Openapi.it Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 13

This service provides REST calls to extract information on businesses and companies from simple parameters such as denomination or VAT number.

At this link you can find a list of companies that allow you to try the service in a sandbox environment.

Contact Support: Name: Support

1. {{baseUrl}}/base/:piva_cf_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/base/:piva_cf_or_id

This enpoint returns basic information of a company such as company name and address.

2. {{baseUrl}}/closed/:piva_cf_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/closed/:piva_cf_or_id

Simple endpoint to understand in real time if a VAT number has ceased or not according to the Tax Office.

3. {{baseUrl}}/gruppoiva/:piva_or_cf

GET {{baseUrl}}/gruppoiva/:piva_or_cf?cf=<string>

From this endpoint you can understand if a company is part of a VAT group and if the tax code is consistent with the VAT number taken as input.

4. {{baseUrl}}/pec/:piva_cf_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/pec/:piva_cf_or_id

Starting from a VAT number it extracts the pec of the company.

5. {{baseUrl}}/autocomplete/:query

GET {{baseUrl}}/autocomplete/:query?lat=<double>&lng=<double>&radius=<integer>

This endpoint performs a search on the list of all the available companies with the given query.

6. {{baseUrl}}/soci/:piva_cf_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/soci/:piva_cf_or_id

This endpoint returns the list of shareholders of a company who have a share of the company greater than 10 percent.

7. {{baseUrl}}/codice_destinatario/:piva_cf_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/codice_destinatario/:piva_cf_or_id

This endpoint returns the company's SDI code updated in real time.

8. advance - {{baseUrl}}/advance

GET {{baseUrl}}/advance?denominazione=<string>&provincia=<string>&codice_ateco=<string>&cciaa=<string>&rea=<string>&fatturato_min=<integer>&fatturato_max=<integer>&dipendenti_min=<integer>&dipendenti_max=<integer>&skip=<integer>&limit=<integer>&dry_run=<integer>&lat=<double>&lng=<double>&radius=<integer>

With this endpoint we can draw up a list of companies that correspond to certain parameters described below. The call returns a maximum of 100 results even if you set a higher limit.

9. advance - {{baseUrl}}/advance/:piva_cf_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/advance/:piva_cf_or_id

This endpoint gets advanced information about a company such as ateco code, balance sheet and pec.

10. forma giuridica - {{baseUrl}}/forma_giuridica

GET {{baseUrl}}/forma_giuridica

With this endpoint you can see all the legal forms registered.

11. forma giuridica - {{baseUrl}}/forma_giuridica/:codice_natura_giuridica

GET {{baseUrl}}/forma_giuridica/:codice_natura_giuridica

With this endpoint you can see the value of the legal code passed as a parameter.

12. updates - {{baseUrl}}/updates

GET {{baseUrl}}/updates?lat=<double>&lng=<double>&radius=<integer>&skip=<integer>&limit=<integer>&dry_run=<integer>

This endpoint returns the list of all companies (just the id).

13. updates - {{baseUrl}}/updates/:timestamp

GET {{baseUrl}}/updates/:timestamp?lat=<double>&lng=<double>&radius=<integer>&skip=<integer>&limit=<integer>&dry_run=<integer>

This endpoint returns the list of all companies that have had updates after the time threshold passed via timestamp (just the id).