OpenText Developer Cloud public resources API Documentation

IMaaS Workflow services

Number of APIs: 81

The IMaaS Workflow API(s) is managed and driven by REST API calls. This complete workflow API makes it easy for application developers to build not only simple workflow processes with step logic but also complex BPMN 2.0-compliant workflow processes. Workflow processes can involve complex choreographed processes, which drive integration with other IMaaS services and any non-OpenText systems that support human-to-human, system-to-system, and human-to-system interactions.

Why use these services

Automate business flows Model your business flows as a set of workflows, reducing manual interventions and automating the process.

Adapt to changes in your customer's Applications quickly

Be more agile by quickly changing a workflow to meet changing business requirements.

Faster collaboration Leverage workflows to orchestrate multiple service interactions and improve collaboration.

Reduce errors and increase efficiency Use workflows to automate and handle redundant decisions in the business, reducing errors and increasing the overall efficiency.

1. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-assignments - Delete assignments on a task

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/assignments

Delete assignments on a task.

2. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-assignments - Get an assignments for a task

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/assignments?includeUserIds=false&includeGroupIds=false

Get an assignments for a task.

3. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-assignments - Create an assignment on a task

POST {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/assignments

Create an assignment on a task.

4. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-assignments - Update an assignment on a task

PUT {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/assignments

Update an assignment on a task.

5. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-attachments-{attachment Id} - Delete an attachment on a task

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/attachments/:attachmentId?cascade=false&cascadeContent=false

Delete an attachment on a task.
If cascade parameter is set to true, the corresponding file in the OT2 content store(Content metadata service & Content storage service) will also be deleted along with the task attachment.

6. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-attachments-{attachment Id} - Get an attachment on a task

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/attachments/:attachmentId?includeUserIds=false

Get an attachment on a task.

7. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-attachments - List attachments on a task

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/attachments?includeUserIds=false

List attachments on a task.

8. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-attachments - Create a new attachment on a task.

POST {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/attachments

Create a new attachment on a task, either by linking to an external resource url or by providing a file input.
An external resource url can be linked as a task attachment by providing the required details in the json request body as below.

Sample request body :
name : SampleAttachment
description : SampleDescription
type : SampleType
externalUrl : https://..
includeUserIds : false

A file can also be directly uploaded as a task attachment by providing the reference file as a multipart/form-data Content-Type input. By default the file is uploaded and linked to OT2 content store (Content metadata service & Content storage service).

9. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-comments-{comment Id} - Delete a comment on a task

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/comments/:commentId

Delete a comment on a task.

10. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-comments-{comment Id} - Get a comment on a task

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/comments/:commentId?includeUserIds=false

Get a comment on a task.

11. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-comments - Get comments on a task

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/comments?includeUserIds=false

Get comments on a task.

12. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-comments - Create a new comment on a task

POST {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/comments

Create a comment on a task.

13. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-variables-{variable Name} - Delete a variable on a task

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/variables/:variableName?scope=voluptate elit

Delete a variable on a task.

14. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-variables-{variable Name} - Get a variable for a task

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/variables/:variableName?scope=voluptate elit

Get a variable for a task.

15. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-variables-{variable Name} - Update a single variable on a task

PUT {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/variables/:variableName

Update a single variable on a task.

Sample request body :
name: SampleVariable,
type: string,
value: SampleValue,
scope: local

16. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-variables - List variables for a task

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/variables?scope=voluptate elit&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit

List variables for a task.

17. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id}-variables - Create variables on a task

POST {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId/variables

Create one or more variables on a task.

Sample request body :
name: SampleVariable,
type: string,
value: SampleValue,
scope: local

18. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id} - Get a task

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId?includeProcessVariables=true&includeTaskComments=true&includeTaskAssignments=true&includeUserIds=false&includeGroupIds=false

Retrieve a task based on given task id.

19. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id} - Act on a task

POST {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId

Act on a task. Possible actions are complete, claim, delegate, resolve, unclaim.

