Openapi.it Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 6

This service offers rest calls to obtain a series of chamber of commerce, land registry or patronage documents.

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1. {{baseUrl}}/documents

GET {{baseUrl}}/documents

Returns the list of all available documents with the prices and required input parameters

2. requests-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/requests/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/requests/:id

Endpoint that returns the request marked by the identifier passed in the path

3. requests-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/requests/:id

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/requests/:id

This endpoint allows you to modify some fields of the request and then close it (when the reqeust has state NEW) or to select a result produced by the search (in documents that 'hasSearch'=true)

4. requests-{id} - {{baseUrl}}/requests/:id/documents

GET {{baseUrl}}/requests/:id/documents

Endpoint that allows you to download the documents generated by the request

5. requests - {{baseUrl}}/requests

GET {{baseUrl}}/requests

Summary list of all requests made from your profile

6. requests - {{baseUrl}}/requests

POST {{baseUrl}}/requests

Endpoint to instantiate a new service request. You can instantiate it (with 'state'='NEW') and then complete it via PATCH/requests or pass all the data immediately to have it processed by the system.