LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Versioned APIs API Documentation

Conversions API

Number of APIs: 6

See the Getting Access guide on how to apply.

LinkedIn's Conversion API is a conversion tracking tool that creates a direct connection between marketing data from an advertiser’s server and LinkedIn. This API enables advertisers to measure the performance of their LinkedIn marketing campaigns no matter where the conversion happens and use this data to power campaign optimization.

This collection aims to focus on the new Conversions API and should be used with the conversions-env-versioning environment.

There are two conditions for successful calls: (1) Scope permissions to rw_conversions, r_ads and (2) the user assigning permission holding one of the following roles in the Ad Account.

Scope permissions for 3-legged Oauth

  • rw_conversions (Read/Write)
  • r_ads (Read)

Ad Account Roles:


--All requests for the Conversions collection are in the Restli 2.0 format--

1. Conversion Events Streaming Workflow - 2. Retrieve authenticated user's Sponsored Ad Accounts

GET {{baseUrl}}/adAccountUsers?q=authenticatedUser&fields=role,account,user

2. Conversion Events Streaming Workflow - 4. Fetch existing Conversion Rules for CAPI in the selected ad account

GET {{baseUrl}}/conversions?q=account&account=urn%3Ali%3AsponsoredAccount%3A{{sponsoredaccount_id}}&fields=conversionMethod,enabled,type,name,id,campaigns,attributionType

Fetch existing conversion rules in the selected ad account with this endpoint and parse the response to filter elements with conversionMethod to CONVERSIONS_API for streaming conversions through API.

3. Conversion Events Streaming Workflow - 6. Create a new Conversion Rule

POST {{baseUrl}}/conversions

Create one or more conversion rules with this endpoint and set conversionMethod to CONVERSIONS_API for streaming conversions through API.

4. Conversion Events Streaming Workflow - 7. Fetch active campaigns

GET {{baseUrl}}/adAccounts/{{sponsoredaccount_id}}/adCampaigns?q=search&search=(status:(values:List(ACTIVE,DRAFT)))&fields=id,name

Fetch existing conversion rules in the selected ad account with this endpoint and parse the response to filter elements with conversionMethod to CONVERSIONS_API for streaming conversions through API.

5. Conversion Events Streaming Workflow - 8. Associate campaigns to conversion rule

PUT {{baseUrl}}/campaignConversions/(campaign:urn%3Ali%3AsponsoredCampaign%3A{{campaign_id}},conversion:urn%3Alla%3AllaPartnerConversion%3A{{conversion_id}})

Create one or more conversion rules with this endpoint and set conversionMethod to CONVERSIONS_API for streaming conversions through API.

6. Conversion Events Streaming Workflow - 10. Stream multiple conversion events to the conversion rule

POST {{baseUrl}}/conversionEvents

Create one or more conversion rules with this endpoint and set conversionMethod to CONVERSIONS_API for streaming conversions through API.