20. Workflow action and model services-tasks-{task Id} - Update a task

PUT {{baseUrl}}/tasks/:taskId

Update the task data based on a given task id.
For task assignment updates :
Task assignments are supported for user or group targets, which are managed using Admin center.
For task assignment to a user, the user should be a valid user in the provided tenant and subscription context, and user email id should be provided.
For task assignment to a group, the group should be a valid application role or a group with associated user mappings in the provided tenant and subscription context, and application role name or group name should be provided.

21. Workflow action and model services-tasks - Get tasks

GET {{baseUrl}}/tasks?name=voluptate elit&nameLike=voluptate elit&description=voluptate elit&priority=voluptate elit&minimumPriority=voluptate elit&maximumPriority=voluptate elit&assignee=voluptate elit&assigneeLike=voluptate elit&owner=voluptate elit&ownerLike=voluptate elit&unassigned=voluptate elit&delegationState=voluptate elit&candidateUser=voluptate elit&candidateGroup=voluptate elit&candidateGroups=voluptate elit&involvedUser=voluptate elit&processInstanceId=voluptate elit&processInstanceIdWithChildren=voluptate elit&processInstanceBusinessKey=voluptate elit&processInstanceBusinessKeyLike=voluptate elit&processDefinitionId=voluptate elit&processDefinitionKey=voluptate elit&processDefinitionKeyLike=voluptate elit&processDefinitionName=voluptate elit&processDefinitionNameLike=voluptate elit&executionId=voluptate elit&createdOn=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&createdBefore=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&createdAfter=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&dueOn=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&dueBefore=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&dueAfter=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&withoutDueDate=true&excludeSubTasks=true&active=true&includeTaskLocalVariables=true&includeProcessVariables=true&includeTaskComments=true&includeTaskAssignments=true&candidateOrAssigned=voluptate elit&category=voluptate elit&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit&sort=name&order=desc&includeUserIds=false&includeGroupIds=false&sortEmptyValuesOnTop=true

Get tasks.

22. Workflow action and model services-tasks - Create a sub task

POST {{baseUrl}}/tasks

Create a sub task

23. Workflow action and model services-runtime/models - Get executable process models

GET {{baseUrl}}/runtime/models?version=-98125607&name=voluptate elit&nameLike=voluptate elit&key=voluptate elit&keyLike=voluptate elit&category=voluptate elit&categoryLike=voluptate elit&categoryNotEquals=voluptate elit&deploymentId=voluptate elit&latestVersion=true&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&deploymentSpace=voluptate elit&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit&sort=key

Get the executable process models across all deployed versions.

24. Workflow action and model services-runtime/models - Create a new executable process model

POST {{baseUrl}}/runtime/models

Deploy the contents of BPMN based process model. Process instances can be triggered for these deployed process models. Use the key returned in the API response to create process instances for the deployed model.
If the same process model is updated and deployed again, a higher version of the process model is deployed. New process instances are always created on the latest versions of the process models, and the previously triggered process instances continue to run on the corresponding older versions.The process model can be defined using the workflow modeler. The content of the process model (required for modelContent) can be exported and copied as a BPMN 2.0 encoded xml or BPMN 2.0 json directly from the workflow modeler.

Sample request body :
modelId : SampleModelId,
modelType: xml/json,
modelContent: encoded BPMN xml content for xml type / plain BPMN json for json type

25. Workflow action and model services-runtime/models - Retrieve executable process model content

GET {{baseUrl}}/runtime/models/:deploymentId?modelType=xml

Retrieve executable process model content based on the given model id.

26. Workflow action and model services-runtime/models - Delete an executable process model

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/runtime/models/:modelId

Delete a specific version of the executable process model and its corresponding process instances.

27. Workflow action and model services-models - Convert process model content from json to xml or vice versa

POST {{baseUrl}}/models/conversion

Convert process model content from json to xml or vice versa.

Sample request body :
modelType: xml/json,
modelContent: encoded BPMN xml content for xml type / plain BPMN json for json type

28. Workflow action and model services-models - Validate process model content

POST {{baseUrl}}/models/validation

Validate process model content.

