Emporix Digital Commerce Platform API Documentation


Number of APIs: 9

Manage catalogs for buyers, suppliers, markets, locations, or similar groupings.

Key Features:

  • Manage any number of catalogs
  • Personalize catalogs with products, categories and prices
  • Use catalogs to manage suppliers
  • Use catalogs to manage product content available on a site, e.g. a brand site, a site personalized for buyers or what is available in a local store

Key Benefits:

  • Catalogs allow you to create virtual buckets by which you can group products and categories
  • Catalogs can be associated with price lists or sites to create for instance a personalized site for a buyer, a localized site for a market, a brand-specific site, or a site for a channel partner

1. Access token

POST {{api-url}}/oauth/token

2. Creating catalog with language map

POST {{api-url}}/catalog/{{tenant}}/catalogs

3. Updating catalog with language map

PUT {{api-url}}/catalog/{{tenant}}/catalogs/{{catalogId}}

4. Partially update a catalog

PATCH {{api-url}}/catalog/{{tenant}}/catalogs/{{catalogId}}

5. Retrieving catalog by id

GET {{api-url}}/catalog/{{tenant}}/catalogs/{{catalogId}}

6. Retrieving filtered or sorted list of catalogs

GET {{api-url}}/catalog/{{tenant}}/catalogs?name=Sample&description=description&visibilityFrom=2022-01-14&visibilityTo=2025-01-24&metadataUpdatedAt=2022-01-01&pageNumber=1&pageSize=60&sort=name,description:asc

7. Retrieving catalogs by filter with total count

GET {{api-url}}/catalog/{{tenant}}/catalogs?visibilityFrom=2022-01-14&visibilityTo=2025-01-24&metadataUpdatedAt=2022-01-01&pageNumber=1&pageSize=60&description.en=description&sort=name.en,description.en:asc&name.en=Sample

8. Retrieving catalogs containing category

GET {{api-url}}/catalog/{{tenant}}/catalogs/categories/{{categoryId}}

9. Removing catalog

DELETE {{api-url}}/catalog/{{tenant}}/catalogs/{{catalogId}}