Swift API Sandbox Collections API Documentation

Banking Analytics Premium API

Number of APIs: 11

1. Setup - Refresh Token

POST https://sandbox.swift.com/oauth2/v1/token

2. v1-Success Scenarios - Payment Data: 2019-01-05

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v1/payments?reporting_period=2019-01-05

3. v1-Success Scenarios - Trade Data: 2019-01-05

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v1/trade?reporting_period=2019-01-05

4. v1-Success Scenarios - Treasury Data: 2019-01-05

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v1/treasury?reporting_period=2019-01-05

5. v1-Success Scenarios - Activity Share

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v1/activity-share?reporting_period=2019-01-05&market=TREA_treasury&direction=SENT_sent&country=US&counterparty_country=US&bic8=DEMOBE33&currency=USD&message_definition_identifier=103&geo_route=DMST_domestic&customer_route=ITER_inter_customer_group&conversion_currency=US

6. v1-Error Scenarios - Mandatory Parameter Missing

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v1/treasury

7. v2-Market - Payment data: Sample 2

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v2/payments?reporting_period=2023-03-21&limit=25&offset=0

Returns an array of payments data filtered on reporting period available for the current and previous year.

8. v2-Market - Trade data: Sample 2

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v2/trade?reporting_period=2019-01-05&limit=25&offset=0

Returns an array of trade finance data filtered on reporting period available for the current and previous year.

9. v2-Market - Treasury data: Sample 2

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v2/treasury?reporting_period=2019-01-05&limit=25&offset=0

Returns an array of treasury data filtered on reporting period available for the current and previous year.

10. v2-Activity Share - Information related to Swift Totals: Sample 2

GET {{baseUrl}}/bi/banking-premium/v2/activity-share?reporting_period=2023-03-21&market=PMTS_payments&direction=SENT_sent&bic8=DEMOBE33

Get your daily data consisting of transaction count, converted amount, total SWIFT transactions count, total SWIFT converted amount, SWIFT activity share transaction count and SWIFT activity share converted amount per market and country filtered on a particular day in the previous or current year.

11. Teardown - Revoke Token

POST https://sandbox.swift.com/oauth2/v1/revoke