Openapi.it Public API Documentation

Ufficio Postale

Number of APIs: 29

This web service allows the delivery of postal products like Raccomandate, Telegrammi, Posta Prioritaria through Poste Italiane

  1. Create a new mail with a POST request
  2. Check the prices and confirm it with a PATCH, or use autoconfirm: true
  3. Receive the status updates of your mail by providing a callback url

Note: There are some limitations regarding the size of a PDF document. Please read the 'document' field in the description of the endpoint that you want to use.

Error handling

When a sending error occurs, the response will include a message and a data.wrongfields: []: each element of wrongfields is a string which indicates where the error was generated from. This makes it very easy to integrate in your front-end form, where you can highlight the wrong entries


When using the Sandbox environment, you will receive update callbacks a short time after creating the request with placeholder content. It is also possible, for some products, to force the execution of the callback in the sandbox environment.

Contact Support: Name: Support

1. {{baseUrl}}/pricing/

GET {{baseUrl}}/pricing/

Returns a list of prices for various kinds of services

2. {{baseUrl}}/indirizzi/

GET {{baseUrl}}/indirizzi/?cap=<string>&comune=<string>&dug=<string>

3. {{baseUrl}}/dug/

GET {{baseUrl}}/dug/

(denomiazioni urbanistiche generiche)

4. {{baseUrl}}/tracking/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/tracking/:id

5. {{baseUrl}}/comuni/:code

GET {{baseUrl}}/comuni/:code

6. telegrammi-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/telegrammi/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/telegrammi/:id?ricevuta=<string>&state=<string>

7. telegrammi-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/telegrammi/:id

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/telegrammi/:id

Confirm sending a telegram that was created with autoconfirm = false

8. telegrammi - {{baseUrl}}/telegrammi/

GET {{baseUrl}}/telegrammi/

9. telegrammi - {{baseUrl}}/telegrammi/

POST {{baseUrl}}/telegrammi/

Send a telegram. You should provide information about the sender and the receiver(s) in the post body. Additionally, the autoconfirm parameter can be set to false to save the telegram for a later confirmation with a PATCH request, while you do custom logic with the response.

10. posta massiva-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/posta_massiva/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/posta_massiva/:id?state=<string>

List your single posta_massiva

11. posta massiva-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/posta_massiva/:id

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/posta_massiva/:id

Confirm sending a mail that was created with autoconfirm = false

12. posta massiva - {{baseUrl}}/posta_massiva/

GET {{baseUrl}}/posta_massiva/

List your posta_massiva

13. posta massiva - {{baseUrl}}/posta_massiva/

POST {{baseUrl}}/posta_massiva/

Send a posta_massiva. You should provide information about the sender and the receiver(s) in the post body. Additionally, the autoconfirm parameter can be set to false to save it for a later confirmation with a PATCH request, while you do custom logic with the response.

14. raccomandate smart-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate_smart/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate_smart/:id?state=<string>

List your single raccomandata smart

15. raccomandate smart-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate_smart/:id

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate_smart/:id

Confirm sending a mail that was created with autoconfirm = false

16. raccomandate smart - {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate_smart/

GET {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate_smart/

List your raccomandate_smart

17. raccomandate smart - {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate_smart/

POST {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate_smart/

Send a Raccomandata Smart. You should provide information about the sender and the receiver(s) in the post body. Additionally, the autoconfirm parameter can be set to false to save it for a later confirmation with a PATCH request, while you do custom logic with the response.

18. raccomandate-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate/:id?ricevuta=<string>&state=<string>&callback=<string>

Check the NumeroRaccomandata field in the recipient object if you need the tracking number

19. raccomandate-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate/:id

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate/:id

Confirm sending a Raccomandata that was created with autoconfirm = false

20. raccomandate - {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate/

GET {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate/

21. raccomandate - {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate/

POST {{baseUrl}}/raccomandate/

Send a Raccomandata. You should provide information about the sender and the receiver(s) in the post body. Additionally, the autoconfirm parameter can be set to false to save the Raccomandata for a later confirmation with a PATCH request, while you do custom logic with the response. Check the NumeroRaccomandata field in the recipient object if you need the tracking number

22. ordinarie-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/ordinarie/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinarie/:id?ricevuta=<string>&state=<string>

23. ordinarie-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/ordinarie/:id

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/ordinarie/:id

Confirm sending a mail that was created with autoconfirm = false

24. ordinarie - {{baseUrl}}/ordinarie/

GET {{baseUrl}}/ordinarie/

25. ordinarie - {{baseUrl}}/ordinarie/

POST {{baseUrl}}/ordinarie/

Send a standard mail. You should provide information about the sender and the receiver(s) in the post body. Additionally, the autoconfirm parameter can be set to false to save the mail for a later confirmation with a PATCH request, while you do custom logic with the response.

26. prioritarie-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/prioritarie/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/prioritarie/:id?ricevuta=<string>&state=<string>

27. prioritarie-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/prioritarie/:id

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/prioritarie/:id

Confirm sending a mail that was created with autoconfirm = false

28. prioritarie - {{baseUrl}}/prioritarie/

GET {{baseUrl}}/prioritarie/

29. prioritarie - {{baseUrl}}/prioritarie/

POST {{baseUrl}}/prioritarie/

Send a priority mail. You should provide information about the sender and the receiver(s) in the post body. Additionally, the autoconfirm parameter can be set to false to save the mail for a later confirmation with a PATCH request, while you do custom logic with the response. Check the IdRicevuta field in the recipient object if you need the tracking number