Sample request body :
modelType: xml/json,
modelContent: encoded BPMN xml content for xml type / plain BPMN json for json type

29. Workflow action and model services-administration/privileges-{privilege Name}-groups - Delete a specific privilege for group(s)

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/administration/privileges/:privilegeName/groups

Delete a specific privilege for one or more groups in the current subscription context, using group ids or group names. The available privilege names can be retrieved using the list privileges API.

30. Workflow action and model services-administration/privileges-{privilege Name}-groups - Add a specific privilege for group(s)

POST {{baseUrl}}/administration/privileges/:privilegeName/groups

Add a specific privilege for one or more groups in the current subscription context, using group ids or group names. The available privilege names can be retrieved using the list privileges API.

31. Workflow action and model services-administration/privileges-{privilege Name}-roles - Delete a specific privilege for role(s)

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/administration/privileges/:privilegeName/roles

Delete a specific privilege for one or more roles in the current subscription context, using role ids or role names. The available privilege names can be retrieved using the list privileges API.

32. Workflow action and model services-administration/privileges-{privilege Name}-roles - Add a specific privilege for role(s)

POST {{baseUrl}}/administration/privileges/:privilegeName/roles

Add a specific privilege for one or more roles in the current subscription context, using role ids or role names. The available privilege names can be retrieved using the list privileges API.

33. Workflow action and model services-administration/privileges-{privilege Name}-users - Delete a specific privilege for user(s)

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/administration/privileges/:privilegeName/users

Delete a specific privilege for one or more users in the current subscription context, using user ids or user names. The available privilege names can be retrieved using the list privileges API.

34. Workflow action and model services-administration/privileges-{privilege Name}-users - Add a specific privilege for user(s)

POST {{baseUrl}}/administration/privileges/:privilegeName/users

Add a specific privilege for one or more users in the current subscription context, using user ids or user names. The available privilege names can be retrieved using the list privileges API.

35. Workflow action and model services-administration/privileges - List privileges

GET {{baseUrl}}/administration/privileges?id=voluptate elit&name=voluptate elit&userId=voluptate elit&userName=voluptate elit&groupId=voluptate elit&groupName=voluptate elit&roleId=voluptate elit&roleName=voluptate elit&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit

List privileges in the current subscription context.

36. Workflow action and model services-designtime/models-{model Id} - Delete a non-executable process model

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/designtime/models/:modelId

Delete the current version of the non-executable process model.

37. Workflow action and model services-designtime/models-{model Id} - Retrieve process model content

GET {{baseUrl}}/designtime/models/:modelId?modelType=xml

Retrieve the BPMN 2.0 xml/json content of the non executable process model.

38. Workflow action and model services-designtime/models - Get non-executable process models

GET {{baseUrl}}/designtime/models?id=voluptate elit&category=voluptate elit&categoryLike=voluptate elit&categoryNotEquals=voluptate elit&name=voluptate elit&nameLike=voluptate elit&key=voluptate elit&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit&sort=id

Get the non-executable process models.

39. Workflow action and model services-designtime/models - Create a non-executable process model

POST {{baseUrl}}/designtime/models

Save the contents of BPMN based process model, which can be used for application development. No process instances can be triggered on the saved process models. The process model can be defined using the workflow modeler. The content of the process model (required for modelContent) can be exported and copied as a BPMN 2.0 encoded xml or BPMN 2.0 json directly from the workflow modeler.

Sample request body :
name: SampleModel,
key: SampleKey,
category: SampleCategory,
modelType: xml/json,
modelContent: encoded BPMN xml content for xml type / plain BPMN json for json type

40. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-adhoc-subprocesses/{adhoc Subprocess Id}-activities - List of enabled activities for adhoc sub process

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/adhoc-subprocesses/:adhocSubprocessId/activities

List of enabled activities for adhoc sub process. Adhoc sub process id is same as the id in the list of adhoc sub processes for a process instance response or id in the list of active adhoc sub process executions for a process instance.

41. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-adhoc-subprocesses/{adhoc Subprocess Id}-activities - Execute activities in adhoc sub process

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/adhoc-subprocesses/:adhocSubprocessId/activities

Execute activities in adhoc sub process. Adhoc sub process id is same as the id in the list of adhoc sub processes for a process instance response or id in the list of active adhoc sub process executions for a process instance.

42. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-adhoc-subprocesses/{adhoc Subprocess Id} - Complete adhoc sub process

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/adhoc-subprocesses/:adhocSubprocessId

Complete adhoc sub process in a process instance. Adhoc sub process id is same as the id in the list of adhoc sub processes for a process instance response or id in the list of active adhoc sub process executions for a process instance.

43. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-administration/failedasync-jobs - List failed async jobs

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/administration/failedasync-jobs?id=voluptate elit&processInstanceId=voluptate elit&executionId=voluptate elit&processDefinitionId=voluptate elit&elementId=voluptate elit&elementName=voluptate elit&executable=true&timersOnly=true&messagesOnly=true&withException=true&dueBefore=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&dueAfter=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&exceptionMessage=voluptate elit&locked=true&unlocked=true&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit&sort=retries

List async jobs which previously failed due to runtime errors.

44. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-administration/failedasync-jobs - Recover failed async job

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/administration/failedasync-jobs/:jobId

Recover the failed async job by moving the executions to active state. Use this API after correcting the previously encountered runtime errors in the async executions.

45. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-executions - List of executions for a process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/executions?id=voluptate elit&activityId=voluptate elit&processDefinitionKey=voluptate elit&processDefinitionId=voluptate elit&processInstanceId=voluptate elit&messageEventSubscriptionName=voluptate elit&signalEventSubscriptionName=voluptate elit&parentId=voluptate elit&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit&sort=processDefinitionId

A process instance can have multiple active paths in execution. Use this API to retrieve the current executions for a process instance.

46. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-executions - List of executions for a process instance.

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/executions

A process instance can have multiple active paths in execution. Use this API to retrieve the current executions for a process instance.

47. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-executions - Broadcast signal or message to a process instance

PUT {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/executions/:executionId

Broadcast signal or message to a process instance execution currently in waiting state.

48. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-comments-{comment Id} - Delete a comment on a process instance

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/comments/:commentId

Delete comment on a process instance.

49. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-comments-{comment Id} - Get a comment on a process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/comments/:commentId?includeUserIds=false

Get a comment on a Process Instance.

50. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-comments - Get comments on a process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/comments?includeUserIds=false

Get comments on a process instance.

51. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-comments - Create new comment on a process instance

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/comments

Create a comment on a process instance.

52. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-variables-{variable Name} - Delete a variable on a process instance

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/variables/:variableName?scope=voluptate elit&cascade=false&cascadeContent=false

Delete a variable on a process instance

53. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-variables-{variable Name} - Get a variable for a process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/variables/:variableName?scope=voluptate elit

Get a variable for a process instance.

54. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-variables-{variable Name} - Update a single variable on a process instance

PUT {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/variables/:variableName

Update a single variable on a process instance.

Sample request body :
name: SampleVariable,
type: string,
value: SampleValue,
scope: local

55. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-variables - List variables for a process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/variables?scope=voluptate elit&type=true&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit

List the variables for a process instance.

56. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id}-variables - Create variables on a process instance

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/variables

Create one or more variables on a process instance.

Sample request body :
name: SampleVariable,
type: string,
value: SampleValue,
scope: local

57. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id} - Delete a process instance

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId

Delete a process instance.

58. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id} - Get a process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId?includeUserIds=false&includeProcessVariables=false

Get a process instance based on the given process instance id.

59. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id} - Activate or suspend a process instance

PUT {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId

Activate or suspend a process instance by providing suitable action.

60. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id} - List of adhoc sub processes for a process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/adhoc-subprocesses

List of adhoc sub processes for a process instance.

61. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id} - Get diagram for a process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/diagram

Get the current execution status of a process instance in a process model diagram.

62. Workflow action and model services-process-instances-{process Instance Id} - Inject activity in a process instance

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/:processInstanceId/inject

Inject a user task or a sub process in a process instance.

63. Workflow action and model services-process-instances - List process instances

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances?id=voluptate elit&name=voluptate elit&nameLike=voluptate elit&nameLikeIgnoreCase=voluptate elit&processDefinitionKey=voluptate elit&processDefinitionId=voluptate elit&processDefinitionCategory=voluptate elit&processDefinitionVersion=-98125607&businessKey=voluptate elit&startedBy=voluptate elit&startedBefore=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&startedAfter=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&involvedUser=voluptate elit&suspended=true&superProcessInstanceId=voluptate elit&subProcessInstanceId=voluptate elit&excludeSubprocesses=true&includeProcessVariables=true&callbackId=voluptate elit&callbackType=voluptate elit&dueOn=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&dueBefore=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&dueAfter=1951-08-14T20:08:23.047Z&offset=voluptate elit&count=voluptate elit&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&sort=id&order=asc&includeUserIds=false&includeProcessComments=true&sortEmptyValuesOnTop=true

List process instances.

64. Workflow action and model services-process-instances - Create a process instance

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances

Create a process instance using either processDefinitionKey, processDefinitionId or message name.processDefinitionKey, processDefinitionId are same as the key, id retrieved in the create a new executable process model response respectively.message is same as the message name configured in the process model.

65. Workflow action and model services-process-instances - Broadcast signal to create process instances

POST {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/signals

Broadcast signal to trigger process models with a configured start signal event and create process instances.

66. Workflow action and model services - Get workflow version information

GET {{baseUrl}}/version

Get the workflow version information.

67. Workflow jobs service-{job Id} - Get a single external worker job

GET {{baseUrl}}/external-jobs/:jobId

Get a single external worker job based on the given job id.

68. Workflow jobs service-{job Id} - Complete an external worker job

POST {{baseUrl}}/external-jobs/:jobId/complete

Complete an external worker job as successful, with the worker id who is holding the lock on the specified job. The completion context can be shared back to workflow using variables.

69. Workflow jobs service-{job Id} - Complete an external worker job with an error

POST {{baseUrl}}/external-jobs/:jobId/error

Complete an external worker job with an error and share the error details back to workflow using variables. A job completed with an error can't be retried again by any other worker.

70. Workflow jobs service-{job Id} - Fail an external worker job

POST {{baseUrl}}/external-jobs/:jobId/fail

Fail an external worker job providing error message and the corresponding error details. A failed external job can be retried again later based on the specified retry details.

71. Workflow jobs service - List external worker jobs

GET {{baseUrl}}/external-jobs?id=officia&executionId=officia&processInstanceId=officia&processDefinitionId=officia&elementId=officia&elementName=officia&topic=officia&withException=true&exceptionMessage=officia&locked=true&unlocked=true&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&offset=officia&count=officia

List external worker jobs

72. Workflow jobs service - Acquire external worker jobs

POST {{baseUrl}}/external-jobs

Acquire external worker jobs for a specific topic with a particular worker id. The number of jobs to be acquired can be specified in the request along with the lock duration and number of possible retries.

