAC(s) of a specific day of the year.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listCalendar/:senderBIC

The listCalendar request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the changed values in the Agenda set for specific LAC(s) of a specific day of the year

10. [liquidityManagement]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to fund/defund liquidity from its position. As soon as the command is authorized, the Settlement BIC’s position is debited of the defunded amount and a LAF file is generated for T2I.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/liquidityManagement/:senderBIC

The liquidityManagement request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to fund/defund liquidity from its position. As soon as the command is authorized, the settlementBIC’s position is debited of the defunded amount and a LAF file is generated for T2I.

11. [listFundingDefunding]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve detail information related to liquidity instructions (funding/defunding).:

POST {{baseUrl}}/listFundingDefunding/:senderBIC

The listFundingDefunding request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve information on single liquidity instructions

12. [interestMonthlyReport]: It allowsSTEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve monthly information resulting from the “Interest Calculation Process” of a specific month

POST {{baseUrl}}/interestMonthlyReport/:senderBIC

The interestMonthlyReport request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve monthly information resulting from the “Interest Calculation Process” for its Settlement BIC. Data are available by the first TARGET business day of the month, once calculated by the system. Since calculations may differ from the set of information provided by the ECB (especially due to the rounding mechanism), Participants are invited to take note of this figure only upon EBA CLEARING email confirmation. Once confirmed as valid, the amount is collected from Participants on the third TARGET business day of the month. Once collected, daily interest details are available for Participants. If for the selected period there are not validated data, no data found response is provided. If the range selected by the user includes more months for which EBA CLEARING has validated only some months, the report is provided only for the months already validated.

13. [interestDailyReport]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve daily information resulting from the “Interest Calculation Process”.

POST {{baseUrl}}/interestDailyReport/:senderBIC

The interestReport request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the daily information resulting from the “Interest Calculation Process” of a specific month for its Settlement BIC. Data are available by the first TARGET business day of the month, once calculated by the system.

14. [lcrList]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to inquire queued and processed (settled / cancelled / revoked / rejected) LCRs.

POST {{baseUrl}}/lcrList/:senderBIC

The lcrList request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve processed (settled / cancelled / revoked / rejected) and queued LCRs for its settlementBIC

15. [lcrDetails]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve details of queued and processed (settled / cancelled / revoked / rejected) LCRs.

POST {{baseUrl}}/lcrDetails/:senderBIC

The lcrList request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve details of a single LCR for a specific settlementBIC (mandatory to set up the request).

16. [Revoke LCR]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to revoke queued LCRs resulting in a negative settlement of the LCR that is rejected back to the relevant STEP2 Service.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/revokeLcr/:senderBIC

The revokeLcr request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to revoke a single queued LCR or all queued LCRs, resulting in a negative settlement of the LCR(s) that will be rejected back to the relevant STEP2 Service

17. [listFiles]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the list of LMR and LNR output files generated by the Module.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listFiles/:senderBIC

The listFiles request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the list of LMR and LNR output files generated by the module

18. [fileDetails]: It allows STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve details of LMR and LNR output files generated by the Module.

POST {{baseUrl}}/fileDetails/:senderBIC

The fileDetails request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve details of LMR and LNR output files generated by the module

19. [retransmitOutFiles]: It allows to ask for the resending of a single file for which the Participant was the receiver.

POST {{baseUrl}}/retransmitOutFiles/:senderBIC

The retransmitOutFiles request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to ask for the resending of files for which the Preferred Agent was the receiver. The retransmission of files can be requested for a single file in the suitable status

20. [resendAll]: It allows the Participant to ask the comprehensive re-transmission of output files for which the Participant was the receiver.

POST {{baseUrl}}/resendAll/:senderBIC

The resendAll request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to ask for the resending of files for which the Preferred Agent was the receiver. The retransmission of files can be requested for all of files with status TSG (Transmitting) or ERR (Error), according to filter criteria and rules on date foreseen in CGS

21. [listAlerts]: It allows the Participant to enquire the list of alerts generated by the module for its BIC.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listAlerts/:senderBIC

The listAlerts request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the list of alerts produced by the module for its BIC

22. [listCommands]: It allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to inquire the list of submitted commands.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listCommands/:senderBIC

The listCommands request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the status of Commands that were submitted by the Participant

23. [commandDetails]: It allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the details of a single command submitted.

POST {{baseUrl}}/commandDetails/:senderBIC

The commandDetails request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve the status of a single command submitted by the Participant

24. [listOperation]: It allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to inquire the status of operations submitted.

POST {{baseUrl}}/listOperation/:senderBIC

The listOperation allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve participant operations stored in the Settlement BICs routing table, based on customized search criteria.

25. [operationDetails]: It allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to inquire the details of a single operation submitted.

POST {{baseUrl}}/operationDetails/:senderBIC

The operationDetails request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to retrieve details of specific routing table operations.

26. [rejectParticipantOperation]: It allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to reject an operation previously submitted via API

PUT {{baseUrl}}/rejectParticipantOperation/:senderBIC

The rejectParticipantOperation request allows the STEP2 Preferred Agent to reject a specific change operation submitted and not yet authorized.