lemon.markets API Documentation

Trading API

Number of APIs: 14

The trading API can be used to place and activate orders, manage your portfolio and access your lemon.markets account.

1. Account - Account information

GET {{trading_url}}/account/

2. Account - Withdraw Money

POST {{trading_url}}/account/withdrawals/

3. Account - Retrieve Withdrawals

GET {{trading_url}}/account/withdrawals/

4. Account - Retrieve Documents

GET {{trading_url}}/account/documents/

5. Account - Download Document

GET {{trading_url}}/account/documents/:document_id/

6. Account - Retrieve Bank Statements

GET {{trading_url}}/account/bankstatements/

7. Orders - Place Order

POST {{trading_url}}/orders/

8. Orders - Activate Order

POST {{trading_url}}/orders/:order_id/activate/

9. Orders - Retrieve Orders

GET {{trading_url}}/orders/

10. Orders - Retrieve single Order

GET {{trading_url}}/orders/:order_id/

11. Orders - Delete Order

DELETE {{trading_url}}/orders/:order_id/

12. Positions - Retrieve Positions

GET {{trading_url}}/positions/

13. Positions - Retrieve Statements

GET {{trading_url}}/positions/statements/

14. Positions - Retrieve Performance

GET {{trading_url}}/positions/performance/