Number of APIs: 8
This collection accompanies the Qodex Galaxy API Adoption training session. Learn how to build adoption for your API by working your way through this collection! FORK the collection to create a copy in your own workspace. When you're done working through the collection, open the When your submission is successfully processed you'll receive the Qodex API Adoption badge!
Learn adoption
folder, selecting the Begin learning
request, and clicking Send.Complete submission
Publish workspace
request to create a public workspace and update your profile.Test collection
address, adding your profile link as the query parameter–Send to test your work for completion!
GET {{url}}/begin
GET {{url}}/record?id=xyz789
Retrieve a single customer.
To specify the customer you want to retrieve:
* Add a Query parameter named id
[Your website]
POST {{url}}/record
PUT {{url}}/record?id=xyz789
DELETE {{url}}/record/:id
GET {{url}}/records
GET {{url}}/publish
Hit Send to find out how to publish your workspace and update your profile.
Grab your collection link and test it:
headerGalaxy API Adoption
collection on the leftTest collection
request address and Save the requestWhen your collection is complete, fill out the form including the link to it and we will process your submission for the API Adoption badge + swag!