Openapi.it Public API Documentation


Number of APIs: 24

This service provides REST calls to extract information on businesses and companies from VAT or TAX code.

At this link you can find a list of companies that allow you to try the service in a sandbox environment.

Contact Support: Name: Support

1. {{baseUrl}}/IT-check_id/:id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-check_id/:id

This enpoint allows you to check an asynchronous request, when it is complete it shows you the requested company data.

2. {{baseUrl}}/IT-start/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-start/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

This enpoint returns basic information of a company such as company name and address.

3. {{baseUrl}}/IT-advanced/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-advanced/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

This endpoint gets advanced information about a company such as ateco code, balance sheet and pec.

4. {{baseUrl}}/IT-search

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-search?dryRun=<integer>&dataEnrichment=<string>&lat=<double>&long=<double>&radius=<integer>&companyName=<string>&autocomplete=<string>&province=<string>&townCode=<string>&atecoCode=<string>&cciaa=<string>&reaCode=<string>&minTurnover=<integer>&maxTurnover=<integer>&minEmployees=<integer>&maxEmployees=<integer>&sdiCode=<string>&legalFormCode=<string>&shareHolderTaxCode=<string>&activityStatus=<string>&pec=<string>&creationTimestamp=<integer>&lastUpdateTimestamp=<integer>&skip=<integer>&limit=<integer>

With this endpoint we can draw up a list of companies that correspond to certain parameters described below. The call returns a maximum of 1000 results even if you set a higher limit.

5. {{baseUrl}}/IT-shareholders/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-shareholders/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

This endpoint returns the list of shareholders of a company who have a share of the company greater than 10 percent.

6. {{baseUrl}}/IT-address/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-address/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

This endpoint returns the company address.

7. {{baseUrl}}/IT-pec/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-pec/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

Starting from a VAT number, Tax code or id extracts the pec of the company.

8. {{baseUrl}}/IT-closed/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-closed/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id?date=<date>

Simple endpoint to understand in real time if a VAT number has ceased or not according to the Tax Office.

9. {{baseUrl}}/IT-vatgroup/:vatCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-vatgroup/:vatCode_or_id?taxCode=<string>

From this endpoint you can understand if a company is part of a VAT group and if the tax code is consistent with the VAT number taken as input.

10. {{baseUrl}}/IT-sdicode/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-sdicode/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

This endpoint returns the company's SDI code updated in real time.

11. {{baseUrl}}/EU-start/:vatCode_taxCode

GET {{baseUrl}}/EU-start/:vatCode_taxCode

This endpoint returns basic information of a company such as company name and address.

12. {{baseUrl}}/IT-splitpayment/:taxCode_vatCode

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-splitpayment/:taxCode_vatCode

This endpoint returns the data of the split payment company identified by tax code.

13. {{baseUrl}}/IT-pa/:taxCode_vatCode

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-pa/:taxCode_vatCode

This endpoint returns the data of the public administration identified by tax code or vat code.

14. {{baseUrl}}/IT-name/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-name/:vatCode_taxCode_or_id

This enpoint returns basic information of a company such as company name and town.

15. IT-aml/{vat Code or tax Code} - {{baseUrl}}/IT-aml/:vatCode_or_taxCode

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-aml/:vatCode_or_taxCode

Call that allows you to extract data from a company for anti-money laundering purposes.

During periods of high traffic, official data sources may experience slower response times. To ensure service availability during these peak load periods or maintenance, we've implemented a 30-second timeout. Upon timeout, a unique ID is generated, allowing clients to poll for status updates. However, we strongly recommend using the POST method to set up a callback URL. This eliminates the need for polling as our system will proactively notify you via the callback when the request is complete.

16. IT-aml/{vat Code or tax Code} - {{baseUrl}}/IT-aml/:vatCode_or_taxCode

POST {{baseUrl}}/IT-aml/:vatCode_or_taxCode

Endpoint that allows you to asynchronously pull data from a company for anti-money laundering purposes

17. IT-marketing/{vat Code or tax Code} - {{baseUrl}}/IT-marketing/:vatCode_or_taxCode

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-marketing/:vatCode_or_taxCode

Call that allows you to extract data from a company for a marketing function.

During periods of high traffic, official data sources may experience slower response times. To ensure service availability during these peak load periods or maintenance, we've implemented a 30-second timeout. Upon timeout, a unique ID is generated, allowing clients to poll for status updates. However, we strongly recommend using the POST method to set up a callback URL. This eliminates the need for polling as our system will proactively notify you via the callback when the request is complete.

18. IT-marketing/{vat Code or tax Code} - {{baseUrl}}/IT-marketing/:vatCode_or_taxCode

POST {{baseUrl}}/IT-marketing/:vatCode_or_taxCode

Endpoint that allows you to asynchronously pull data from a company for a marketing function

19. IT-stakeholders/{vat Code or tax Code} - {{baseUrl}}/IT-stakeholders/:vatCode_or_taxCode

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-stakeholders/:vatCode_or_taxCode

Call that allows you to extract data from a company to see all its stakeholders.

During periods of high traffic, official data sources may experience slower response times. To ensure service availability during these peak load periods or maintenance, we've implemented a 30-second timeout. Upon timeout, a unique ID is generated, allowing clients to poll for status updates. However, we strongly recommend using the POST method to set up a callback URL. This eliminates the need for polling as our system will proactively notify you via the callback when the request is complete.

20. IT-stakeholders/{vat Code or tax Code} - {{baseUrl}}/IT-stakeholders/:vatCode_or_taxCode

POST {{baseUrl}}/IT-stakeholders/:vatCode_or_taxCode

Endpoint that allows you to asynchronously pull data from a company to see all its stakeholders

21. IT-full/{vat Code or tax Code} - {{baseUrl}}/IT-full/:vatCode_or_taxCode

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-full/:vatCode_or_taxCode

The most comprehensive endpoint of the Company API. This endpoint provides all available information from the other endpoints, enriched with over 400 financial details.

At this address https://docs.openapi.it/company-legend.html you will find a detailed legend with all the codes used in the API.

During periods of high traffic, official data sources may experience slower response times. To ensure service availability during these peak load periods or maintenance, we've implemented a 30-second timeout. Upon timeout, a unique ID is generated, allowing clients to poll for status updates. However, we strongly recommend using the POST method to set up a callback URL. This eliminates the need for polling as our system will proactively notify you via the callback when the request is complete.

22. IT-full/{vat Code or tax Code} - {{baseUrl}}/IT-full/:vatCode_or_taxCode

POST {{baseUrl}}/IT-full/:vatCode_or_taxCode

Endpoint that allows you to asynchronously pull all available information from the other endpoints, enriched with over 400 financial details.

23. IT-legalforms - {{baseUrl}}/IT-legalforms

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-legalforms

With this endpoint you can see all the legal forms registered.

24. IT-legalforms - {{baseUrl}}/IT-legalforms/:code

GET {{baseUrl}}/IT-legalforms/:code

With this endpoint you can see the value of the legal code passed as a parameter.