Openapi.it Public API Documentation

Visengine 2.0

Number of APIs: 9

This service offers rest calls to take advantage of a whole series of chamber of commerce, cadastral or patronage services linked to businesses and individuals

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1. {{baseUrl}}/documento/:_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/documento/:_id

Allows to obtain the document relating to a specific request

2. visure - {{baseUrl}}/visure

GET {{baseUrl}}/visure

For each element of the list, 'hash_visura' is important, which identifies the service

3. visure - {{baseUrl}}/visure/:hash_visura

GET {{baseUrl}}/visure/:hash_visura

Service description with input parameters, prices and validation instructions.

For these 4 visure: - Annuncio Certificato - 1a0a9d4ba06d2220ecce7da0228416ff - Planimetria Catastale - 4ff728695eab3ab9eaa6f58b22cd5734 - Fascicolo Casa - 48a2f2616f248bd5809092aae93af9aa - Durc Online - 3cbbb9c833f1c94af35494820cda3370

it is important to download the delegation file which will then have to be uploaded during the POST/richiesta phase. The link to download the delegation file can be found by decoding in base 64 the 'istruzioni' field of the visura object.

4. richiesta-{ id} - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:_id

Service that returns your request marked by the identifier passed in the path

5. richiesta-{ id} - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:_id

POST {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:_id

Services that have the parameter 'ricerca' : 1 allow you to add additional searches to the first service request

6. richiesta-{ id} - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:_id

PUT {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:_id

This call allows you to update the search fields of the request and to close the transaction

7. richiesta-{ id} - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:_id/ricerche

PUT {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:_id/ricerche

In services with 'ricerca': 1 the final document is released upon choice of the search result

8. richiesta - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta

GET {{baseUrl}}/richiesta

Summary list of all requests made from your profile

9. richiesta - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta

POST {{baseUrl}}/richiesta

Call to instantiate a new service request. Possibility to create it immediately complete or through transactionality you can finish completing it with a put