OpenText Developer Cloud public resources API Documentation

Process Image Service.

POST {{baseUrl}}/session/services/processimage

The Process Image Real-Time Service provides image processing capability as defined by an image processor profile defined in the Designer.

Service Properties

  • Env - Metadata environment identifier. Value is one of D, T or P. Default value is P.

  • Profile - Required String. The Image processor profile name to use.

  • ReturnFileDataInline - Boolean. If true, then the resulting file is returned inline in the result item as a base64 encoded file. If omitted or false, then the resulting file is returned as a fileId and can be retrieved through the Files resource. File ID referncing the resulting file is returned as part of URI in src property of File object of Result Item.

  • Redact - Boolean. Image will be redacted using “Rectangles” property passed in Request Item. Redaction will be done before profile filter processing if profile name is passed in. “Profile” property is optional when “Redact” property is “True”.

Number of Request Items

This Real-Time Service supports one or more items.

Values Per Request Item

  • Rectangles - Optional Object. Array of rectangles marking areas on image to be redacted. This parameter is used only when service property “Redact” is set to true. Rectangle identified by values in the order of Left, Top, Width, and Height. All values are Pixels with a resolution of 96 dpi in both X and Y direction. { left:, top:, width:, height: }

Files Per Request Item

There can only be one file per request item object. It can either be an embedded file or a reference to a file ID previously posted to the Files Resource. The File Type property for the file is ignored for this service.



Key Datatype Required Description 


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

{ "returnStatus": { "status": 200, "code": "OK0000", "message": "", "server": "WS-S9d85aaf9fd134654be88edc11906fd53IS" }, "licenseUsedPercent": 0, "id": "ReqCPIMGPRO_3K3_0021009", "serviceName": "processimage", "executionMilliSeconds": 2185, "licensePagesUsed": 0, "licensePagesUsed2": 0, "resultItems": [ { "nodeId": 1, "errorCode": "", "errorMessage": "", "values": [ { "name": "BlackBarLeft", "value": 0 }, { "name": "BlackBarTop", "value": 0 }, { "name": "BlackBarRight", "value": 0 }, { "name": "BlackBarBottom", "value": 0 } ], "files": [ { "name": "Wren", "value": "F_901c0855f89242b3bb363c8f3d2946b8TIF", "contentType": "image/tiff", "src": "https://{host}/cp-rest/v2/session/files/F_901c0855f89242b3bb363c8f3d2946b8TIF", "fileType": "tif" } ] } ] }

curl -X POST 'https://capture.ot2.opentext.com/cp-rest/v2/session/services/processimage' -H 'Content-Type: application/hal+json' -d '{"serviceProps":[{"name":"Env","value":"D"},{"name":"Profile","value":"DistractionRemoval"},{"name":"ReturnFileDataInline","value":false}],"requestItems":[{"nodeId":1,"values":null,"files":[{"name":"Wren","value":"F_e644f6eff3ba445aaa3d8f47697764edTIF","contentType":"image/tiff","fileType":"tif"}]}]}'