Emporix Digital Commerce Platform API Documentation


Number of APIs: 8

1. Access token

POST {{api-url}}/oauth/token

2. Creating a brand

POST {{api-url}}/brand/brands

3. Retrieving brands with existing field "localizedDescription"

GET {{api-url}}/brand/brands?q=localizedDescription:exists

4. Retrieving brands with version > 1

GET {{api-url}}/brand/brands?q=metadata.version:>1

5. Retrieving all brands

GET {{api-url}}/brand/brands

6. Retrieving a brand with localized fields in en lang only

GET {{api-url}}/brand/brands/{{brandId}}

7. Updating a brand

PUT {{api-url}}/brand/brands/{{brandId}}

8. Deleting a brand

DELETE {{api-url}}/brand/brands/{{brandId}}