73. Workflow History Service-historic-task-instances - List historic task instances

GET {{baseUrl}}/historic-task-instances?taskId=et esse&processInstanceId=et esse&processInstanceIdWithChildren=et esse&processDefinitionKey=et esse&processDefinitionKeyLike=et esse&processDefinitionId=et esse&processDefinitionName=et esse&processDefinitionNameLike=et esse&processBusinessKey=et esse&processBusinessKeyLike=et esse&executionId=et esse&taskDefinitionKey=et esse&taskDefinitionKeys=et esse&taskName=et esse&taskNameLike=et esse&taskDescription=et esse&taskDescriptionLike=et esse&taskCategory=et esse&taskDeleteReason=et esse&taskDeleteReasonLike=et esse&taskAssignee=et esse&taskAssigneeLike=et esse&taskOwner=et esse&taskOwnerLike=et esse&taskInvolvedUser=et esse&taskPriority=et esse&finished=true&processFinished=true&parentTaskId=et esse&dueDate=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&dueDateAfter=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&dueDateBefore=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&withoutDueDate=true&taskCompletedOn=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&taskCompletedAfter=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&taskCompletedBefore=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&taskCreatedOn=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&taskCreatedBefore=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&taskCreatedAfter=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&includeTaskLocalVariables=true&includeProcessVariables=true&includeTaskAssignments=true&includeTaskComments=true&scopeDefinitionId=et esse&scopeId=et esse&scopeType=et esse&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&excludeSubTasks=true&sortEmptyValuesOnTop=true&includeUserIds=false&includeGroupIds=false

List historic task instances.

74. Workflow History Service-historic-task-instances - Get a historic task instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/historic-task-instances/:taskId?includeTaskLocalVariables=true&includeProcessVariables=true&includeTaskComments=true&includeTaskAssignments=true&includeUserIds=false&includeGroupIds=false

Get a historic task instance.

75. Workflow History Service-historic-process-instances - List historic process instances

GET {{baseUrl}}/historic-process-instances?processInstanceId=et esse&processInstanceName=et esse&processInstanceNameLike=et esse&processInstanceNameLikeIgnoreCase=et esse&processDefinitionKey=et esse&processDefinitionId=et esse&processDefinitionName=et esse&processDefinitionCategory=et esse&processDefinitionVersion=et esse&deploymentId=et esse&businessKey=et esse&businessKeyLike=et esse&involvedUser=et esse&finished=true&superProcessInstanceId=et esse&excludeSubprocesses=true&finishedAfter=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&finishedBefore=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&startedAfter=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&startedBefore=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&startedBy=et esse&includeProcessVariables=true&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&dueOn=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&dueBefore=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&dueAfter=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&callbackId=et esse&callbackType=et esse&sortEmptyValuesOnTop=true&includeUserIds=false&includeProcessComments=true

List historic process instances

76. Workflow History Service-historic-process-instances - Get a historic process instance

GET {{baseUrl}}/historic-process-instances/:processInstanceId?includeUserIds=false&includeProcessVariables=false

Get a historic process instance

77. Workflow History Service - List process task instances audit log

GET {{baseUrl}}/task-instances/audit-logs?eventType=process-task-create&taskId=et esse&taskDefinitionKey=et esse&taskName=et esse&taskAssignee=et esse&processInstanceId=et esse&processDefinitionId=et esse&userId=et esse&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&offset=et esse&count=et esse&Before=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&After=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z

List process task instances audit logs

78. Workflow History Service - List process activity instances audit log

GET {{baseUrl}}/activity-instances/audit-logs?eventType=process-activity-start&activityId=et esse&activityType=et esse&executionId=et esse&processInstanceId=et esse&processDefinitionId=et esse&userId=et esse&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&offset=et esse&count=et esse&Before=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&After=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z

List process activity instances audit logs

79. Workflow History Service - List historic activity instances

GET {{baseUrl}}/historic-activity-instances?activityId=et esse&activityInstanceId=et esse&activityName=et esse&activityType=et esse&executionId=et esse&finished=true&taskAssignee=et esse&processInstanceId=et esse&processDefinitionId=et esse&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&includeUserIds=false

List historic activity instances.

80. Workflow History Service - List process instances audit log

GET {{baseUrl}}/process-instances/audit-logs?eventType=process-end&processInstanceId=et esse&processDefinitionId=et esse&userId=et esse&filterByCurrentSubscription=true&offset=et esse&count=et esse&Before=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z&After=1967-06-20T13:14:48.573Z

List process instances audit logs

81. Workflow History Service - Get workflow version information

GET {{baseUrl}}/version

Get the workflow version information.