Elasticsearch API Documentation

deployments-{deployment id}-{stateless resource kind}/{ref id}

Number of APIs: 3

1. Restart Deployment Stateless Resource

POST {{baseUrl}}/deployments/:deployment_id/:stateless_resource_kind/:ref_id/_restart?cancel_pending=false

Restarts a Stateless Resource. If a Resource is active: this command re-applies the existing plan but applies a cluster_reboot, which issues a restart command and waits for it to complete. If a Resource is inactive: this command starts it up with the most recent successful plan.

2. Shutdown Deployment Stateless Resource

POST {{baseUrl}}/deployments/:deployment_id/:stateless_resource_kind/:ref_id/_shutdown?hide=true&skip_snapshot=false

Shut down Stateless Resource belonging to a given Deployment. Kibana cannot be shut down on Elasticsearch Service as it is required for Elasticsearch administrative functions, such as Snapshot Lifecycle Management and version upgrades.

3. Upgrade Kibana, APM, AppSearch inside Deployment

POST {{baseUrl}}/deployments/:deployment_id/:stateless_resource_kind/:ref_id/_upgrade?validate_only=false

Upgrades a running cluster.