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Get case model by case model id

GET {{baseUrl}}/case/type-definitions/:id



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status OK

{ "name": "do Ut ut esse", "version": 69662060, "display_name": "ipsum do", "description": "incididunt", "object_type": "velit Lorem", "namespace": "sint laborum", "create_time": "1990-03-28T20:44:16.615Z", "update_time": "1983-07-10T20:15:01.405Z", "created_by": "proident", "updated_by": "ullamco incididunt laborum", "etag": -46688323, "root_case_node": { "name": "eu qui reprehenderit ut", "display_name": "sint", "description": "minim in culpa quis", "min_occurs": 52537770, "max_occurs": "dolore culpa non incididunt cupidatat", "object_type": "incididunt ipsum Duis fugiat ut", "parent_node_id": "18db33ef-4001-d7c6-7497-e3da1105234f", "roles": [ { "created_by": {}, "updated_by": {}, "owner": {}, "name": "dolore elit dolore", "display_name": "sunt eiusmod", "description": "id consequat commodo sunt in", "case_node_id": "urn:uuid:6f27f261-a640-3a2a-14ab-8ff5e4bf449d", "shared": false, "permits": [ { "identity": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "identity_type": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "permissions": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" } }, { "identity": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "identity_type": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "permissions": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" } } ], "permissions": { "identity": "reprehenderit", "identity_type": "mollit", "permissions": [ "anim exercitation est esse", "magna irure Duis dolor" ] } }, { "created_by": {}, "updated_by": {}, "owner": {}, "name": "dolore aliquip cillum non ex", "display_name": "pariatur aliquip Lorem qui aliqua", "description": "eu consectetur", "case_node_id": "8b7e8ee8-69c7-5433-2b2a-ca0b1df0b3b2", "shared": true, "permits": [ { "identity": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "identity_type": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "permissions": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" } }, { "identity": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "identity_type": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "permissions": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" } } ], "permissions": { "identity": "eius", "identity_type": "sunt non irure", "permissions": [ "anim eu ad culpa ex", "fugiat consequat" ] } } ], "permissions": [ { "name": "nulla laborum tempor est", "permits": [ { "identity": "officia ut laboris ", "identity_type": "ad in", "permissions": [ "ipsum nos", "proident aliquip sint culpa sed" ] }, { "identity": "commodo ", "identity_type": "dolore dolore laboris eiusmod Lorem", "permissions": [ "Duis Lorem", "elit" ] } ], "id": "777f633a-ddc7-6732-2549-0bd1b79f6ea4", "description": "esse velit pariatur eu", "internal": false, "owner": "velit qui dolore", "etag": -80927448, "_links": { "self": { "href": "occaecat adipis" }, "edit": { "href": "incididunt ea" }, "delete": { "href": "et laboris sint Lorem" } } }, { "name": "et labore dolor non incididunt", "permits": [ { "identity": "ut ea id", "identity_type": "commodo dolor", "permissions": [ "tempor ad nostrud minim", "sint cupidatat officia" ] }, { "identity": "culpa fugiat aliquip nulla cupidatat", "identity_type": "ea minim nulla occaecat laborum", "permissions": [ "mollit culpa est non dolore", "aute" ] } ], "id": "urn:uuid:d8dd747f-ee61-b032-dff4-b797e6b284cf", "description": "proident aute", "internal": true, "owner": "eiusmod reprehenderit ipsum", "etag": 88928433, "_links": { "self": { "href": "Duis ex Ut sint" }, "edit": { "href": "consectetur " }, "delete": { "href": "esse commodo ad aliquip" } } } ], "permission_template": { "name": "eiusmod adipisicing incididunt sunt", "permits": [ { "identity": "proident Lorem", "identity_type": "in sunt dolore sed quis", "permissions": [ "est nostrud incididunt", "pariatur in elit minim" ] }, { "identity": "labore", "identity_type": "aliqua esse", "permissions": [ "amet reprehenderit labore eiusmod", "ut in adipisicing aute in" ] } ], "id": "urn:uuid:ea7ebdbf-3379-3a3a-417e-aab13d03c30c", "description": "dolor", "internal": false, "owner": "in enim in", "etag": -71654483, "_links": { "self": { "href": "dolore deserunt" }, "edit": { "href": "ullamco n" }, "delete": { "href": "qui dolor ea minim" } } }, "child_nodes": [ { "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/CaseNodeExpanded detected>" }, { "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/CaseNodeExpanded detected>" } ], "default_instance": { "name": "ut", "description": "ut", "type": "cupidatat anim exercitation eiusmod", "parent_folder_id": "1080b542-7b70-fc8a-cad9-b41e451ab079", "linked_parent_folder_ids": [ { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" } ], 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"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" } ], "_links": { "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>" }, "permission": { "identity": "exercitation sit fugiat dolore cillum", "identity_type": "fugiat officia tempor", "permissions": [ "commodo exercitatio", "labore fugiat ex sunt" ] } } }, "_links": { "self": { "href": "sed" }, "edit": { "href": "labore" }, "delete": { "href": "irure occaecat minim" } } }

curl -X GET 'https://na-1-dev.api.opentext.com/cms/case/type-definitions/:id'