OpenText Developer Cloud public resources API Documentation

OpenText Developer Administration API

Number of APIs: 32

See tutorial on getting started Creating IMaaS Applications for further details see here

The OpenText Developer Administation API has two use cases: 1. Support Core Content users and extensions that are manage via our OT2 platform 2. Manage user access, client access and tenants from a Developer's application- without needing to log into the OpenText Developer Console or Admin center (AKA the OT2 platform)

Your OT2 platform access credentials

When becoming an IMaaS developer, you were invited to create a password for your OT2 access credentials. These credentials are associated with your tenant(s), and are used in conjunction with the application-specific Confidential OAuth service client that is generated for each application when using Resource owner grant (username and password) access.

For detailed How to get started see this video: Sample App How-To

Before you get started with our services (assuming you have signed up for a account) you will need: tenant password :

  1. Log into OpenText | Developer
  2. Go to the Console page
  3. Select your tenant from the drop-down on the Tenant tab
  4. In the top-right navigation pane, select the 'i' next to the Site Details name
  5. Follow the instructions

Calling IMaaS services from your CLI or IDE 1. First you will need to log into the Developer Console here is the direct link 2. Create your application within the Console. *This registers the application against the OT2 Platform. This generates the application-specific OAuth service clients, including the Confidential client with a client ID and secret. 3. From the Console, select Create a pro-code app. Using the wizard, fill out the required fields. 4. Use the authenticators service to get organizational and tenant IDs.

You can create multiple applications using our IMaaS API and the individual Information Management services. Each application will have its own unique pair of OAuth clients. This Admin API has all of the details you need to manage both global features of your account and individual tenant and service use by individual applications. This allows for better management and monitoring of API and storage use. Want a sample app to test for yourself? Download the Contract same app here

1. authenticators-{authenticator Id} - Get organization authenticator

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/authenticators/:authenticatorId

Retrieve authenticator by ID

2. authenticators-{authenticator Id} - Update organization authenticator

PUT {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/authenticators/:authenticatorId

Update authenticator by ID

3. authenticators-{authenticator Id} - Delete organization authenticator

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/authenticators/:authenticatorId

Remove authenticator by ID

4. authenticators - Create organization authenticator

POST {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/authenticators

Create authenticator for organization

5. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-users-{user Id} - Get user

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/users/:userId

Retrieve existing user by ID

6. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-users-{user Id} - Update user

PUT {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/users/:userId

Update existing user by ID

7. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-users-{user Id} - Delete user

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/users/:userId

Delete existing user by ID

8. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-users - Get all users

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/users

Retrieve all users for tenant

9. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-users - Create user

POST {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/users?sendMail=false

Create a new user from provided JSON

10. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-authenticators-{authenticator Id} - Get tenant authenticator

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/authenticators/:authenticatorId

Retrieve tenant authenticator

11. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-authenticators-{authenticator Id} - Update tenant authenticator

PUT {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/authenticators/:authenticatorId

Update existing tenant authenticator

12. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-authenticators-{authenticator Id} - Delete tenant authenticator

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/authenticators/:authenticatorId

Remove existing tenant authenticator

13. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-authenticators - Create tenant authenticator

POST {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/authenticators

Create existing tenant authenticator

14. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-apps/{app Id}-users-{user Id} - Subscribe user

PUT {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/apps/:appId/users/:userId

Subscribes user to app

15. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-apps/{app Id}-users-{user Id} - Unsubscribe user

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/apps/:appId/users/:userId

Unsubscribe user from app

16. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-apps/{app Id}-users - Get all users subscribed to an app

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/apps/:appId/users

Retrieve all users for tenant that are subscribed to a given app

17. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-apps/{app Id} - Add app

PUT {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/apps/:appId

Add app to tenant

18. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id}-apps/{app Id} - Remove app

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId/apps/:appId

Remove app from tenant

19. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id} - Get tenant

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId

Retrieve tenant by ID

20. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id} - Update tenant

PUT {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId

Update existing tenant from provided payload

21. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants-{tenant Id} - Delete tenant

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants/:tenantId?action=SUSPEND&gracePeriod=0

Remove tenant by ID

22. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants - Get tenants

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants

Retrieve all tenants for organization

23. organizations/{organization Id}-tenants - Create tenant

POST {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/tenants

Create a new tenant from provided payload

24. organizations/{organization Id}-apps-{app Id} - Get app

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/apps/:appId

Retrieve existing application by ID

25. organizations/{organization Id}-apps-{app Id} - Update app

PUT {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/apps/:appId

Update existing app from provided payload

26. organizations/{organization Id}-apps-{app Id} - Delete app

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/apps/:appId

Remove existing app by ID

27. organizations/{organization Id}-apps-{app Id} - Update service client

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/apps/:appId/clients/:clientId?activate=false

Update service client

28. organizations/{organization Id}-apps-{app Id} - Get tenants by appId

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/apps/:appId/tenants

Get a list of tenants an application is deployed to

29. organizations/{organization Id}-apps - Get apps

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/apps

Retrieve all applications for organization

30. organizations/{organization Id}-apps - Create app

POST {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/apps

Create new app from provided payload

31. organizations/{organization Id}-clients - Get service clients

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/clients

Get organization service clients

32. organizations/{organization Id}-clients - Update service client

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/clients/:clientId?activate=true

Update organization service client