Welcome to the API development workspace. This workspace serves as a single source of truth for the APIs we build and helps new engineers get onboarded to our team's API landscape faster.
These collections contain thorough documentation of our team's APIs. They will help you understand the capabilities of the services we own and how to use them effectively.
As an example, we've added the API Documentation collection. It contains requests and examples to create, read, update and delete collections via an API.
Similarly, we recommend adding #reference collections for your services to this workspace.
These self-service collections curated by our team will help you observe workflows supported by the services we own. You can directly send requests using these endpoints.
As an example, we've added the RESTful API Basics collection that uses fake-store API to create, read, update and delete products.
Similarly, we recommend adding #blueprint collections for important workflows managed by your team.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your manager or any member of the Engineering team.