Number of APIs: 42
Web service that allows you to obtain a company registration certificate or the financial statements. Contact Support:
Name: Support
1. impresa - {{baseUrl}}/impresa
GET {{baseUrl}}/impresa?denominazione=<string>&provincia=<string>&codice_ateco=<string>&fatturato_min=<integer>&fatturato_max=<integer>&dipendenti_min=<integer>&dipendenti_max=<integer>&skip=<integer>&limit=<integer>&lat=<double>&lng=<double>&radius=<integer>
With this service we can draw up a list of companies that correspond to certain parameters described below. The call returns a maximum of 1000 results even if you set a higher limit
2. impresa - {{baseUrl}}/impresa/:cf_piva_id
GET {{baseUrl}}/impresa/:cf_piva_id
Endpoint that allows a precise search via VAT number, tax code or company ID
3. ordinaria-impresa-individuale-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-impresa-individuale/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-impresa-individuale/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
4. ordinaria-impresa-individuale-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-impresa-individuale/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-impresa-individuale/:id/allegati
This endpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
5. ordinaria-impresa-individuale - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-impresa-individuale
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-impresa-individuale
This method shows you the list of all your requests
6. ordinaria-impresa-individuale - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-impresa-individuale
POST {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-impresa-individuale
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is a sole proprietorship
7. storica-impresa-individuale-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/storica-impresa-individuale/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-impresa-individuale/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
8. storica-impresa-individuale-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/storica-impresa-individuale/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-impresa-individuale/:id/allegati
This endpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
9. storica-impresa-individuale - {{baseUrl}}/storica-impresa-individuale
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-impresa-individuale
This endpoint shows you the list of all your requests
10. storica-impresa-individuale - {{baseUrl}}/storica-impresa-individuale
POST {{baseUrl}}/storica-impresa-individuale
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is a sole proprietorship
11. ordinaria-societa-capitale-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-capitale/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-capitale/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
12. ordinaria-societa-capitale-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-capitale/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-capitale/:id/allegati
This endpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
13. ordinaria-societa-capitale - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-capitale
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-capitale
This endpoint shows you the list of all your requests
14. ordinaria-societa-capitale - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-capitale
POST {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-capitale
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is a joint stock company
15. storica-societa-capitale-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-capitale/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-capitale/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
16. storica-societa-capitale-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-capitale/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-capitale/:id/allegati
This endpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
17. storica-societa-capitale - {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-capitale
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-capitale
This endpoint shows you the list of all your requests
18. storica-societa-capitale - {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-capitale
POST {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-capitale
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is a joint stock company
19. ordinaria-societa-persone-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-persone/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-persone/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
20. ordinaria-societa-persone-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-persone/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-persone/:id/allegati
This endpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
21. ordinaria-societa-persone - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-persone
GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-persone
This endpoint shows you the list of all your requests
22. ordinaria-societa-persone - {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-persone
POST {{baseUrl}}/ordinaria-societa-persone
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is a partnership
23. storica-societa-persone-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-persone/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-persone/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
24. storica-societa-persone-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-persone/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-persone/:id/allegati
This edpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
25. storica-societa-persone - {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-persone
GET {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-persone
This endpoint shows you the list of all your requests
26. storica-societa-persone - {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-persone
POST {{baseUrl}}/storica-societa-persone
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is a partnership
27. bilancio-ottico-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/bilancio-ottico/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/bilancio-ottico/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
28. bilancio-ottico-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/bilancio-ottico/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/bilancio-ottico/:id/allegati
This edpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
29. bilancio-ottico - {{baseUrl}}/bilancio-ottico
GET {{baseUrl}}/bilancio-ottico
This endpoint shows you the list of all your requests
30. bilancio-ottico - {{baseUrl}}/bilancio-ottico
POST {{baseUrl}}/bilancio-ottico
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is a joint stock company. If 'anno_chiusura' field is not passed, the system intercepts the last available balance sheet.
31. certificato-iscrizione-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
32. certificato-iscrizione-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione/:id/allegati
This edpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
33. certificato-iscrizione - {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione
GET {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione
This method shows you the list of all your requests
34. certificato-iscrizione - {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione
POST {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce
35. certificato-iscrizione-vigenza-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione-vigenza/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione-vigenza/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
36. certificato-iscrizione-vigenza-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione-vigenza/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione-vigenza/:id/allegati
This edpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
37. certificato-iscrizione-vigenza - {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione-vigenza
GET {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione-vigenza
This method shows you the list of all your requests
38. certificato-iscrizione-vigenza - {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione-vigenza
POST {{baseUrl}}/certificato-iscrizione-vigenza
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce
39. soci-attivi-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/soci-attivi/:id
GET {{baseUrl}}/soci-attivi/:id
This endpoint allows you to see the specific request identified by the passed id
40. soci-attivi-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/soci-attivi/:id/allegati
GET {{baseUrl}}/soci-attivi/:id/allegati
This edpoint allows you to download the document generated by the request passed id
41. soci-attivi - {{baseUrl}}/soci-attivi
GET {{baseUrl}}/soci-attivi
This method shows you the list of all your requests
42. soci-attivi - {{baseUrl}}/soci-attivi
POST {{baseUrl}}/soci-attivi
Endpoint that allows you to generate a request. Starting from a VAT number or from the id of the company returning from the search, the request is accepted only if the company is a joint-stock or partnership company registered with the chamber of commerce