Program smart lights API Documentation

API for Philips Hue

Number of APIs: 24

The Philips Hue API Collection allows developers to control Philips Hue smart lights. It offers various functions, such as changing the color, brightness, and saturation of the lights. The API also supports the creation of schedules and timers for the lights.

Step 1: First make sure your bridge is connected to your network and is functioning properly.

Step 2: Then you need to discover the IP address of the bridge on your network.

Okay now that you have a username with permission to use the Philips system, lets start having some fun with these APIs!

Reference: https://developers.meethue.com/develop/get-started-2/

1. Lights - Get All Lights

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/lights

2. Lights - Put Light State

PUT http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/lights/2/state

3. Lights - Delete Light From Bridge

DELETE http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/lights/6

4. Bridge Config - Get Config

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/config

5. Bridge Config - Put Config

PUT http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/config

6. Group - Get All Groups

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/groups

7. Group - Get Group Details

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/groups/0

8. Group - Create Group

POST http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/groups

9. Group - Update Group State

PUT http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/groups/1/action

10. Schedule - Get All Schedules

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/schedules

11. Schedule - Create Schedule

POST http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/schedules/

12. Schedule - Edit Schedule

PUT http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/schedules/2

13. Schedule - Create Repeating Timer Schedule

POST http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/schedules

14. Sensor - Get All Sensors

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/sensors

15. Sensor - Create Sensor

POST http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/sensors

16. Sensor - Update Sensor State

PUT http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/sensors/2/state

17. Scene - Get All Scenes

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/scenes

18. Scene - Get Scene Details

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/scenes/381mJSoKqbbCA0u/

19. Scene - Create Scene

POST http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/scenes

20. Scene - Edit Scene

PUT http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/scenes/381mJSoKqbbCA0u/lightstates/2

21. Rule - Get All Rules

GET http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/rules

22. Rule - Edit Rule

PUT http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/rules/5

23. Rule - Create Rule on Localtime

POST http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/rules

24. Rule - Delete Rule

DELETE http://{{ip}}/api/{{username}}/rules/5