Ecartapi.com Public API Documentation

Ecartapi Integrations API

Number of APIs: 9

Powered by EcartAPI

Work with more than 40 + e-commerce platforms.

Develop applications for multiple e-commerce platforms with a single API. Go from using 40 different API's to one.

Work with Ecartapi to build your services and forget about the long development and integration periods for each ecommerce. Build your app once and connect it to any e-commerce platform that you need.

Design your own integration page.

EcartAPI by default provides an integration page where the sellers of ecommerce platforms will grant you access to their stores. This page is fully white label option.

But if that flow does not work you can use our integrations API to build your own integration page.

1. Oauth resources - Integration Page

GET https://oauth.ecartapi.com/{{appId}}

This is our landing main page.

We asign an integration page by app its the same page that you get redirected to when clicking on our dashboards + new store button

Parameter values

Attribute Description
values: [true, false]
Removes or shows page header and footer.
values: [true, false]
Removes or shows back button when on movible devices.
values: click here
Opens up integration page with ecommerce selected.

2. Oauth resources - URL Validation

GET https://oauth.ecartapi.com/oauth/validate?url=https://ecart-test.myshopify.com&ecommerce=shopify

3. Oauth resources - Manual Integration Page

GET https://oauth.ecartapi.com/oauth/{{appId}}/integration/{{ecommerce}}?url=&sandbox=&name=&marketplace

Manual integration Landing page

This page is shown on two ocassions, when the ecommerce does not offer an Oauth 2.0 or 1.0 integration or when Wocommerce or Magento 2 Oauth integration fails.

It can also be used when the user has already generated their store access keys outside of Ecartapi.

The form requested changes depending on the ecommerce. More information about what are the form requirements here.

4. Oauth resources - Automatic Integration Call

GET https://oauth.ecartapi.com/oauth/{{ecommerce}}/{{appId}}?url=&sandbox=&name=&marketplace

This call is used for all of the Ecommerces with Oauth 2.0 or 1.0.

There are two parameters that are required by ecommerce.

sandbox is only used for Ebay ecommerce this is to point to the correct endpoints they offer, if you wish to not use the sandbox enviroment you must always send this value false when Ebay integrations take place.

marketplace Marketplace is a value required for Amazon integrations and it only receives an array of values

Click here to see what values this param receives

To find more informations about this call support Click Here

5. Oauth resources - Zoho organizations list

GET https://oauth.ecartapi.com/zoho/organizations/{{appId}}

This view is part of the Automatic Integration Call Flow.

On Zoho inventory management you can have multiple organizations in a single account, this view was developed for the user to be able to choose wich organization they want to integrate.

Click here for more information on the Automatic Integration Call

6. Add Store-Add store by ecommerce - Loja

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/authorize

7. Add Store - Add Store

POST https://api.ecartapi.com/authorize

Adding your first store to an APP?

Now you need to add a store to the APP you just created.

In order to connect the store to the APP you will need the store access keys. If you don't know how to get them, you can follow this guide.

Get the Authorization Token (User Token) which you can find in Dashboard.

Then get your ApiKey (App Key) by selecting an APP.

8. Ecommerce Requirements - All Ecommerces Information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/modules/ecommerces

With this call you will be available to get all the information of the current ecommerces we have.

Important body aspects
This is the pattern of data that you require for the integration to work.
Number of stores currently integrated
This is the information that we use to build our Manual integration Page
Ecommerce Name
Ecommerce Image

When in the form object there is a
type = select
then the data array is all the values that param accepts

9. Ecommerce Requirements - Ecommerce Information

GET https://api.ecartapi.com/modules/ecommerces/{{id}}