Openapi.it Public API Documentation

Firma Digitale

Number of APIs: 15

Web service that allows you to purchase or renew Infocert or Aruba digital signatures, and to obtain digital identities.

Contact Support: Name: Support

1. {{baseUrl}}/prodotti

GET {{baseUrl}}/prodotti

This method shows you the list of all our products

2. {{baseUrl}}/spid_personale

GET {{baseUrl}}/spid_personale

This method allows you to obtain a url for registering a personal spid with a duration of 1 year

3. richiesta-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:id

This method shows you the specific request related to the id

4. richiesta-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:id

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:id

This method allows you to upload the form and identification document

5. richiesta-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:id/modulo

GET {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:id/modulo

This method allows you to directly download the recognition form in pdf format which must then be completed and sent by raccomandata to the fornitore; it is essential to complete the evasion of a procedure for purchasing a digital signature; it is not needed for the renewal of a signature

6. richiesta - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta

GET {{baseUrl}}/richiesta?codice_prodotto=<string>

This method shows you the list of all your requests

7. richiesta - {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:codice_prodotto

POST {{baseUrl}}/richiesta/:codice_prodotto

This method allows you to purchase all the products on this web service such as smartcard readers or digital signatures

8. firma elettronica-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica/:id

9. firma elettronica-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica/:id/download

GET {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica/:id/download

Once the signing process is compleated you can use this endpoint to get a the base64-encoded output of you pdf file.

10. firma elettronica-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica/:id/audit

GET {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica/:id/audit

Retrieve the audit trail for the specified electronic signature.


  • id (path parameter): The unique identifier of the signed document.


# Download audit trail in JSON format
curl -X GET https://ws.firmadigitale.com/firma_elettronica/923j90n02n1w51504b6ea145/audit

The response will contain the audit trail information for the electronic signature.

11. firma elettronica - {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica

GET {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica

12. firma elettronica - {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica/base

POST {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica/base

This service allows you to digitally sign a PDF file from multiple users with proof-of-consent.
We will provide a link, that you can easily integrate into an iframe, which will guide your users during the signing process; they will be sent a SMS on the provided phone number with an OTP to verify their identity.
The signed document is recognized by European regulations.

In order find the coordinates for your templates, please check our online tool at: https://developers.openapi.it/playground/firmadigitale/
Your request will return a status parameter, which will change every time that there is a update.
When finished is returned, your request is completed and all the members have signed the document; when refused is returned, it means that one of your signers has rejected the document intentionally.
If you register a Callback, a POST request will be submitted to your server every time the status of the request changes or one of your members has signed/refused the document. You can always check the status with a GET request

13. firma elettronica ui - {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica_ui

POST {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica_ui

14. firma elettronica ui - {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica_ui

GET {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica_ui

15. firma elettronica ui - {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica_ui/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/firma_elettronica_ui/:id