Number of APIs: 32
From Section 7 of the Nanoleaf Open API Reference. Requires setting up a developer account and signing in to their developer portal. Click the orange Run in Qodex button to import this Qodex collection and cnvironment into your local instance of the Qodex app. Update the Qodex environment with your IP and port. If you already have an authorization token, update the Qodex environment with your token. Otherwise, you will need to use the Add a user Quickstart
request to generate an authorization token.
1. Quickstart: lighting up the Nanoleaf - Quickstart: Add a user
POST http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/new
A user is authorized to access the OpenAPI if they can demonstrate physical access of the Light Panels.
The result returned will be a 32-character authorization token that you will use in all of your subsequent calls.
Refer to Section 6 of the Nanoleaf Open API Documentation.
Note: In this request's test script, the auth token value will be set as an environment variable called authToken
. If you already have an authorization token that you'd like to use, update the Qodex environment with your token.
2. Quickstart: lighting up the Nanoleaf - Quickstart: Get all light controller info
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/
3. Quickstart: lighting up the Nanoleaf - Quickstart: update on/off
PUT http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state
4. Quickstart: lighting up the Nanoleaf - Quickstart: List Effects
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/effects/effectsList
5. Quickstart: lighting up the Nanoleaf - Quickstart: Update Effect
PUT http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/effects
POST http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/new
A user is authorized to access the OpenAPI if they can demonstrate physical access of the Light Panels.
The result returned will be a 32-character authorization token that you will use in all of your subsequent calls.
Refer to Section 6 of the Nanoleaf Open API Documentation.
Note: In this request's test script, the auth token value will be set as an environment variable called authToken
. If you already have an authorization token that you'd like to use, update the Qodex environment with your token.
7. Authorization - Delete a user
DELETE http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token
Requires an authorization token of an existing user.
8. Get all controller info - Get all light controller info
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state/on
10. State - Color Temperature - update
PUT http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state/brightness
12. State - Hue
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state/hue
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state/sat
14. State - Saturation - update
PUT http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state/sat
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state/ct
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/state/colorMode
17. Effects - Select
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/effects/select
18. Effects - Write
PUT http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/effects
19. Effects - List
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/effects/effectsList
20. Panel Layout - Global orientation
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/panelLayout/globalOrientation
21. Panel Layout - Global orientation - update
PUT http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/panelLayout/globalOrientation
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/panelLayout/layout
To retrieve the panel layout, send an HTTP GET request like this (inserting your authorization token):
PUT http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/identify
Causes the panels to flash in unison. This is typically used to help users differentiate between multiple panels.
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/rhythmConnected
Indicates if the Rhythm is connected to the Light Panels or not.
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/rhythmActive
Indicates if the Rhythm's microphone is currently active or not.
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/rhythmId
Indicates the Rhythm's Id in the Light Panel system.
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/hardwareVersion
Indicates the Rhythm's hardware version.
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/firmwareVersion
Indicates the Rhythm's firmware version.
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/auxAvailable
Indicates if an aux cable (3.5mm) is currently connected to the Rhythm.
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/rhythmMode
Allows the user to control the sound source for the Rhythm. Writing 0 to this field sets the Rhythm's sound source to the microphone, and writing 1 to the field sets the sound source to the aux cable.
31. Rhythm - Rhythm mode - update
PUT http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/rhythmMode
Allows the user to control the sound source for the Rhythm. Writing 0 to this field sets the Rhythm's sound source to the microphone, and writing 1 to the field sets the sound source to the aux cable.
GET http://{{ipAddress}}/api/v1/:auth_token/rhythm/rhythmPos
Indicates the position and orientation of the Rhythm in the Light Panels' layout.