Akamai APIs API Documentation


Number of APIs: 6

1. Create or clone an include

POST https://{{host}}/papi/v1/includes?contractId={{contractId}}&groupId={{groupId}}

Limited availability This operation either creates a new include from scratch or bases one on another include's rule tree. Version 1 of a new include is created automatically.

2. List includes

GET https://{{host}}/papi/v1/includes?contractId={{contractId}}&groupId={{groupId}}

Limited availability This operation lists includes available for the current contract and group. Use optional query parameters to only show includes that were modified within a specified time range or on a selected network. If you specify the modifiedSince parameter, contractId and groupId become optional. If you don't identify a contract and group, the operation lists all includes you have access to, modified within a specified time range.

3. Validate an include

GET https://{{host}}/papi/v1/includes/validation-results/:activationId/properties/:propertyId/versions/:propertyVersion

Limited availability Gets the results of an include validation against the specified parent property version that references the include.

4. Get an include

GET https://{{host}}/papi/v1/includes/:includeId

Limited availability This operation gets a specific include. You can call this operation by specifying any of the includeId members from a list of includes, or by running a GET on the includeLink response when creating a new include.

5. Remove an include

DELETE https://{{host}}/papi/v1/includes/:includeId

Limited availability Removes a specific include, which you can only do if none of its versions are currently active. A successful DELETE results in a 200 response and a confirmation message. Attempting to delete an active include results in a 500 error. Attempting to delete an unknown include results in a 404 error.

6. List parent properties

GET https://{{host}}/papi/v1/includes/:includeId/parents

Limited availability Lists all active properties that reference a specific include. Combine optional query parameters to paginate, sort, and filter the results. Specify any includeId you get from a list of includes.